Wednesday, June 14, 2017

With Great Sadness

by Emmit Other
I am concerned
About the other parts of me
The ones that are right as compared to kind
I just see things as they are
Through paint covered goggles
I don't pretend to any special wisdom
Though I wish it
In the non leprechaun delivered variety
So many friends
Have gone into madness
And I do not regret parting
Though often how I phrase it
And I do regret the parting
I regret that I am now allergic to lies
Dreadfully toxicly allergic to them
And cannot abide a wallower of lies in my life
I am no saint
I am no angel
And my days of lording my self righteousness
As a demi god to a demonic code
Are gone
Long time passing
And such a weight has been lifted there
Oh you cannot imagine
So I do not judge
Though I can't help but perceive
What you are
As you go galloping with glee
Off the cliff and into the fires of Mount Doom
But that doesn't mean I don't miss the times we shared
And hope some day
You deinicnerate yourself.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Synergy of Energies

by Emmit Other

Once you understand that time works differently here
Than on the flip side
That forwards is backwards
And sideways is orthogonal
You understand a coming together of ideas
That both does
And does not originate with you
The importance of merging order and chaos
Tradition and the New
The mixing of the mind and the will
The taking of the old path
In a new way
Just as the ways that mix
These are things that allow us
To conflect and subject our own mythologies
Trolling the underworld of our own energies
Scraping and defragging ways our own operating systems
Reflect math in fractle discoballs of possibilities
The importible yielding the impossible
The immovable object
Deciding to become the unstoppable force
The one yinging into the zigzag of the other
Until the yang is yarrow
And the tang is sorrow
And the bitter sweet taste of entropy
Is inverted like so many disnified candy lands
Because entropy is not the only path
But one of many
Or two if you want to be stubborn about it
Come what may
Interesting times abound
For me
And so many many others