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<eventtime>2009-06-01 15:03:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-01 19:08:30</logtime>
<subject>I've wondered how long it would take for this</subject>
<a href="">Someone shot a military recruiter at an office in Little Rock, AK.</a><br /><br />Now this might be another general run of the mill crazy shooting one of our brave serving men and women.<br /><br />But if it IS someone upset about the Iraq war.... <br /><br />Well lets just say that I am upset about things, and am very passionate.<br /><br />I can't imagine though that I'm more passionate or upset than say...1 in 100.<br /><br />So if theoretically if you take that to the 1 in a thousand factor, you might get people who are full time activists or more prompted to regular action.<br /><br />1 in 10000 more than that etc etc.<br /><br />So my point is, if someone was say....400-500% more passionate than I am, was just as convinced that the Republicans were trying to screw this country as I am....<br /><br />And had then seen their fellows have their limbs blown off, crappy equipment, mercinaries getting six figure salaries while you got crap duty with no sense of direction for years, no sense of remorse on the people that sent you there on a war based on a lie, people who have tarnished America's reputation by torturing and acting like any other banana republic.<br /><br />And for all of those people out there like that, how many get put in a situation where their whole life is ruined, and they have no hope, nowhere to turn to, or end up in a dead end VA hospital at their last desperate gasp of hope slowly fades away....<br /><br />It is a true testimate to our servicemen about how much they do care about this country that so far, none (and if this is an exception one) have done anything more extreme.
<eventtime>2009-06-03 09:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-03 13:58:39</logtime>
<subject>Topless Coffee Shop Burned to the Ground</subject>
Coincidence? Pattern?<br /><br /><a href="">Who knows</a>? but if two or three incidents more like this or the two shootings that occured recently continue to happen then we are in for Big Trouble, because such things tend to cascade.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-03 10:11:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-03 14:15:58</logtime>
<subject>Shutting down information is a sign of cowardice</subject>
Not greatness.<br /><br />And yet China is pretty much <a href="">shutting down the internet </a>because it is ashamed and afraid of its past.<br /><br />We blocked some photos of torture by our own people, which was stupid. What people imagine is ten times worse.<br /><br />What must the people in China think about a government that is so afraid of an anniversary that it shuts down half of the internet?<br /><br />Fear.<br /><br />And fear shows weakness.<br /><br />I don't care what the financial pundits say. China is showing its weakness and its fear.<br /><br />It is a house of cards, waiting to tumble down, the question is who they're going to take with them.<br /><br />Yeah, we're playing shell games in our own economy, but the fact of the matter is that our people can rebuild it themselves. WE are our economy and we don't need to shut the internet down any time something comes along that threatens the current government.<br /><br />The more a government does this, the weaker it is. North Korea is the worst, then Malaysia then China, then Russia and then psuedo democracies like Thailand, Turkey and Pakistan. Pakistan is getting better though. They have a real independent judiciary.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-03 10:37:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-03 14:46:46</logtime>
<subject>I have made the concious decision</subject>
Not to spend a good portion of my life fighting the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, despite wasting tens of thousands of dollars, thousands of hours and more mental anguish than anyone who has not been a member can imagine.<br /><br />And the truth is, I brook no problem with the members of the church. I have friends and family who are mormon, so I'm not going to spend my precious time (the one thing you never get back) bashing mormons.<br /><br />The leadership of the LDS church is fair game however. I consider them sanctimonius jerks at best, ruthless conmen at worst. And when I saw <a href="">this article </a>that shows Mitt Romney's son being talked about as a potential Ltn. Governor of Utah, it only confirms my belief that the Romney family received a 'blessing' from David O' McCay in the 1950's stating something along the lines that they or one of their descendants will become President.<br /><br />Mitt Romney is the nephew of Marion G. Romney who was a member of the first presidency. This is not like Harry Reid (the spinless) or Orrin Hatch or some other mormon politician. This family really *IS* a powerful political LDS dynasty, rich and politically powerful both in the real world and LDS internal circles.