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<eventtime>2008-05-02 13:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-02 12:12:06</logtime>
<subject>Right about some things, wrong about others</subject>
I wrote a poem yesterday that I'll post when I get back. Indeed, might do a lot of that. Couple of interesting bits though. I was wrong about Irish. 18% of the population now speaks it fluently. Apparently it has had an astounding recovery and you need it to get a job in civil service, as a teacher and many other government style jobs. 18%! In one generation! On the other hand, while there might be less corporate logos that I recognize, the Irish are selling their cultural heritage left and right...well, some of them. See, while it appears that generically the people are in touch with their roots, the locals around the hill of Tara are entirely content to ruin the skyline with a "£$"£$ highway that ruins the view. Many nationals don't like this but the local yokels don't care and keep electing Rephuklycan like politicians. We have also been watching the mayoral elections in London right now. It looks like the Conservatives are winning. Given the close ties in the past between Thatcher and Reagan, they may be UK Rephuklycans....but conservative does not equal Rephuklycan, and Brown/Blair Laborists are pretty much Rephuklycans with more style, so who knows....I guess the think that scares me is that UK Conversatives might be even WORSE on the Rephuklycan scale.
<eventtime>2008-05-11 23:48:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-12 04:05:12</logtime>
<subject>More News from the Land of Morons</subject>
Ah, Springtime, and the sweet smell of ignorant morons is in the air. Substitute Teacher attempts to break the ice with his students by making a match stick disappear. Moronic student shrieks, "WIZARD!" and yells to parent. Parent yells to District Supervisor. Teacher fired for practicing wizardry. Read more about the incredibly stupid inhabitants of Land of Lakes Florida <a href="">here</a>. I could be wrong, they might not all be stupid. Then again, the person who did the firing still has his job. However, I am not just complaining any more. It is time to take a hand and be part of the solution, not just part of the problem. I am sending Pasco County Schools a magic book I found on cheap (about $10) so they can tell a Wizard when they see one. Pasco County Schools 7227 Land O' Lakes Boulevard Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 (813) 794-2000 (352) 524-2000 (727) 774-2000
<eventtime>2008-05-13 11:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-13 15:38:53</logtime>
Attention Corporations: You are responsible for your conduct
The wheels of justice are slow. Sometimes they are excruciatingly slow....but they are still turning. Behold <a href=";_ylt=AjGLoEx3hqmm9YfTJdSTlTOyFz4D">here</a> in which victims of Apartheid are suing companies for propping up the tyrannical regime of South African apartheid. One must then wonder, perhaps such nascent tyrannies as China, Russia and Myanmar might care. And if they don't care, mayhap the businesses doing their merry old thing without attempting to get these governments to clean up their act are doing should. See the people getting tortured to death by government psychopaths have families. Some of whom have escaped to the US. Some of whom know full well that you are doing business with the government. Think on it.
<eventtime>2008-05-13 14:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-13 18:06:39</logtime>
Psychotic Judge throws a <a href="">man</a> in F*CKING JAIL because she didn't pass the GED? She's over 18. He is in jail for SIX MONTHS. This judge should be prosecuted under the law and thrown in jail himself.
<eventtime>2008-05-13 14:07:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-13 18:10:10</logtime>
<subject>Justice a la Carte</subject>
So a pithy sarcastic might point out that I am all in favor of a corporation being held responsible for supporting a dictatorship 20 years after the fact but that I'm opposed to a psychotic judge criminally responsible for abusing his power like this...and I'd say that if you can't see the difference between those two situations, you're probably not someone worth talking to. You don't have to agree with me, but if our view points are so radically different that you don't see supporting tyranny and those holding those who facilitate it responsible on the one hand and fighting tyranny in the face of a judge who abuses his authority on the other then we simply have paradigms that aren't going to come to any kind of a meeting place.
<eventtime>2008-05-16 16:07:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-16 20:10:21</logtime>
<subject>Something that every American should hear</subject>
<a href="">here.</a> Kieth Olberman shows just how stupid Bush is, Bush's comments are, and how selfish and idiotic he is.
<eventtime>2008-05-28 15:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-28 19:57:17</logtime>
<subject>Normally I'd be abhorent to link this</subject>
Because by linking it I make it more visible on search engines, but if you want an example of how pathetic Hillary supporters really are, read <a href="">this</a> talk back forum where even PRO hillary supporters who support Hillary but do not buy into the lies that Hillary is telling are being treated. Their arguments are valid, but because of the '10 comment limit' rule that is visibly selectively enforced on this page, they are able to live in their own little world of denial. This is the brand of liberalism that believes in "Political Correctness" and stifling free speech. This is the brand of liberalism that sympathized with communists. This is the brand of Liberalism that Hillary Clinton represents. You want to know what HC would be like as president? Look at the site policies of her followers. Particularly look at the calls by "Cream" and "Jeralyn" (a nationally syndicated blogger who has appeared on major talk shows) towards "Skex" and "MTHillary". Utterly pathetic.
