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Jan 2008

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<eventtime>2008-01-03 10:22:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-03 15:22:49</logtime>
<subject>Rephuklycan vs Republican</subject>
It is the New Year. We are toasting "May it be the last year of power for the Rephuklycan party." My grandmother, in a quiet voice says, "I'm a Republican." To which I reply, "You're a Republican, Grandma, not a Rephuklycan." So what's the difference? <lj-cut> Here is the simplest test of all. Do you think George W. Bush is a good president? If you do, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You are a Rephuklycan. Your head is so far up your own ass that you cannot perceive reality in a way that you do not want it to be. More complicated tests. 1) Do you think the war in Iraq was justified? If No, you are not a Rephuklycan. If Yes....Why? A) "To Kill Saddam Hussain:" This is not why we went to war in Iraq. We went to war in Iraq for 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'. We found none. They lied. We know they lied. They did not have 'bad intelligence' they had 'we want to go to war in Iraq, and so we're not going to pay attention to anything we don't want to hear.' Do you still think the war in Iraq Was justified? 'Saddam Hussain is gone!' If that is your first answer instead of actually answering the question in a rational fashion, you are Rephuklycan. B) "To Kill Muslims! They're out to destroy us." You're a Rephuklycan. C) "To Bring Democracy to the Middle East." Why Iraq and not say..Saudi Arabia? Why didn't we finish the job in Afghanistan first? 'At least Saddam is Gone! Do you still want Saddam to be in power?!' Rephuklycan. 'Yes, we should have focused on Afghanistan.' Not Rephuklycan. 'Saddam Hussain was supporting terrorists!' It was *A* terrorist, and he was mainly doing it to piss us off, and not letting him go anywhere. 'One terrorist is still all terrorists!' What about the terrorists we support, like the anti Iranian group that are actually designated by us as Terrorists? 'Iran is bad. I trust our president to make the right decision.' Rephuklycan. 2) Do you support renewing SCHIP? Yes. You are not a Rephuklycan. No. Why? A) "I do not support big government or government intervention in Health Care?" You do realize that the current administration is not in any way shape or form truly for small government right? They might pay lip service to it, but they are really all about Corporate Embezzlement. 'Yes I do.' Not a Rephuklycan. Republican. (It is possible to be a sociopathic Republican, who believes that we should let children bleed/starve/freeze to death on principle, but at least you'd be a real Republican and not a Rephuklycan.) 'No. Bush is for small government.' Rephuklycan. B) "The Democrats are just playing politics. They don't really care about children." But Bush cares LESS about children as evidenced by Hurricane Katrina. 'No, Bush loves the children!' You are a Rephuklycan. 'Yes, that is true.' You are not a Rephuklycan. 'Yes, but the state and local government were just as screwed up!' If this is your first answer, you are probably a Rephuklycan. It is true that the State and Local governments did screw up, but in your mind you blame them more than you blame Bush. Bush *IS* the larger part of the problem there. 3) Do you believe in what Jeb Bush or the Congress or the State of Florida did in regards to Terry Shaivo? 'No'. You are not a Rephuklycan. 'Yes'. You are a Rephuklycan. No true Republican, Democrat, Liberatian or Decent Person in general would support government intervention into the private life of a family's medical decision in such a politically disgusting way. 4) Do you refer to the Democratic party as the 'Democrat Party'? 'Yes.' You are a Rephuklycan. 'No.' You might not be. And the final and big question: 5) Do you believe George W. Bush committed treason by exposing Valerie Plame as an active and operating CIA agent? 'Yes.' You are not a Rephuklican. 'No.' You are either A) A Rephuklican. B) A Rephuklican enabler. I don't care if he wasn't proven to do so in a court of Law. Clinton should have been removed from office because of what he did as Head of State, not head of government. And Bush should be removed from office because as Head of Government he did not fire and remove or demand the resignations of everyone involved. He 'quasi pardoned' the one guy they did nail. Garbage. And if you think anything otherwise, Fuck You. These are such basic elementary questions that they are pretty much all I require to determine if you are a Rephuklycan or a real person.</lj-cut>
<eventtime>2008-01-04 00:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-04 05:10:41</logtime>
<subject>A Ray of Hope</subject>
The Dark Clouds of ...Darkness....(well, that's what they are) have parted for a moment. And a <a href="">ray of hope</a> has shone through. Now we must fight to make it shine, and take back the land that is ours. I intend to fight, and fight hard.