<br /><br />A United States president beholden to the President of the LDS church would be an incredibly bad thing. Read "<a href="">the Mormon Heirarchy: Origins of Power</a>" for a good look at how the con artists who run the church think.<br /><br />God does not let Con Men run His Church. God does not let people who babtize children by thinking it is a baseball initiation stay in His Church. God does not let Murderers or those who enable murders or who cover up murders for political conveince to stay in His church.<br /><br />Mitt Romney and all his spawn must never be allowed near any office of power ever again.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-10 15:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-10 19:48:34</logtime>
<subject>Pattern Established</subject>
<br />Fox News and the terror/hate machine have now officially <a href="">estbalished a pattern </a>in which random shootings of liberals or liberal causes will occur.<br /><br /><a href=",2933,512560,00.html">One</a> makes a fluke. <a href=",-Abortion-Provider,-Assassinated-in-Church">Two</a> makes a potential pattern. Three makes it a lock.<br /><br />The problem is, we cannot simply pass laws making the FOX assholes illegal. First of all, its unconstitutional. But second of all, its a bad idea. You have to have an opposition, otherwise you end up like <a href="">Venezuela</a>. <br /><br />Over the next few days I will be mentally trying to explore how to deal with this impending phenomena, and how to make stupidity illegal without stepping over the line.<br /><br />But we're in for some serious serious trouble.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-06-11 16:33:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-11 20:35:16</logtime>
The AMA has <a href="">donated more to Republicans</a> than Democrats.<br /><br />Thousands, no TENS of thousands die every year and hundreds of thousands suffer from a lack of useful health insurance.<br /><br />What ever happened to the oath to do "No Harm"?<br /><br />I guess it fell by the wayside as they cared more about the almight buck than human suffering.<br /><br />Way to go AMA.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-12 10:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-12 15:00:13</logtime>
<subject>The AMA backs off</subject>
There are two quiet simmering rage storms in this country (besides Rephuklycans). Republicans are counting on resentment towards inevitable Democratic corruption to give them more power in 2010.<br /><br />What they're not counting on are<br /><br />a) The Gay Marriage thing. People are getting fed up with having this used as a fear issue over and over. Once it becomes normal in states where it is legalized, and all of the end of days horror stories the Republicans use to fight it are done, they are only left with religious arguments.<br /><br />And that only flies in places like the South (where you STILL can't buy beer in Sunday.)<br /><br />The only real danger is if the Gay Rights movement goes the Malcom X route instead of the Martin Luther King route. I don't anticipate Gay Pride firebombs, but if they get pissed enough at Obama for not acting fast enough, I can see them causing an uproar irregardless of what it does to other issues, as compared to causing an uproar in a strategicly synergistic fashion. A subtle but vitally important difference. They have total justification to not have to 'bide their time for their turn' but burning down the house in doing so would be unwise.<br /><br />b) The bigger (population wise) issue is Health Care reform. The AMA apparently <a href="">is quietly backing </a>off being total assholes this time because they were informed in no uncertain terms that if they stood in the way of things this time, they would be stomped politically. And any democratic senator (I'm looking at YOU Dodd) should feel the same way.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-12 14:00:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-12 18:03:56</logtime>
<subject>Is the Chinese Tyranny Digging its Own Grave?</subject>
The Chinese government thinks<a href=",2817,2348652,00.asp">it is being cute</a> by mandating that all new computers have this spiffy (to them) censorship/spy software that lets them control what is on people's computers.<br /><br />But if I was a modern day revolutionary in a modern day totalitarian regime, I wouldn't randomly bomb things, I'd create quiet cells one person at a time until I had a good chunk of the political aparatus and the military on my side. But most important of all, I'd learn to get my message out.<br /><br />And could I have any better friend than a computer program that holds other people's computer's hostage, probably put together by government (ie 'crappy') computer programmers, such that I could use the government's own spy ware to spy on IT or contact other cell members, or, if I wanted to get a mesage out, use it to send an anonymous text message to other people?<br /><br />Sometimes one only needs enough rope to hang one's self.
