Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mar 2011

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<eventtime>2011-03-05 06:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2011-03-05 11:36:52</logtime>
<subject>The Sands</subject>
by T. C. Ricks They shift As if on invisible wind But it is not the wind that moves them. Actions, butterflies of interconnected action No single grain realizes how it affects the other Left Right Sift Clash Sift Clash But upon no desert do flow these particles of pre glass But on twinned hourglasses Enchanted in scope As the sand leaves one It enters another Balanced on Ma'at's distorted scale No feather here But sand on sand on sand A web of un life The straining of connections Damning all of the web Deception upon deception But gravity does not care what sophistry A piece of glass tells itself Thoth merely records the results as they are. The truth is in the time. Time sifts the wheat from the chaff. The dark glass from the light. The lies from the truth. And then judgement shall be rendered.
<eventtime>2011-03-11 00:09:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2011-03-11 05:09:24</logtime>
<subject>The hymn of fire</subject>
And so at long last I am given the answer I could not find long after I had stopped seeking it I am not the man I appear to be. That simple yet subtle in it's nuance. What initial impression gives tall, stalwart, valiant honest, verbose, kind honorable and of course humble these things add up to quite the package a promise unrolled but beneath this are the scars of battles fought and lost long ago paranoia rage betrayal pain a hidden pain that is riddled that cannot be easily read making true connection impossible and above all a void a need for validation a need to feel that love is given unconditionally and approaching the degree to which is given the greatest flaw is that of a moderate expectation of reciprocation alas fairy tales are indeed hard to live up to reality is a crushing hammerfell known well but it seems that love's tender root never pentearwd to the deeper soil beneath a glimpse perhaps but nothing more concerned that all was a lie but in the seed not the soil shame in the fire that seemed to radiate from his armor and the truth was that he was both the outer shell and the inner flawed core for deeper still lay a quiet unyielding resolve easily snuffed out yet stubbornly relighting each time it is blown away like the candle if a birthday cake meant as a joke and while there is the hunger of the void there is also a secret inner fire of love for all mankind despite protestations otherwise if it's flawed and selfish nature for there is a curse of vision of what all men can be and an urge to strive for this and help others reach the same each in their own path so long as it harm none. There is not perfection there but there is beauty and a bounty of offer and now the Phoenix shall rise paramount champion of it's element. I am the man I appear to be. You just aren't looking hard enough or with the right pair of eyes.
<eventtime>2011-03-18 11:03:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2011-03-18 15:03:14</logtime>
<subject>Mr. Cain.</subject>
I'm trying to move away from politics, both for my mental health and because I largely regard it as pointless. However, because Mr. Herman Cain is being touted as 'the sane alternative' amongst libertarian and conservative circles, I felt linking to this article was appropriate. I don't mind someone being Christian and running for office, but as soon as you start criticizing others for 'not being Christian enough' that tells me you're going to mix your theology with your politics, and that makes you an unacceptable candidate, because I REALLY doubt you'd want MY theology being imposed on YOU.
<eventtime>2011-03-28 00:23:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2011-03-28 04:23:39</logtime>
<subject>The Next Great Truth</subject>
by Redwin Tursor I have learned many truths And the unlearning has been more painful by far. I learned that families aren't forever When I put my ear to the door. I learned that I was on my own When I got a cramp in my leg and had to swim to shore. But I have also learned that family relationships are often the only ones that last against the sands of time. I learned that my political beliefs were false In the echoes of a false witch hunt against a man I was supposed to hate. I learned that my religious beliefs were false In a commencement address. But I have learned that there are still deep truths worth believing in. I learned that "the people" aren't worth fighting for When they returned like a dog to its vomit. I learned that my country wasn't all it was cracked up to be When it allowed one of its own to be outed for political purposes. But I have learned that despite the poison there is still hope in anyone. I learned that true love is a hoax When I knew she wasn't even trying anymore. I learned that the girl of memory wasn't even a fantasy When Jack played me the Ace of Fools. But I have learned that even if it is something I may never have it is still the sweetest of all things while it lasts. I learned that friendship is often more of a convenience When I was shown what "he really thinks." I learned that loyalty is sometimes a price not worth paying In a shining pile of illusionary gold and septic poison. But I have learned that there are still true friends in this world, and that they often have lessons to teach us that we did not ever anticipate. I learned that God will not catch me when I fall When I went to the tower as promised and there was nothing but darkness and mocking shadows. I learned that miracles are in the eye of the beholder When I got veritable circus but never what I was really looking for. But I have still learned that there is a certain way of looking at the world through Dream that can make it a richer experience still in Myth. All the things I have learned Don't take away the pain. But the one thing I've learned Over and over again Is that what goes around comes around And the lesson boys and girls Is that soon I'll learn the next great truth Which lie will it be? So many to choose from So much yet still to see.

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