<eventtime>2008-01-08 09:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-08 14:52:47</logtime>
<subject>There is no Mainstream Media Conspiracy</subject>
Because they're too @#$@#$@ incompotent. So these two idiots get up in a Clinton campaign rally saying, "Iron My Shirt!" and she graciously ignores them. So I'm thinking, wow, what an incredibly lame protest. I mean, 'Don't Tase Me Bro' might have been a goofball, but at least he had a good question. The guys Obama dealt with were anti abortion protesters, and THEY sounded real. This didn't. Guess what. <a href="">I was right.</a>" <a href="">Here.</a> <a href="">Here.</a> And yet when I look at the major media news articles, the fact that these guys are fakes isn't mentioned. CNN doesn't have the article at all. Good for them. They bothered to spend 5 minutes checking the internet. <a href=";_ylt=ArUV5zvlT23r52C2hiXGDJ4DW7oF">Yahoo</a> does have it and it doesn't mention the fact that these guys are fake at all. The link on Google links to a <A href="">USA Today</a> article where the fact that these guys are fake isn't mentioned at all. MSNBC isn't carrying the article at all. ABC.Com does not mention the article at all, but they do have this interesting article on the McCain-Romney fake <a href="">phone calls</a> (That I still believe Romney caused). I also find it interesting that no mention of Ron Paul is given here. doesn't mention the article. The Washington doesn't mention the article. And the New York doesn't mention it. So my short experiment actually restores my faith in the media, just a bit. It also means that USAToday really is the crappy paper that people say it is. It also means I should take stuff I see on Google and Yahoo news feeds with a grain of salt. (And no, I didn't check Fox...because they're not a news source. They're propoganda.)
<eventtime>2008-01-10 00:30:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-10 05:53:39</logtime>
<subject>Time to Put On Our Tin Foil Hats Boys and Girls</subject>
Alright, let's imagine: Fact: Bush lies and is willing to use evidence that is questionable; if not outright knowing from other sources that is fake (Yellow Cake Uranium). Fact: The Iranians, crazy and as disturbing as they are, were not lying about not having a Nuclear Weapons program. <lj-cut>Fact: This fact was leaked by our own intelligence community. Clearly they know something we do not. Fact: The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has recently taken direct military control of the Iranian Navy in the Persian Gulf. Fact: Bush is issuing severe warnings to Iran's behavior. Fact: Iran says that this tape is manufactured. Fact: We retain the technical capability to create any kind of evidence we desire. If Hollywood can do it, you can bet the CIA can. Fact: Hillary Clinton voted for a resolution from the senate declaring the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to be a terrorist organization. Fact: Diebold controls the vote counting in New Hampshire. Fact: New Hampshire is a small state in which most of the state leadership is firmly in the Clinton Camp. Fact: The Bush and Clinton families have now become somewhat close political allies. The Bin Ladens are also close political allies of these families. (No, I don't think 9/11 was directly Bush's idea, but that tie is still very relevant and very disturbing). Fact: The larger and more complex the conspiracy, the more people that know about it, the riskier it is; thus having cells and conspiracies within layers is traditionally the way large scale covert operations (ie the CIA or KGB actions in the cold war) were taken out. Such large scale conspiracies are real, but they are traditionally carried out by governments and require a great deal of money. Tying too much together is what makes most conspiracy theories fall apart. All of those are very interesting facts, but the most relevant are that Bush is Insane, the congress gave him all the excuse he needs, we CAN fake evidence if we want to. Also: Fact: The Spanish American War, Vietnam and WWI and WWII were all started as a result of assaults on US Naval Vessels. Fact: Bush, and his advisers are intense students of history. They learn and improve upon previous patterns. You decide what is relevant and what isn't. Another thing I have come to realize. One of my friends who is a Liberatian and who is actually a good person (not just a person who is kind to their friends but to people they don't know) but refuses to believe Bush to be evil. He thinks Bush is utterly incompetent, but believes that most people in this country sympathize more with his position. He is someone who would be against Bush in the current opinion polls, but the fact is, 25-30% is somewhat deceptive. I had another conversation with another friend of mine who is conservative and