<eventtime>2009-06-15 10:06:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-15 14:18:44</logtime>
Apparently, Iranian students have been protesting CNN via Twitter for failing to cover a lot of their actions to protest the elections in their country.<br /><br /><a href="">This blog</a> is a very popular link right now about twitter and youtube coverage to see what is going on, but as a student of history, I'm less than optimistic. <br /><br />You see, all indications are that the current government has been preparing this fraud for months. Specifically, members of the interior department resigned within the last few weeks, because the government has been purging all 'non loyalist' members from its position. Understand that Iran not only has an army set up under the model of control of a totalitarian state, but it also has the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which is a paramilitary political force entirely separate from the army.<br /><br />The government knows how to stop revolutions. They are only one generation removed from revolutions you see, and like China, they have been paying attention to what happened in Eastern Europe and learning from it, to keep it from happening there.<br /><br />Historically speaking, non violent change only occurs when there is some semblance of humanity or empathy on the part of the people with the guns who shoot the people without the guns. The Chinese Army didn't have that in Tianamen square. In fact, a striking example of this is the fact that appearantly now the Chinese PEOPLE don't have it either. The 20th anniversary came and went without so much as a blip. They were far more concerned by yet another attempt by the government to create even more snooping programs in their computers.<br /><br />So if non violent change is almost impossible in Iran, what about an armed revolution? Well, the problem with that is the new regime of international cooperation. We live in a multi polar world, and two of the five major powers are dictatorships. As such, they have a vested interest in making sure that smaller dictatorships are protected under international law, so that only the most extreme of regimes (specifically North Korea) MIGHT get some kind of diplomatic action against them.<br /><br />The days where we could unilaterally apply sanctions against a country like Iran and Cuba are rapidly disappearing. We need every economic edge we can get, and historically speaking India and the EU have shown an absolute willingness to go right around any sanctions unless they come through the UN. Iran and Sudan are semi exceptions, but sanctions just don't work if you don't have global cooperation.<br /><br />But because of the interdependency of our international markets now, the US and the EU are very reluctant to displease China and Russia, especially in a major way. On small things perhaps, but not to fund a revolution inside of Iran. And it would take something like that, because an armed revolt requires money from somewhere. But because of the mechanisms put in place to fight Al Queda, governments will put such organizations on terrorism watch lists. <br /><br />Governments in democracies have to do this, because if they don't, dictatorships like China and Russia will refuse to cooperate for the actual terrorist organizations like Al Queda. It also doesn't help that for hundreds of years, the west has been hypocritical about supporting dictatorships and actual terrorists instead of democracy. The term 'blow back' was used to describe the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan.<br /><br />Well we're seeing the same thing in Iran. Even if we wanted to 'look the other way' and let Iranian expatriots fund an armed revolt in Iran, we can't do that any more, lest we loose the cooperation we need against legitimate threats like Al Queda. And without a foreign base or foreign source of money, the odds of an armed revolt succeeding in Iran are remote at best.<br /><br />Are they doomed? No. Of course not, but the odds are long against them. <br />
<eventtime>2009-06-15 14:45:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-15 18:47:04</logtime>
<subject>I am pleased to say I was wrong...</subject>
At least so far.<br /><br /><a href="">All indications are</a> that the army is firing shots, but they're doing so sporadically, not en masse like what occured with Tienamen.<br /><br />And apparently, Twitter is successfully allowing people to organize, at least somewhat.<br /><br />If this actually comes out positively, I may actually join twitter.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-15 16:29:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-15 20:30:44</logtime>
<subject>J.K. Rowling should be flattered</subject>
Shakespear had to wait almost a century before people started saying he didn't write all his plays.<br /><br />"<a href="">Willy the Wizard</a>" (a 36 page peice of crap that no one has ever heard of) will now provide future English majors a major source of controversy from which to write their thesis to prove that J.K. Rowling didn't REALLY write the Potter books.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-16 10:32:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-16 14:35:28</logtime>
Respect! It's the new Republican Mantra.<br /><br />How DARE you mock me! How DARE you!<br /><br />Case in point, John McCain is <a href=",2933,526562,00.html">DEMANDING that Panetta </a>apologize to Dick Cheney for saying that Dick Cheney was saying he was encouraging terrorists to attack this country so he could say 'I told you so!' ....even though he was.<br /><br />Sarah Palin is <a href="">DEMANDING that David Letterman </a>apologize for making a joke about her 14 year old daughter being 'raped' by a baseball player. Even though he didn't.<br /><br />Did Bush apologize for torture?<br /><br />Did Cheney?<br /><br />Has Rush Limbaugh ever apologized for anything he said?<br /><br />Has SARAH PALIN EVER APOLOGIZED FOR ANYTHING SHE SAID ABOUT OBAMA DURING THE CAMPAIGN?!<br /><br />I think not.<br /><br />Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.
