Saturday, May 27, 2017

Thoroughly Tamed

by Emmit Other

Take one soul
Preferred Vibrant Intelligent
A tad redebellious
Steal voice by crushing the windpipe
Punish thoroughly
Best served on a bed of ham jello
With a side of white bread
And a beverage of destilled tears.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Snipe Hunt

by Emmit Other

Surely there must be some explanation
I ask myself
Of the sandy bird
In the Mountain fields
Why must we beat it with sticks
Why is it nocturnal
And how did a flightless bird
Get here from the beach
If it can fly
Why wouldn't it just fly away
When we try to gang up on it?
Poor thing
It must have terrible vision
So if I am so empathetic
Why do I join my fellow scouts
Beating sticks in the middle of the night
With my fellow rubes?
Because I am human
All evidience otherwise to the contrary.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

From the Diary of William Wake

by Emmit Other

What does it matter being right?
Has it gained me thrones, dominions or principalities?
Mankind should be my business
And I suck at my business
I am without Marleyian Chains
What does it matter?
I wander as ash
Churned from the firey furnace of society's creation
A false mask of miasma
The vapors killing me
Killing us
The voices saying those around me
Are but shadows cast on Plato's wall
I take these things as silent whispers
And even a shadow has meaning
Meaning enough to me
Meaning I must make
These are the things that bind men's souls
And tear me down
Tear me down