Sunday, April 9, 2017

August 2008

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<eventtime>2008-08-01 17:42:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-01 21:52:38</logtime>
<subject>I, Icarus</subject>
by Redwin Tursor With warm wax wings I touch the sky Behold me now I fly! I fly! The blue dome of heaven Launches up before me In all their perfect light Apollo in his chariot Dawns all things in sight. I soar gladly up to meet him To see the mighty steeds That draw the sun And show my cunning deeds. The air is getting thinner now And the blue Has turned to black. My breath is getting shorter From the oxygen I lack. And Apollo now is missing There's just a burning ball That hasn't gotten bigger And has barely moved at all. I see the stars around me now Above the bowl of blue That my flapping cannot continue; Gravitic death comes due. The sun is not Apollo And there rides on high no god. Only a single burning ball of gas, And something else quite odd The world is round, Not flat at all The truth now before I die. One more myth is shattered One more denial to deny. I plunge to earth enlightened And now I know the truth There never was an Apollo Oh the feckless joy of youth In the timespan of an hour I age my life this day From the learnings of my father The price now I must pay. I am a man ahead of time I've learned the truth too soon For the Earth comes now to embrace me The mortal coil will cocoon. There is now another Gate unseen beyond Does death bring another answer Or will hope that too abscond? Was it better to know That the sun is just a star? Or was my ignorance a shield Against the spirit's scar? You'll never know I'll never tell For I am now beyond the grave And dead men do not tell their tales Neither young nor bold nor brave.
<eventtime>2008-08-05 03:24:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-04 19:32:27</logtime>
<subject>The Last Thing In the Box</subject>
by Redwin Tursor What an Insidious Perfidious thing is Hope. It gnaws at you Tears at you Guts you And then leaves you for dead. When Pandora opened her pretty box All the evil things came out to play. Story tellers mitigate this By telling of the last thing to come flying Out of the box that day. Hope. Now what's the deal with hope? It boosts you Deludes you Keeps you going Just like caffeine, cocaine or codine. It moves you along When any sane person would stop. It is utterly untracable by the DEA And thus far, the War on Hope has been less effective Than the War on Drugs, The War on Thugs, The War on Cancer, The War on Hunger and The War on War all together. Despite all our best efforts, We keep having hope. Hope, much like lesser gateway drugs Like love, faith and charity Seem harmless enough But then you get hooked on Hope And it feels great. You're moving along Singing a song. But what happens when you lose it? What happens when your hope is taken away Or even threatened to be taken away? How devastating Crushing Earth Moving That can be. You can loose hope, But you're almost always going to find it again Because there is almost always some loon out there That picks it up and offers you a dose. Hope might seem harmless But the withdraw symptoms are a bitch. I keep trying to go cold turkey And keep getting dragged back down. We'll see what I can do.
<eventtime>2008-08-05 10:44:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-05 14:49:39</logtime>
<subject>Thank You for Your Apathy</subject>
by Redwin Tursor It used to be I'd rave and rant Against your stupid apathy. If you didn't vote You got no respect Of any kind from me. But now... Wizard's First Rule "People Are Stupid" Perhaps I abridge a bit But not by much, Cause its certainly true I've now seen our nation covered in.... Shaving cream. Our nation's divided Right down in two One nation divisible Can't fix it with glue So I think to myself I'm one of 10 percent The elite, the pure The anti-innocent I bother to look Where others do not With an issue that matters My attention is caught So I must then soon know My disgust will then grow As I look at the 90% Who vote based on party, Or Race, Sect or Creed Instead of their motives, Words, Message and Deed. So the more you vote With your heart, Not your head The more that I matter And your vote is dead. So please by all means Check your brain at the door Because your stupidity only Makes my vote count more.
<eventtime>2008-08-08 13:14:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-08 17:15:05</logtime>
The Government Feels That It Can Do What It Wants On The War On
Have Dogs? Want them to not be killed at random? Then stop voting Rephuklycan. Look at what your <a href="">drug war</a> is costing innocent people. But its worth it in the long run...right? Right?
<eventtime>2008-08-14 13:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-14 17:39:06</logtime>
<subject>An Anti McCain Ad I approve of</subject>
And one that isn't one of the watered down pieces of crap put out by Obama That ad pretty much says it all.
<eventtime>2008-08-21 13:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-21 17:17:38</logtime>
Did you know that To Ralph is a synonym for vomiting? <IMG SRC=""> RaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAlph has <a href="">suggested</a> that Obama choose Hillary Clinton as his VP. No conflict of interest THERE. I mean its not like he's running for president or a racist thug or anything. Obama should clearly listen to RaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaalph.
