Sunday, April 9, 2017

Jul 2015

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<eventtime>2015-07-06 20:55:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-07-07 00:55:16</logtime>
<subject>Adamantium Gossimer</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">It comes when it wants<br>It leaves when it is done<br>But not with a rush of blood <br>That comes later<br>It starts with a whisper <br>In the back of your mind<br>And the top of your brain<br>Your agenda has been changed<br>Curves and silk and sighs and lips<br>Red and blonde and legs in strips <br>The dance invisible <br>The bond still real<br>The need to touch<br>And tease and feel <br>Primal biological necessity <br>The essence of life<br>Now the blood pumps<br>The glands secret<br>The muscles flex <br>And the fireworks dance<br>What is<br>Is what must be<br>Nothing more now <br>Magic in the making<br>A quench of thirst<br>In a desert that never ends<br>Until it does<br>Sated<br>Sometimes a little ashamed<br>Usually glad<br>A glance<br>A cuddle or mayhao a retreat <br>Your mind returns<br>And you retain the illusion once again<br>That you are a rational being<br>A cold and plaidly logical creature.<br>Good luck with that<br>For the drums will pound again <br>When you expect them least.</p>
<eventtime>2015-07-13 22:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-07-14 02:10:33</logtime>
<subject>Ja, Very Nice</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Redwin Tursor</p><p dir="ltr">Clockwork soulless jamboree <br>The Wilhelm came to town<br>With dreams of Europe <br>That afford more thought to sheep subsidies <br>Than human dignity <br>Sparkling dreams <br>Of a common market <br>As long as you play the Kaiser's rules<br>Stern but fair<br>Wilhelm knows best<br>Autocracy is coming <br>Democracy is going <br>Lisbon's treaty<br>More important <br>Than people.<br>Trouping swifty sniffing saintlies<br>About the good of privacy <br>And the right ti be forgotten <br>And war crimes<br>And the Hague<br>While paying a hobo in athens<br>Five euroes to let the Kaiser<br>Kick them to death with his jack heeled boots<br>Humilty?<br>That was so pase<br>So ever much so yesterday <br>New Germany <br>New Europe<br>Built on the bones of the dead<br>Germany has been humble long enough <br>The neo liberal neo Wilhelm<br>Now has said<br>Pay the piper<br>Or get the pipe shoved up your ass<br>The flowing slithering Santorum<br>Oozing onto the plains of Europe <br>Stain the hope of a bright blue flag<br>That was such a pretty pretty lie<br>But a lie just the same.</p>
<eventtime>2015-07-19 16:16:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-07-19 20:16:34</logtime>
<subject>Jekyll II: Electric Boogaloo</subject>
by Redwin Tursor My brother wrote here About how awesome the land and sea and sky here were A sweet poem about letting go And we took our beloved here For a weekend of romance and passion and fire And its a damn good thing we did For when we came for our second anniversary The Overlords of Gainsville Had Barfed Up Logorama All over the god damn entrance You can't throw a rock now Without it bouncing off fake palm trees Or Chef Boyardee Hotels What was once a quaint but isolated conference center Has become the most tacky cookie cutter beach That you can imagine Somehow In Florida Palm Beach Miami Beach Fort Lauderdale Even Key West They can build And not have it look like this. We'd heard about the fight And now we understand We found the least disgusting patch we could At least the state park was the same The Realtors in Gainsville Had not seen fit To upgrade for the common man In this case common Being the watch word of folka Who until last week wrapped themselves in their false flag And took pride that at least the police beat up someone more than them There was magic here But its mostly gone And will be a long time in coming back Bad things Will be coming to Terminus in days to come.
<eventtime>2015-07-29 21:17:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-07-30 01:17:38</logtime>
<subject>It is said</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">It is said that we rarely know who we are<br>Much less approaching anyone else<br>As I sit in the Cowboy bar <br>In the great traderoads<br>Where ghosts of the past<br>And spectres of the future<br>Wait and wait for the band to play<br>I am in part a wanderer<br>Drawn to a duster<br>And a hat outside of my time<br>Not a desire to steal thunder<br>Or any belief that I will ever rustle a cattle <br>But simply a connection to the West<br>The place where I was raised<br>This part of me is quiet <br>The wanderer <br>The traveler<br>The rider to far places<br>Who must be alone<br>But needs someone to come home to<br>Even when there is confusion <br>And a lack of understanding <br>When forces beyond our ability to reconcile<br>Spin us apart and together <br>It is something that I remember <br>Out on the dusty plains<br>My guiding star <br>Someone who gives a damn<br>And tries to understand<br>Here is to her<br>The woman who gives a damn</p>

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