Sunday, April 9, 2017

May 2012

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<eventtime>2012-05-13 17:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2012-05-13 21:05:16</logtime>
<subject>Comes White Lightning</subject>
by Emitt Other Sit a spell At the casting of bones Round the fire we sit Tell a tale Of a world no more In cracks and crags now split. It was a high place At the edge of the forest of dreams Filled with miners Plying the latest strike For a rush was on As miners are wont to do Rushing from one claim to another What when one small farm and a pig Bursts up and spreads towers All on its own Gold and Silver and Platinum They say there are many worlds As many you can imagine and more But no one knows for sure what the dreams are Crystallized tears of the gods perhaps Petrified stars From places that never were But when you knew how to work them There was nothing they could not do Build you a palace Or grant you your wish The finest of garments Anything Everything or more. The city in this case Went by the name of Spoke And all there ein feined politeness For an armed society Is a polite society And when dreams are your stock and trade You are well armed indeed One foul split of the tounge And worlds could and would collide. Worked and worked and worked some more Did our miners ply their trade Into the ground And above it By root and branch they dug Never had they found such a rich vein So much to work By comes a sunrise And all their tools cease a spell An a man sits there by the river “Call me the Dreamer” was what he said “This far no farther.” He pointed to the River. To the left and right He moved his hands “You’ve half the forest left to use” The miners then laughed And locked him up His terms they did refuse. Until the sunset When the lightning came And the dreams then turned against them For what few know Is a secret sewn In the hearts of all things fire. When you dance among the stars There is risk that is quite dire. The storm clouds brewed And a few could get it They set their hearts to bargain They’d keep the terms Of the river set To avoid the coming reckoning. But most had ne’er a clue Of their impending doom And wandered ere they may Then the lightning came And through their very dreams Were turned and tossed And scattered The utter forces of chaos woken Their whips and dances and singing broken The eggman, the inkman, the servant’s fool The seamstress, the stuart and thinker’s tool They screamed and ran When the nightmares came The rising seas And the blooded rain It felt as calm as icy sea That winded woken destiny But the roiling boiling primal urge Was sung instead a dreaming durge When the things of old that woke the depths Stole instead their heaving breathes Every time they shut their eyes for solstice sleep Their folly’s fury their souls did reap For none could flee the Dreamer’s wrath Not world not shine not sheen by hath The mirror shatters when you need it most Offended guest by the right of Host Give up the measure Give up the ghost There never was a place you knew The curse was lasting And the curse was vile Lifted only by the end of bile The wracking seas And the broken earth The weeping skies And the ceasing birth Know the secrets that they unlocked Were their undoing Now sealed, blocked. So there lad If there be a lesson Let it be this then Seek a balance And keep your word And be an honest sort Take none as harmless Take none as worthless And there can be no harm ere done But if you think to take what isn’t yours Expect it taken back. For the balance works And the balance takes From black to white to black.

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