<eventtime>2008-08-25 13:23:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-25 17:28:16</logtime>
I'm the first guy to stand up and call a spade a spade
Or tyranny tyranny. China is a bureaucracy of shadows, smoke and mirrors to cover up with very pretty lights the fact that they're a tyrannical dictatorship that is rotten to the core. All of the economic progress in the world doesn't mean anything if you don't have the Rule of Law or respect property rights, which China doesn't. You have the rights that they say you do, and capitalism requires it. It's a house of cards in some ways; particularly their stock market. We'd better ALL hope it doesn't tumble down or we could face a global depression. Russia is a corrupt Kleptocracy run by ex-KGB thugs, with their minds stuck in the 19th century. They assume they have a right to a 'sphere of influence' in Georgia, Ukraine, and the Baltic States. They have to be dealt with, just like we did during the Cold War. But if I'm calling a spade a spade, then <a href=";_ylt=AuHSvHCFLvUEJ.bM2gWnNNqyFz4D">this</a> nonsense where we are upset at Russia recognizing independence of the two breakaway regions of Georgia where we did the exact same thing to Kosovo and Serbia is utterly #@$@#$ ridiculous. The only thing separating the two is the fact that we're real democracies and Russia is a cartoon, also the genocide factor weighs heavily against Serbia, but Georgia has been behaving very badly with regards to these two break away regions and Russia is totally justified in demanding their independence as well.
<eventtime>2008-08-25 21:35:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-26 01:43:41</logtime>
Slick Romney and The 9/11 Gollum Are in Denver Playing Fort
The Rephuklycans have a 'war room' in <a href="">Denver</a> while the Democrats are having their party. "Look at us!" They cackle with 6 year old glee, "We're so clever! We're here in our fort whispering nasty things about the Demoncrats!." <lj-cut> "Yeah like the Surge!" "Yeah, 9/11. The Surge, 9/11!" "Obama was AGAINST the surge." "And 9/11 McCain was 9/11 for it 9/11." "And who cares about the fact that the whole reason for the Surge was because we fucked up in the first place." "Yeah, 9/11. Who 9/11 cares? McCain 9/11 can 9/11 read a 9/11 basic military 9/11 text book!" "That's right. He sure can. Obama could NEVER listen to a compotent military advisor. While it is true the Bush can't, McCain is much better than Bush and a Maverick." "Right! 9/11. Even 9/11 though 9/11 they 9/11 completely 9/11 agree on 9/11 everything! It was McCain 9/11 that changed 9/11 Bush's mind!" "Which of course means that it is McCain's idea to make the Birth Control pill equal abortion. After all, 'Life begins at Conception'. Which is what I've totally thought all along." "Totally 9/11." "And I've got this <a href="">well researched</a> Rephuklyan article that says that Obama is lying about the surge!" "Surge 9/11!" "He's talking out of both sides of his mouth!" "And 9/11 Rephuklycans NEVER do that! 9/11." "Our people won't care why the surge was necessary. Even the ones that claim to be libertarian and the like. They won't believe what Obama says about the 2nd amendment, they'll only believe what Niel Boortz and the NRA TELL them he secretly believes about it." "9/11!!!!!" </lj-cut>
<eventtime>2008-08-28 08:52:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-28 12:55:40</logtime>
<subject>Thoughts and Musings</subject>
Funny thing about Ents.....they might be slow boring and ponderous for 99.9% of their existence, but you do not want to piss off an Ent. Mr. Kerry gave a very good speech last night. And so did Bill Clinton. And so did Joe Biden. And so did Hillary Clinton. I am not over the FISA capitulation bill, but I am glad that I have been fighting for the Democratic Party. Just as I am glad I have been fighting against Nancy Pelosi. As I surf the net, PUMA people make me sick. But I am not going to blame the Clintons for that.
<eventtime>2008-08-29 12:00:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-08-29 16:04:40</logtime>
<subject>I win.</subject>
I had two, and only two personal stakes in this election. 1) I did not want Hillary Clinton to be President or V.P. Not because I had anything against her, but because I was (and am) fervently convinced that a Clinton victory would empower the meme of family dynasties, thus indirectly empowering the Bush family. Considering that the entire Bush family are psychotic losers with delusions of grandeur, this would be a bad thing. I win. 2) If the speculation on the news is correct, Mitt Romney will neither be president nor Vice President. I personally believe that the LDS church deliberately invited Dick Cheney to speak at BYU on April 26, 2007 because they wanted to encourage Bush to endorse Mitt Romney for president. Given Karl Rove's work behind the scenes pushing Romney down rephuklycan throats for the last few months, I feel that I am vindicated in this belief. Most mormons are good, hard working people with a fervent believe in Christ our redeemer. The Council of the 12 apostles and the First Presidency are sniveling weasel crotch lickers who are probably in league with Satan, or at the least in league with the Rephuklycan party. I win. Of course, now getting Obama in place is the best thing for our country, and if Palin and McCain get into power women will be reduced to the status of slavery within 7 years. Its not about me winning at this point its just about America winning.

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