libertarian. He is also extremely good and extremely honorable. He also believes Bush to have done evil things such as taking our liberties, and that his underlines are corrupt. He is EXTREMELY well read. He, unlike me, has actually read the entire UN report that was submitted right before the Iraq War, and there are interesting and disturbing facts there (such as, there were weapons of mass destruction mentioned in that report, however that report was also changed and made to disappear, and that those weapons of mass destruction had nothing to do with Nuclear Weapons or Yellow Cake Uranium or anything that was talked about in Colin Powel's presentation before the Security Commitee) but that is a subject for another time after I have researched it more. No, the reason this is relevant is because as insightful as he is on many things, he refuses to believe that Bush has done what he has done for evil reasons, such as starting the war for personal vengeance or to enhance the family name. Both of these people are very well read and very literate. They know what is going on in the world far better than most people, and are able to put together rational cognitive results that I often agree with....and they BOTH refuse to ascribe true and unadulterated evil to Bush himself. Having recently been a member of a cult, I know this kind of thinking. I know the tricks one goes about in one's own mind to justify the last shreds of something that we were told to believe in. Both of them, like me, were alive during the 1980's when Reagan was the figurehead against the evil communist Russia. Both of them belonged to the religion of politics from that time, as did I. They will deny this, since both of them are feircly independant politically speaking and might not have been involved in anything like this. I don't know enough about their backgrounds honestly to say one way or the other. What I can say is that I also know a fellow religion member when I see it. I could always recognize a Mormon, just like I can almost always recognize a gamer. I study my own habits and patterns to much to not recognize them in other people...and I know that these enlightened, wise, good, benevolent and rational people recognize the evil Bush has done, but the religion of politics has infected them whether they realize it or not. I know because this exactly the same behavior I exhibited with regards to the cult and also the Republican party right until the very end. I had to have both personal experiences and macro level betrayals to force me to see that light. It helps to have every hero I have ever believed in (except Christ and even then, lets face it, we only really know what the voices inside our head tell us or what his followers wrote) has betrayed me or the ideals for which I admired them. The list is long. I don't expect perfection, but these kinds of betrayals go beyond the pale. Some seem to seek redemption. I can forgive. I can easily forgive, but I do not forget. I do not forget the fact that while to try to be a hero is a wonderful thing, to falsely put people up on a pedastle except for a single moment of bravery or a lifetime of methodical self sacrifice is generally a bad idea. There are heroes in the world, but most of them are not in politics. We'll see about some of the ones I'm investing hope in. I haven't given up on heroes...I still have Hope, you see, despite every effort for a time within me to kill it. But I still know the refusal to see truth when you see it. And let me tell you, I do know these men well enough to know that they are amazing. There are many things you could never sneak by them, not in a million years. And they might get fooled by the actions that I see taking shape in Iran. Maybe not. They aren't fooled by Iraq any more but both do still echoes some of the falsehoods created by the Heritage Foundation and its sister think tanks (like McCarthy). And if they can, how much do you imagine the people who originally voted for Bush will be fooled? I'd like to think they won't be easily fooled a second time.... Then again, I'd like to think people would vote for Barack Obama. 39% + 17% + 5% + 2% thought it was a bad idea. I'm not saying he's the best person in the world, but I do think he is the most rational pragmatic choice. But that's just my opinion. As is this entire string of facts which I have put together here. But especially with the 39% that voted for crocidile tears or the 25% that consider Fox News a reliable source of information, one can only imagine how easily they'll allow Bush to take us to war in Iraq. I wish I could cry for America....but I can't. I can only cry on the inside. Tinfoil Hat off.</lj-cut>
<eventtime>2008-01-10 10:24:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-10 15:25:03</logtime>
<subject>Obama secures the Ent vote!</subject>
