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<eventtime>2010-02-19 15:30:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2010-02-19 20:30:05</logtime>
<subject>Positive Stuff</subject>
So since I'm ranting a lot elsewhere on the internet, in part on a political blog that I'd rather not link to this one so that I don't make it easy (as easy as it already is) for the ghouls to track me and sully my identity (though if interested, ping me privately and I can point you in the right direction) but I still like this blog and because I have a yearly goal to be more positive, I am going to try to start a 'positive things' blog....but rather than invent yet another one, I felt I would do that here. I will still occasionally use this place for poetry, philosophical madness and my soap box, but I feel that in some ways this is my first blog, the place where I can be most who I am, which is why a lot of the misc. stuff goes here. This might seem odd because of the sheer number of things I deliberately DON'T put here, like family updates, memes and the like, but positive insights are just as valuable, if not more valuable than the negative ones. So I'll start with two. The United Nations and the Olympics. Cynics Note: Yes. There is a supreme amount that is completely corrupt, ineffective and screwed up about these institutions, but I'm accentuating the positive, so shut the fuck up. The Olympics: This thing has been going on for more than a hundred years and it brings nations across the globe together to be able to compete against each other without using violence. The spirit of the games as they are meant to be fosters peace and cooperation, and these represent the height of the human spirit. We get to see these amazing athletes who put so much work into what they do, to dazzle us with their talent, but also with their wondrous souls that have focused and given so much of who they are and what they do to achieve greatness in a peaceful way for something more than themselves. No other institution I can think of represents the human spirit so well. The United Nations: As ineffective as this might be, they still represent the best people to help keep peace as a neutral power broker between nations that need a border guard. They have numerous quiet bureaucracies that help standardize vital elements between nations like WHO, or the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Finally, the UN represents one area where all the world's leaders can come together for common cause, and in a rare few occasions actually accomplish something good and note worthy.
<eventtime>2010-02-24 11:34:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2010-02-24 16:34:34</logtime>
<subject>Jennifer and Dogs</subject>
Two more positive things. Cynic's Note: There are no caveats for Jennifer. Dogs have their negative qualities but they are greatly outweigh the negatives. Jennifer Marie Ricks: She hates it when I put her on a pedestal, so we'll try to focus on the simple things. She is incredibly cute in almost everything she does. She is wicked smart. She is absolutely amazing at crafting. She is quite attractive. She loves to try new things and is very physically active and encourages me to be more physically active. She enjoys Belly dancing and working out among other things including looking back occasionally wistfully to her halcyon days in Soft ball. She cooks amazingly well. She pays attention to detail and has helped teach me the importance of doing so. She has helped teach me the importance of living life in the moment and paying attention to the now, not just the past or the future. She has helped me learn to manage my anger and see the positive in things (indeed one of the points of this blog.) She gives me the chance to serve another human being on a regular basis and be served. She helps me see things from a different perspective. She helps me moderate my more extreme view points. She listens to and acts as a sounding board for some of my more insane ideas. She is an amazing camera woman. She has been the First Reader for two of my novels. She gives me constant little surprises of little nick knacks that she has bought. She works with me as a partner in planning our lives. She convinced me to go to Ireland. She convinced me to go to the Inauguration last year. She's always seeking new experiences like "Two Gentlemen of Leboski" to help me expand my horizons. She is incredibly patient with my more eccentric habits like the occasional desire to howl at the moon. She has perfect blue eyes that will drown a man if he looks too long in them. She helps me believe in the impossible despite my most negative desires to do so. Dogs: They're our closest companions. They are more loyal and honorable than we are ourselves. You can kick a dog multiple times and it will still be loyal to you. They will always be there and be glad to see you. They often sense when you are in pain and strive to make you feel better. A dog will always listen to you.
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