<eventtime>2008-05-29 13:03:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-29 17:04:11</logtime>
More amusing quotes from the Talk Left Thought police
(Quote this time to avoid making people have to wade through all the crap) <lj-cut> Unity ticket (5.00 / 3) (#13) by Firefly4625 on Thu May 29, 2008 at 11:16:27 AM EST ONLY if Clinton's on top, IMO. Will not vote for the dems if they put the weaker, less experienced, less qualified MALE on the top and the stronger, more experienced, more qualified FEMALE takes a back-seat. Of course, I don't think Hillary would ever take a backseat to bambi - and she shouldn't - but what do I know? On the other hand, I would have to think long and hard even about voting for Hillary if Obama were on the ticket as VP - don't want him anywhere near the ticket. But that's just me...and millions of others... Goes both ways (3.14 / 7) (#32) by Socraticsilence on Thu May 29, 2008 at 11:24:04 AM EST As I addressed below (and wont repat after this timne, as I don't want to belabor the point), how would asking the person who won the majority of pledeged delegates to take the second slot, be any less of a slap in the face- or to phrase it as you did: Asking the BLACK WINNER, to get up and move to the back of the bus, so that the WHITE canidate can sit up front. [ Parent ] SITE VIOLATOR - Socraticsilence (3.00 / 2) (#94) by JavaCityPal on Thu May 29, 2008 at 11:47:08 AM EST For racist comments. [ Parent ] Wht? (none / 0) (#61) by Socraticsilence on Thu May 29, 2008 at 11:36:56 AM EST Why was I given a 1 for this, I merely applied the same logic as the poster I was replying to and I recieved a "1" while they were given a "5", that seems more than a bit odd. [ Parent ] Your last line (5.00 / 1) (#99) by Chimster on Thu May 29, 2008 at 11:48:20 AM EST was an idiotic and race-baiting jab. If you left that line out, maybe your message would have been better received. [ Parent ] Understand your environment (none / 0) (#101) by demsforlife on Thu May 29, 2008 at 11:49:38 AM EST This is a pro-hillary blog. Don't take it as a bad thing. </lj-cut>
<eventtime>2008-05-30 15:37:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-05-30 19:39:11</logtime>
<subject>Which is more pathetic...</subject>
That my new hobby is trudging through comments on Talk Left showing what post-Godwins they are, or this guy WaldenPond who obviously goes about counting posts so that he can 'site violate' someone for exceeding the ever precious 10 comments in 24 hours. <lj-cut> The SDs endorsements (5.00 / 1) (#228) by PamFl on Fri May 30, 2008 at 01:32:17 PM EST are not official votes until the convention. After the first round of pledged delegate voting, if neither candidate achieves the requsite number, there can be additional rounds of voting. During subsequent rounds, pledged delegates are free to change their votes. At some point, the SDs will be required to vote "on the record" to allow one candidate to achieve the majic number and the nominee will be selected. The BO campaign and the media are adding SD endorsements to the actual pedged delegate count. BO will not be the presumptve nominee unless Sen. Clinton drops out. Otherwise, it will go to the convention. [ Parent ] site violator (none / 0) (#223) by waldenpond on Fri May 30, 2008 at 01:29:32 PM EST you are over your limit of 10 comments per 24 hours. [ Parent ] How does this help win that war? (none / 0) (#190) by Big Tent Democrat on Fri May 30, 2008 at 01:12:30 PM EST [ Parent ] when did ju-jitsu involve... (none / 0) (#119) by p lukasiak on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:43:56 PM EST ...rolling over and playing dead? losing gracefully does not involve accepting lies as truth. It means fighting (fairly) to the end, and when you are beating, admiring your opponents superior skills (while s/he admires your skill and determination and integrity.) [ Parent ] Invoking the same adherence to the rules (5.00 / 1) (#148) by felizarte on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:54:23 PM EST in the August convention. [ Parent ] Here is an Obama supporter... (2.71 / 7) (#59) by FedUpLib on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:23:43 PM EST Who is impressed with the Clinton Camp for the first time in a long time. Assuming she sticks to this... [ Parent ] Same here (3.00 / 6) (#61) by SpinDoctor on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:25:39 PM EST Was a very classy move on her part. [ Parent ] How's this for "classy"? (3.00 / 4) (#113) by angie on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:41:20 PM EST Kiss my a_______. [ Parent ] That's very classy :) (none / 0) (#181) by PssttCmere08 on Fri May 30, 2008 at 01:08:40 PM EST [ Parent ] yeah you lurking obama trolls could take a (2.60 / 5) (#106) by PssttCmere08 on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:39:04 PM EST are all so think obama won something so you have to come to gloat. Your hollow compliments are just that....HOLLOW. [ Parent ] A bit soar are we? (n/t) (2.00 / 4) (#134) by slw0606 on Fri May 30, 2008 at 12:49:18 PM EST [ Parent ] 10 comments per 24 hours (5.00 / 1) (#219) by waldenpond on Fri May 30, 2008 at 01:27:18 PM EST Your (you're) knew (new) Please remember the rules (not to be confused with the Obama ruulz) you are limited to 10 comments in a 24 hr period. You sound a little angry people have the right to vote for who they want. Ha! Get over it. BTW you are over your 10 comments in a 24 hour period. </lj-cut>
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