Obama has been endorsed by the countries leading <a href=";_ylt=AopCCywbQs3HH7WyUHG9Jies0NUE">Ent!</a>
<eventtime>2008-01-14 10:08:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-14 15:08:45</logtime>
I STILL say Romney is behind the anti mormon phone calls
And so <a href="">do these people.</a>
<eventtime>2008-01-17 15:26:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-17 20:34:24</logtime>
<subject>Because when you think of Japan....</subject>
You think of Whaling...really. I mean I've seen tons of Anime and Japanese films, and let me tell you every third or fourth film filled with Samuari, Ninjas, Demons, Giant Robots and the like, there is also that guy who is a whaler. I mean, it is a deeply held and mighty cultural importance to them that they have the right to blow up and eat whales. My thoughts on this were prompted by <a href=";_ylt=AqCalMdSCjRN84lhCVy7pSRvaA8F">this</a> article talking about the latest idiocy from Japan. Long story short, Japan is saying that Whaling is a vital part of their culture. Why, when I check the <a href="">Wikipedia article</a> on Japanese culture, they mention whaling...oh wait, they don't. Maybe its simply <a href="">popular culture.</a> Nope. Ah, so here we have the actual <a href="">article</a> on whaling in Japan. Well, yes, they have been doing it a long time. So have lots of countries. but according to this article, the Japanese public doesn't care about it at all. The fact is, this thing is the Japanese <a href=">ANWAR</a>, basically an assault on nature and the environment that serves no good to the general public, and probably not even rich people. They're just doing it BECAUSE THEY CAN.
<eventtime>2008-01-18 15:47:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-18 20:52:09</logtime>
<subject>I love America, but I came close to hating it.</subject>
There is a lot I love about America. But earlier this month in the NH primary, I came close to utterly despising it. Objectively, I want to say my greatest reason for not wanting Hillary Clinton to be president is the possibility of dynastic families becoming in charge of this country. Bush VP-Bush VP-Bush-Clinton-Clinton-Bush-Clinton-Clinton is a BAD idea. It is so bad for this country that it makes me wonder why she is even a serious candidate, but the truth of the matter is; this election I actually have someone I want to vote FOR, not just someone I want to vote against. Barack Obama is a GOOD person, and he has something that in my opinion no other candidate has; the potential for greatness. It is an intangible, I know, but to be a great president one must not only have an ethic of light but also a vision for magnificence. There are many good men (sadly no women) who are running that I could get behind in this election, but not one of them has that SPARK that he does. And I am so tired of seeing what others don't. Sometimes, often actually, I can be an arrogant person. But not this time. It is SO OBVIOUS that it just....made something almost die inside of me that night. If America is going to be so easily swayed, if they really don't care any more; at what point do I let my life become miserable because of their failure to see the obvious? There is so much glory and wonder in this country, but there is also so much stupidity. Hopefully tomorrow we'll see a little more glory and a little less stupidity.
<eventtime>2008-01-27 13:15:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-01-27 18:24:56</logtime>
<subject>Citizen Internet</subject>
by Redwin Tursor Citizen Internet, Citizen Citizen Slide Moving Onward Silicone Baby Moving On inside. A Crystal Skull Like the Incas Made With a Mask Of Silicone Says Who I am Or What You Are. Gone Today Here Tomorrow I Am As I Am Want To Be Slip and Sling And Stone And Wing To Fly and Flit and Fling. <lj-cut> I build a place With a trillion words As real as any dream All of us can see it baby Its the seeing that makes The thing. Before imaginations came and went Like the ocean on the tide Narnia, Shire, Barsoom Through momentary windows Then out far too soon. Now Vegas of Verbosity 24/7/365 All the time my dream is there Dig the participatory jive. I make the rules I live by Participate or not But matters matter in the end By holding what you've got A thousand faces In a thousand ways Define us what we are But I tell me who I am now see Not just the wishing star. Look yonder on the horizon Cause I'm surfing positronic glass I'm citizen Internet baby You can kiss my sardonic ass. I'm building a new tomorrow Come on and soon you'll see The things we make will stick around Just as they're meant to be. Dreams are real just different now Around the ocean tide Now sand is stone and silicone Words stored up inside. Life is what we say it is. So there.</lj-cut>

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