Sunday, April 9, 2017

October 2005

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<eventtime>2005-10-14 13:34:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2005-10-14 17:42:53</logtime>
<subject>Amendment XXVIII</subject>
1. By convocation of the collective will of the individual State Legislatures of the union, if a two thirds majority of the legislatures of the collective states find an act of Congress, Executive Order, Federal Regulation or Judicial interpretation to be in violation of the 10th amendment it shall be made null and void. 2. The Congress may not pass a law mandating activity by the states without providing sufficient funds to execute the law in question. 3. The Congress shall have the power to pass legislation enforcing this amendment. 4. If two thirds of the states find the legislation enforcing this amendment to be insufficient, the states may usurp federal funds, under the watch of the federal judiciary, sufficient to ensure their sovereignty.
<eventtime>2005-10-19 11:17:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2005-10-19 15:22:59</logtime>
<subject>Amendment XXIX</subject>
1. Congress shall apportion all budgetary items in legislative sections, not to exceed $1 million dollars, for auditing purposes. 2. The Vice President, as President of the Senate, shall have the power to remove individual individual items, as designated in these sections, that do not serve the needs of the Federal Government in its service to the People of the United States of America from the legislated budget. 3. Congress may over ride the removal of a budgetary section by a two-thirds majority of both houses.
<eventtime>2005-10-20 09:59:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2005-10-20 14:15:47</logtime>
<subject>How To Impeach The President of The United States</subject>
<lj-cut> I am not supposed to sue people. Generally speaking it is highly discouraged for Mormons to use the legal system. There are a lot of reasons for this, primarily among the which is that the church was sued a lot in its early history, and the general authorities back then had a lot of unpleasant things to say about lawyers. The other reason is that lawsuits are very....well...frankly unchristlike. Generally speaking they involve bile, darkness and bitterness. Having said that, anyone who truly understands the principle also understands the fact that there are times where it is necessary; such as a class action lawsuit against tobacco companies that are single handedly marketing their stuff to 7 year olds. I am also supposed to support the government. However there are limits. I believe in honoring the office of the United States. I had given the president the burden of doubt when he initiatally ran, and even after I determined that I didn't really LIKE his actions, I at least attempted to respect the office. Things have now moved to a point beyond that. For the good of the nation, President George W. Bush MUST be removed from office. This is not a thing I say lightly. The implications are dire, becuase it will PERMANENTLY weaken the office of the president. Indeed, the tactic that advocate using to remove him is, frankly put, kind of underhanded. Under normal circumstances, the ends do not justify the means, but sometimes the circumstances are so dire that they have to be considered. To put it bluntly, look at history. What was it that finally 'brought Clinton down'? The rethuglicans (as compared to the republicans) tried to do everything they possibly could to impeach and implicated Clinton in every possible way. They finally got him with a civil lawsuit. The precident has been set. Numerous federal rulings have indicated that the President can be sued in civil court. There are certain conditions that have to be maintained to make this work: It cannot be a suit against him for doing his job as President of the United States. A judge will toss that out, however, he can be sued for things he did PRIOR to becoming President of the United States. Why will this tactic work? Because it will force George W. Bush to testify UNDER OATH. Thus, opening the extreme likelihood that he will commit PERJURY, the very offense that they nailed Clinton with. You will note, if you carefully go back and look at each time Bush has appeared in certain venues, particularly the time he appeared before the 9/11 commission, that they met behind closed doors and refused to take a witness oath. Why was this done? Because the Bush Think Tank is all too aware of the pandora's box they opened when they went after Clinton. The path is all there, that they set up. Even if Bush didn't do anything worthy of a Sexual Harassment lawsuit before he became president, can you REALLY tell me that he hasn't done anything worth suing over? What about the investors in all of the businesses that he destroyed? 6 degrees of separation. I don't know anyone who has been personally screwed by Bush...but perhaps I know someone who knows someone. Perhaps you know someone. Perhaps that person is willing to sue over it. Maybe. </lj-cut>

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