<eventtime>2009-06-16 10:42:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-16 14:44:29</logtime>
They're going to '<a href="">count</a>' the votes.<br /><br />Yeah sure they are. That's why Achmedinijerk is in Russia yucking it up with the Kleptomaniac in chief.<br /><br />I am very sorry for the Iranian lives that have been lost protesting something that was a farce to begin with. I am on many awesome facebook sites where they speak of 'non violent protest as the only way to succeed.'<br /><br />Would non violent protest succeed in China?<br /><br />In Myanmar?<br /><br />Well we'll soon see, but there are absolutely no guarantees that the recount will be fair THIS time around either.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-16 14:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-16 18:18:48</logtime>
<subject>The downside of Zaibatsu</subject>
A lot of people have criticized CNN's coverage of the situation in Iran. A lot of reasons have been given for this, but I, for one, do not simply think it is a matter of American Ethnocentrism.<br /><br />If you actually look at the <a href="">most recent article </a>on you will see that they do cover it, though they try to be as even handed as possible. It is one thing to be even handed in a situation like Republican vs. Democrat, but when one is talking about tyranny vs freedom, you'd think that they could take a stand...<br /><br />But they can't. Why not?<br /><br />Because CNN is owned by a Zaibatsu, Time Warner. And Time Warner has a vested stake in Iran besides just covering the news. They also show movies, television shows, music etc etc. And what they don't have now, they have as hope for a future market. <br /><br />Add to that, the quiet understandings between other tyranical regimes (Venezuela, China, Russia, Thailand etc) and Iran, that have a more open market, and Time Warner has a vast monetary interest to play ball with these governments. You don't see many movies that speak badly about China from Hollywood anymore, because if they make them, it costs the Zaibatsu sales.<br /><br />Fox News doesn't pull punches in a lot of areas, but even they do sometimes. And GE definitely tells MSNBC to pull its punches all the time.<br /><br />It isn't for lack of resources that is causing these networks to avoid covering this, or even a perceived lack of American attention, but outright corporate greed.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-16 15:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-16 19:39:22</logtime>
<subject>I may be even more wrong</subject>
Now only might Twitter be doing something, but the non violent protest <a href="">might be doing something </a>as well.<br /><br />One can dare hope perhaps.<br /><br />Perhaps.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-17 12:12:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-17 16:18:32</logtime>
<subject>Democrats are spineless</subject>
Republicans might be sociopaths, but Democrats, as a party are mostly spineless. I am starting to become convinced that we should take a lesson from China and take a lesson from others. China has a lot of flaws politically speaking but economically speaking they are BIG pragmatic fans of looking at history and around the world and seeing what works. They are more than willing to throw pride out the window for the good of their nation (economically speaking) and to take the long view. So when I apply that view to politics, I see one issue that spineless democrats are truly affected by. The NRA. While nominally bipartisian, they completely endorsed McCain last year despite the fact that there was no evidence that Obama was going to institute gun control. So while I am a firm believer in the rights of gun owners, I also haven't joined the NRA because they're a blatantly partisian organization despite the fact that they have endorsed some blue dog democrats. But I also respect what works, and the fact of the matter is, that the leadership in congress won't touch gun control with a ten foot pole because they know it is a political hot potato. Now while there are some corporate interests the NRA camp, like gun owners, they're not really as big as Big Pharma, Big Insurance or the AMA. So we need the equivalent of a patient's rights advocacy group, determined to destroy (make illegal) the entire insurance industry, as powerful as the NRA. I personally think it can be done...there has to be some organization like that out there, and I intend to start looking for one.
<eventtime>2009-06-17 15:26:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-17 19:29:23</logtime>
<subject>Iran/Russia Connection</subject>
Andrew Sullivan suggests that M. might <a href="">be trying to paint </a>Achmenijerk as a patsy for the Russians, just like Achmenijerk is trying to paint M. as a patsy for the Americans.<br /><br />The primary difference being.....M. didn't head out for a trip to Disneyland right after the election was done.<br /><br />I don't think this is spinning, I think this is absolutely grade A 100% true. Russia wants to 'flex its muscle' and it wants to do it through Iran, just like the cold war days.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-18 10:01:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-18 14:02:12</logtime>
<subject>Why oh Why</subject>
Did Obama smash that fly? <a href=";_ylt=AkjoTaNByerbRkI4SvDXwf4DW7oF">Perhaps they'll die</a>...<br /><br />of apoplectic hilarious rage.<br /><br /><br />PETA....looking stupid so you don't have to.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-20 10:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-20 14:18:05</logtime>
<subject>And so it has started</subject>
Some of the Iran feeds I've been paying attention to are talking about a bomb used to frame the democracy protesters, police blocking people from the protests and tear gas. There are only three paths out now. Tienamen. Romania. Russia. And they're in that order of likelihood. Tienamen is the most likely. These people will be crushed and brutally so. In Persopolis they show that the government killed hundreds of thousands of political prisoners during the Iran Iraq war because they refused to swear an oath denying their cause. Many of those people are still in power. Romania ended when the people just snapped in a psychotic frothing rage and simply tore most of the security forces limb from limb as well as the people in charge. Given how non violent these non violent protesters are being, I just don't see that happening. Russia would involve some of the armed forces staging a coup de etat against those staging a coup de etat. I see that as the least likely scenario at this point, especially since the Iranians, learning from history and their Russian consultants, have, according to rumor, already arrested any Generals who were not 100% loyal to the regime. So my initial prediction looks likely....the primary difference its going to be just all the heart breaking. :/
<eventtime>2009-06-23 00:26:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-23 04:27:47</logtime>
<subject>Do you want to help the people of Iran?</subject>
I know I do. And I've done what I can, but somehow, it never feels like enough. Well here is one OTHER thing you can do besides joining twitter feeds and joining facebook groups. You can find a Rephuklycan who is trying to gain political leverage by criticizing Obama for 'not supporting the Iranian people enough' and tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP! They have freedom of speech. So do you. And you can call them a fucking asshole who is trying to score political points while Iranians are dying.
