Monday, December 21, 2020


 Chronos and Zeus

Battling it out again in the heavens

800 years past

Mirage of Mythology

Panoplay to the steely naked eye

Bookending the Year of Chaos

Aquarius hosting the galactic affair

Drowned in a glory of stars

Stars we cannot see due to the pollution of light

One era ends

Another begins

The Golden Age is ours

If we but claim it

Fire was stolen once

Lets steal it again

And go up to join them

Sunday, December 20, 2020


 by Emmit Other

Stellar Signs does Aquarius Herald

I'm not so sure I'm empowered 

But I know the galactic axis feels like its moving

Even if it is at a glacial incrementalistic pace

I hear a call to something larger

Barging at my subconscious

Demanding acknowledgement

Demanding Portent

Demanding my time

I know not the structure

But I know it is a calling

As sure as any other I have ever known

Not every calling is worthy

Not every noble quest succeeds

But this one sings to my soul

And tomorrow is a doorway

Whether it is only in my mind

And I have yet to choose to accept it

Or a spiritual antenna 

Picking up something larger than myself

Something I can and should choose to acknowledge

Time is a lens and a doorway

It is knocking

And I shall open