Sunday, April 9, 2017

Nov 2016

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<eventtime>2016-11-09 12:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-09 17:10:38</logtime>
<subject>Scorpion Gonna Be</subject>
by Emmit Other You wake up today And the sun indeed rises And life is somber for a while But then the day to day starts Maybe the headlines are a little grim Your team didn't win But life goes on that crazy lazy way it does Tomorrow comes and it seems just fine That boiled frog is you chum One tiny notch at a time Troops aren't marching in the streets day 1 They don't suspend the bill of rights Jan 21 But they will chum Make no mistake about it Birds Gotta Fly Fish Gotta Swim Scorpion Gotta Sting Even a Boiled Frog And sting it will And I will laugh and laugh and laugh Because odds are you didn't do enough If you did anything at all I did So did some of my friends Who cares? When the stakes are this high We all lose chum Being right doesn't matter one hill of beans Not one
<eventtime>2016-11-10 11:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-10 16:57:07</logtime>
<subject>Won't You Feel for Methland?</subject>
by Emmit Other So much depends On the rusted dirt encrusted wheelbarrow Surrounded by dead chickens Unloved Unmaintained While Bubba drools in his trailer Meth snorted up and into Every conceivable hole. Won't you have a care for Bubba? Bubba doesn't care - For uppity women Or 'coloreds' Or Muslims Or 'college edjumated fags' Or 'hippie dippie libruls' But Bubba lost his job And hasn't had the smarts to train for something else The city council Has been too busy passing a special tax zone For the Ark Encounter And the Gun Range To actually bring new business to town Bubba and his kin spoke loudly Care for bubba Empathize there librul Twas librul justice that brought him -Weekends -Welfare -Health Care -Work Standards so he didn't lose his eye But Bubba must be heard Bubba must be prayed to Worshiped Orally serviced by Every Librul in merica Cause its the librul way to empathize with everyone Like a fucktarded monkey you know Like the one Bubba just elected Start lickin librul Self respect is for winners Or You know You could have some sense of self worth And that consequences should matter And focus on helping those Who actually want it Need it Deserve it Instead of Bubba's meth habit Time for a parting of ways Methinks And gazing around the internet I'm not only one who thinks so any more Bubba always hollars about how awesome it would be to have his own country Let im go Let im go Let Methland be Methland
<eventtime>2016-11-12 19:25:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-13 00:25:03</logtime>
<subject>Just Me Myself and Her</subject>
by Captain Meatsack Just me and the mrs Just me and the mrs And the talking mouse Mr Kind was left behind He agrees its fixin needin Fixin needin Half my soul done up and gone Done up and gone Done up and gone Rhombus Emmit Epglone Hai to Terra flown TC he did die to swell Gone and flown Long time gone Fae of stories wind done shone Sky done shone Through all the things that carry you Woman I love Still here is here Still is here Hope we all dont disappear With the brownshirts knockin Somewhere there's a me that fights Me that fights Me that fights But he aint here in my old flesh No tights No cape No chainmail mesh No hero here in Real Town Redwin here was splattered on a city bus Painful was it done Redwin splattered on a city bus Redwin dere splattered Amigos silent as the wind As the wind In the hole the spider crawls Pulling in his web Silent goes the mighty horns And who is left but Meatsack? Can't just leave it there Leave it there In despair Some kind of positive spin Something uplifting Something hope But the best of me has gone and flown Gone and glown Out there in the universe They fight the fight Where folks is worth it Me I am just a meatsack here Meatsack hear? I aint no more special than none And so the simple truth is this Truth is this Hope and pray we make it through Make it through Same as you Meatsack stuck is all I is And this sand cuts like glass This will pass Is what they say What they say What the heavens tell me Passing like a kidney stone Kidney stone It will hurt before its done So the heavens tell me
<eventtime>2016-11-20 21:29:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-21 02:29:14</logtime>
<subject>No I Don't</subject>
by Emmit Other No. No I don't. I don't have to be right. But I do have to be honest. I can't lie to myself And have little tolerance for lies others tell to themselves That doesn't make me popular You threaten to hurt yourself To prove your point You think you shut me up Because you are delicate enough to tear my face But strong enough To think I am as disloyal As the people you insult with by comparison I am honest So I am going to be An insult only hurts If there is some element of truth Or at least you believe there is So the pain at being abandoned Might sting for a reason Even though it shouldn't Because I dont believe it was wrong But you do Because clearly you were thinking things Besides what you said When you did it But I still absolve you Just as I do now Understand I do not plan to abandon you My punishment is worse You don't get to know my thoughts I will listen I will Ed McMann And nod And wipe my eye And laugh And smile And gasp And hug But you wont get the truth from me No one will No one will
<eventtime>2016-11-21 15:22:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-21 20:22:13</logtime>
<subject>Door Solomonization</subject>
by the Bus flattened Corpse of Redwin Tursor Hi Puerto Rico. I am sorry. So very sorry. For the impending screwage you are about to receive. You are not a cat. So you needed to get in Or get out. Independence or statehood Commonwealth seemed cool Didn't it? All the benefits except that stupid senate thing None of the penalties; Like income tax But now... now Puerto Rico now.... Now your debt is coming due And you are beholden to But not part of A hostile and rising power You have no rights but what they give you And as several college students are about to learn Complaining to the dean of students Won't stop the President of the United States The Democrats could learn a thing From Puerto Rico Be all something Be progressive Or Republican Light Stop trying to be both And stop the people who try to use harsh language To paint their opponents as monsters Its the reason I left And the reason you're screwed Just like Puerto Pobre.
<eventtime>2016-11-28 22:28:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-29 06:28:28</logtime>
<subject>Farther From Sin</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">Everywhere has problems<br>But a folk who has a tradition of working together<br>Despite the tremendous individuality<br>That heralds their state<br>They are not free of sin<br>no one is<br>No one is<br>But farther and farther <br>From thw festering snake pit<br>That sits astride the dying empire<br>Or the rust belt cancer at its heart<br>So desperate from meth<br>They sold every one else down the river<br>Knowing they were in that canoe<br>And not caring<br>Make no mistake chamos<br>That recount will regive it to Shitler<br>And no amount of whining<br>Will put Shitler back in the ass of the assholes<br>But its nice to get away from the dumpster fire<br>Even for a little while<br>Spend some time with loving<br>Heavily forcibily mellowed family<br>To put things in perspective<br>To put things right<br>Now back to the grind<br>And my loving spouse<br>At least we can smell the festering rot together</p>

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