<eventtime>2009-06-23 16:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-23 20:57:47</logtime>
<subject>And now for a lighter side of stupidity....</subject>
<p>These videos quite successfully mock the bullshit being shoveled by Republicans and Libertarians about health care.<br /><br /><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a><br /> </p>
<eventtime>2009-06-24 16:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-24 20:58:05</logtime>
<subject>Epic Fox Fail.</subject>
<img alt="" src="" /><br /><br />Mark Sanford is a Democrat.<br /><br />You know...except for the fact that in the real world he's a Republican.
<eventtime>2009-06-25 08:39:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-25 12:43:22</logtime>
<subject>Tyranny of the Minority</subject>
The State of California is going to have to shut down its <a href="">Poison Control Centers </a>because of Republican forced budget cuts. <br /><br />The lives of at least two of my siblings has been saved by the ability to call poison control and find out the right thing to do after swallowing something they shouldn't.<br /><br />Meanwhile, I just found out that someone I know who is well educated, open minded and intelligent watches Fox News on a regular basis.<br /><br />Republicans in California are entirely unapologetic about shutting down massive amounts of government programs. To them, the government is never the solution, and the free market fairy will solve all of their problems.<br /><br />Oh, and if that's not enough to make you worry about the future of our country, check out the top seller in the Best Sellers on<br /><br />As of 6/25/2009, <a href="">Glen Beck continues to have Necrophelia with the horrified corpse of Thomas Paine</a>.....
<eventtime>2009-06-26 10:52:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-26 14:53:33</logtime>
<subject>And you thought Nancy Reagan was bad...</subject>
In Sri Lanka, if you give an astrological prediction they don't like....<a href="">they arrest you</a>.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-29 15:00:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-29 19:07:33</logtime>
Honduras: History repeating itself, but which history?
There has been a military action in Honduras <a href="">to remove its elected president</a>.<br /><br />And that seems to be about the only fact that people agree on. One side (mainly newspapers) seem to be saying that it was a coup de etat, and that the military has removed a lawfully elected president from power. Conservatives and the other branches of government in Honduras are saying that they used constitutional means to oust the current president, and that he was trying to undermine the constitution.<br /><br />The opinion peice I link to says that the only crime of the president was "fighting against the corrupt status quo." But this is a situtation like Turkey and the headscarf.<br /><br />In Turkey, the headscarf is a BIG deal. The secularists fought like tooth and nail to remove the power of Islamists from society, and so what seems like a violation of religious freedom to us, banning the ability to wear a headscraf, is a sacred guarding of their constitution to some of them.<br /><br />Conversely in Honduras, the framers of their constitution were so worried about a President for Life, that they made not only serving one term iron clad, but they actually made even TRYING to change the constitution to have another term illegal.<br /><br />So, if it is against the constitution to hold a referrendum to extend the terms of a president, is it really a coup de etat? <br /><br />No one seems to dispute the actual election in Honduras like they did in Iran, just that it was justifiable to enforce their own constitution......<br /><br />I smell a rat, and the way this is being portrayed sounds awfully fishy to me to.<br /><br />Especially since the most verbal opponent is Kleptopopulist leader Hugo Chavez, who was also elected twice, but who kept having referrendums and kept removing opposition media until there is now nothing stopping him from being perpetually elected over and over again for life.<br /><br />Just like the kind of thing that the framers of the Honduras constitution were concerned about.<br />
<eventtime>2009-06-30 14:34:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-06-30 18:35:14</logtime>
<subject>About DAMN time!</subject>
<a href="">MN Supreme Court declares Franken Winner.</a><br /><br />Norm Coleman is the perfect symbol of the Republican party today, entirely 100% without class.<br /><br />But I will say one thing for him...he's got tenacity and a spine, which the Democratic party should learn about when it comes to getting us health care that doesn't suck.<br />
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