Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mar 2008

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<eventtime>2008-03-05 01:06:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-03-05 06:15:21</logtime>
<subject>Why Should I Fight For You World?</subject>
by Redwin Tursor You call the man a messiah. He speaks of hope and love. He speaks of bringing things to a higher plane. And yet there is mockery. And derision. And calls for more scrutiny. And the former slaves knife the other former slaves In the back Saying NOW ITS OUR TURN. And they call his supporters hateful. And their avatar levels charges Of lies and more lies. And still he does not return them. He is not helpless. Nor is he weak. He responds, but he does not respond in kind. Is the man a messiah? No. He is not. He is not perfect. He has made mistakes. Many mistakes. But his ideals are true. They are real. The man is not an empty suit. And yet you mock him for love. And for hope. He might not be the messiah, But he walks in his image. Why is that wrong? Is that not what we are all taught to do? He strives the make the world a better place. And yet the elders destroy him for it. They cannot stand a brighter world Yeah as they totter upon the brink of death. But he is still the better man. He still works for hope. Now, even now, he inspires better things. And I would be tempted to end the poem there. But I cannot. For a world, sick and imperfect such as it is To do such a thing, In the nation I consider most able To make it a better place. My faith in that city on a hill is lessened. And for what reason I must ask myself Must I dedicate myself to fight for her. For you see I am not a messiah. Nor am I too closely modeled after one. My illusions of brightness Shed past months ago For all my heroes turned traitor To the very truths they espoused. And while I admire him I do not hold him falsely high. He is a good man, With his imperfections. And lord knows I am no hero. I believe in Christ. I believe in the idea of Christ. But all we have All we truly have Are the echoes of his words from men of admirable Yet not quite perfect character. There are no pure mirrors Upon which to reflect the luminescence of the soul. Why then, Why then fight to make the world a better place? Because it is who I choose to be. That is fine and good. But good can mean a lot of things. So instead of fighting for America Perhaps I should simply be fighting For the part that matters. A little easier. A little less lofty. A little less hopeful. So slay yourself America. Crush your own hope. I, and others like me, Are tired of catching it up for you. You screwed up eight years ago. Four years ago. Now. Three strikes you're out. I'm not leaving. But I'm at the door And I'm almost out. I have hope But only so much. And I intend to save what I have left For people who give a damn. And like the preacher of old Who turned to the poor When the rich haughtily ignored his call. So too then Shall I focus On those who vote for Hope. The rest of you can rot in hell for all I care. I'm done trying to save you.
<eventtime>2008-03-08 23:18:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-03-09 04:22:01</logtime>
<subject>Saturday Night Sucks</subject>
Apparently <a href="">Saturday Night Live</a> is planning to do another riff on Obama. Its strange but I find myself not caring anymore. I mean, who are they playing to? Obama still won in Wyoming. If you show yourself to be so incredibly biased for so many weeks in a row, you just show how much you suck.
<eventtime>2008-03-12 00:18:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-03-12 04:21:31</logtime>
Hillary Supporters - Diligently Censoring the dialog
So there is a supremely pro hillary site out there called talk l.e.f.t (I don't want to help them on search indexes, just take out the space and periods). Not only do they take out comments that they don't like at will (in the name of keeping things 'civil') but they also haven't said JACK about Ferraro. Just shows you the reality of these people, and of Hillary Clinton. If you're in the mood to see censorship in action, watch one of their posts over 200 hours. See, they allow pro obama supporters to post, but they'll randomly delete comments, not even just comments that say how much Hillary is a bitch. They erase just enough to maintain the illusion of neutrality and close the topic after 200 posts, always carefully edited to make Hillary supporters look reasonable and Obama supporters look stupid. This is the kind of America that Hillary wants for you.
<eventtime>2008-03-22 16:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-03-22 20:08:57</logtime>
<subject>We Can No Longer Afford Rephuklycans</subject>
China is winning the new cold war we don't even realize we're in. As mentioned in the article <a href=";_ylt=Ah7AQnU2Px76T9dlXd7abmMDW7oF">here</a>, over 100 counties sent statements to China saying that they were correct in suppressing the demonstrations in Tibet, in squelching free speech, and in acting like a tyranical government. One by one, democracy is falling in other countries and our President is doing nothing about it. We are in a new cold war for Freedom, and slowly but surely our own media has been consolidated and incorporated until we can no longer stand up for what is right without fear of losing economic clout. Our greed will be our downfall. Above all, we can no longer afford to let people who think that America can do no wrong, who think that news sources who say that Anthropologic Climate change is not real, and who think that selfish Imperial behavior is acceptable. This is the new cold war. This is the war where freedom and civil rights must prevail, not Capitalism. This is a war that we don't even realize that we are in; we think we're fighting Islamists. We're not. We think we're trying to maintain American supremecy. We're not. This is a very fight for the freedom of freedom, and we can no longer have idiots and liars running the show. They know what the stakes are, and we'd better wake up to that fact before it is everlastingly too late.
<eventtime>2008-03-23 20:24:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-03-24 00:28:24</logtime>
<subject>Behold the Great China</subject>
Ah bold and great China, 5000 year old civilization, so confident in itself that it feels it <a href=";_ylt=AiRfu4wK_QS5r3DWPWdWJzYDW7oF">must criticize</a> an exiled spiritual leader and a legislator thousands of miles away. This is a nation that is obsessed with the 2008 Olympics as a symbol to the world of its coming of age as a great power. But how can a nation that sends tanks against its own people have any moral authority or strength? It has strength of arms, and strength of economic might, but no moral authority. China has so much confidence in itself and in its people that it creates the most sophisticated internet filter known to man to squelch the speech of its people. That is not a sign of strength. That is a sign of fear. China is afraid of China more than anything else, and a house divided against itself cannot stand. You cannot MAKE people love you, you can only make them pretend to do so.
<eventtime>2008-03-24 14:21:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-03-24 18:24:15</logtime>
<subject>Wal Mart = Evil</subject>
Because of recent efforts to improve their image, including cheap perscription drug care and environmentally friendly policies, I was slowly considering moving Wal Mart from "Evil" to "Benignly Evil" (Big difference since I'll shop at the latter in some cases) until I read this. <a href="">WalMart Sues its own employee to get money back</a> I don't care if something is legal, I also care if it is Evil. I've been concerned lately that I might have become too harsh in some of my comments on this blog, but then I read things like this and I go, "Nope. There are jerks in the world, and I intend to comment about them."

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