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<eventtime>2017-02-03 09:19:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-03 14:19:23</logtime>
<subject>Chrysalis of Iron</subject>
by Emmit Other They go down So I go in The world shouts "Fire" So I think pine cone My first instinct Is to rush toward the Gunfire To be the hero I know I'm not Not for bonus points Or a hidden reward But because I need to believe the world has heroes So many times I've needed one And sometimes they have been there More often than not Not when I needed them at any rate So much do I fear In these dark times That I will be 'Someone' I am not built this way I am not the chosen one I am not the hero I am the odd one out I am the witness I am the shadow And I am the thing the Nightmares Fear I am an outlier in so many realities But I am not the focus I am not the protagonist I am the narrative But when the satanic pied piper Leads them all to their destruction That they naively do not understand The true reality that has changed That has studied them That has studied the past And adapted It will not grant many of them a second chance I warn And am unheeded So now I self exile Now I change Now I try to find power in kindness To become more than I have been For the world needs heroes And action And I can affect none of it Only myself I am completely Monte Cristoing Digging a tunnel In hopes that the world will offer an opportunity Whilst I make myself into something better And it is my bet that it will Because the world is more complicated than we think it is So much so We shall see what we shall see Meanwhile I am growing Glowing Changing And with these wings shall I soar
<eventtime>2017-02-04 16:26:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-04 21:27:01</logtime>
<subject>The Hammer Is My Penis</subject>
by Emmit Other Once I thought you were so smooth But you aren't as ninja as we thought Your spy ring Is Get Smart Without the Smart I'm sitting there Making Nice And you bring up my likeness to Satan Real Smooth like And crickets as the room doesn't sync With your maudlin hooliganisms So I smile And don't play your game And no one else does And so you try again And then giggle And make up stories about how terrible the situation you deliverately made at work With the birthday cakes And the girls with attitude you out tude That doesnt sound the same way it would have When you know about the spy ring So there's that Stick with your day job
<eventtime>2017-02-08 07:56:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-08 12:56:56</logtime>
<subject>Rule 19</subject>
by Emmit Other You claim innocence You claim victimhood You scions of filth Invoking the southern tradition To silence a woman Reading the words of another woman Condemning a bigot traitor slavery lover To keep from 'bismirching his good name' You fucking craven cowards Cringe at the truth all you like You prove my point all along That despite those among us Who are the angels of our better natures Freedom of speech is not an antibody against tyranny Else if so America has an auto immune disorder By the name of Trump Unlimited Freedom of Speech Allows virulent screeds of death and pain Like all the pearls of swine that drip from McTurtle's mouth Hark ye and herald well There will be no peace Until lying is dealt with Until there are consequences for spreading genuine hate And yes Yes of course there must be a balance But no sane government allows this kind of thing Germany is just fine And outlaws nazism Pretend ye not that ye are the victim swine For on this day With rule 19 do you show that the only speech you value Is your own That's fine Turn about is fair play.
<eventtime>2017-02-14 13:19:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-14 18:19:40</logtime>
<subject>More Light In</subject>
by Emmit Other The world falls apart around us Jig saw puzzle pieces Going back in the box Since the inside Never matched the picture But one thing keeps the floor falling away And the darkness at the bottom of the table To latch up and consume us Your hand in mine We run And stay At the same time We plan together We face the Tsunami together And though whirlwind or vortex Come what may I have a warmness That it all matters And that we matter And that this is the best of all possible worlds Despite being the worst of many coin flips If this is all there is And I'm spit sure it is Then who we are with Is as much a match for any hell Or any heaven Come what may And lately I've been in Heaven Not because it isn't Hell on Earth Outside the Kitchen Window as it rains But because of who I am with I love you dear And I always will.
<eventtime>2017-02-16 07:02:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-16 12:02:33</logtime>
<subject>I am Not a Poet</subject>
by Marius Clavel Roses are Red Violets are Blue This is not the best poem Since I am not really a poet But I do hail from the same universe As Americastan However we are an even more functional version Of your Switzerland We call ourselves Telliland Also we're pretty close to yours But instead of leading the world in banking We lead the world in covertly trained Ninja squads of Robin Hoods Spreading Socialism For the last 900 years. This still not a good poem But I like Mountain Dew.
<eventtime>2017-02-17 08:55:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-17 13:55:30</logtime>
<subject>And All That Goes With It</subject>
by Emmit Other Got the movie in your head? Remember Remember the choice that was made? Disney. Aladin. Wants the power of a Genie. Makes a stupid wish. Poof. He's in the Cave of Wonder for 10000 years. You think you're cute. You think you invented this. You think because you found out There was a frog god With your pathetic little name on it That you can pick up where they left off But you cannot do one thing Without the other my friend And in symbology Words matter Lies matter Truth matters There is more truth Than simple repetition Yes Reality is fluid And those erstwhile shapers of dreams Loosely admit that it shapes them back Never truly accepting the power of their own beliefs The understanding that that which is real Is REAL As real as the sunrise And so you cannot abyss Without the lookback Takeback Walkabout Talk about Talk about Stop Stop Stop Interrupt There we go Let's take a stroll In the timestop It's more than bullet time You didn't invent that either Neither did they Its always been there They just found the river And sailed it Sailing Sailing Over the bounding main Ah Here we are The Matt The rug is pulled out from under you No stone unturned You are judged Judged And found wanting Do the limbo Limbo Limbo Limbo How low can you go? There are more frogs than these More frogmen than dreamed of in your Horatio These Lords of Limbo are Not Pleased Limbo is Shaped to the Reality Of Those Who Shape It So these Frogs Value truth External truth above all The Slaa---don't say it We'll spoil the surprise Right before your eyes Your magic is undone Is turned Is twisted And now when you spread your 'magic' It's shit It manifests the truth You forgot to mention That little bit about being a racist fuck You thought you could escape the consequences They all do chum But they're better people Than you are Methlab Explosion Exiles They are wandering poets and dreamers And stars upon thars They are worthy Worth it Worth my time You are not 4Chan buffoons Baboons of a different mother And now your frog Is Froggered Kermit Begs to Differ Its Easy Being Green Feel the the Dreamer Lover and Me Revomited down your pathetic throats Taste the Rainbow Bitches
<eventtime>2017-02-17 12:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-17 17:13:19</logtime>
by Emmit Other So I said to myself I said Hey Honey Its not the size Its how you use it And if you're going to spend time In the basement garage attic Of the collective unconcious You'd better know the house rules Don't take the leftovers in the fridge man So if you're gonna do this Do it right Or jack back over again we'll turn you round and around Until you do it again and again Doctor Strange had it right Don't bring time to the timeless Unless you're prepared to win the spork fight You're gone john you're wiped We've got your number You are measured Undone Done Wired Rewired Hardwired Cunning Linguis Expecto Exacto Patronus Gone. These are not the droids you're looking for 404 Gone Undone HAHAHAHAHAHA Make your time That entry is not valid You have been disconnected Good bye
<eventtime>2017-02-18 17:59:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-18 22:59:48</logtime>
<subject>Shadows Hanging in the Valley of the Dolls</subject>
by Emmit Other Treading in the realm of Not Has Consequences Push too far It pushes back The cat has swallowed the frog A nice dish of trash pidgeon too But kindness matters And my wings have been clipped There have been dire fanged consequences The limits on my own mortality The frailty of human connection We leave the keys to our soul Dangling on Mark Zuckerberg's chain And that giant does not sleep His pig snout sniffing any and every opportunity For another shot at lucre The shadows between the valleys loom And I pull free Barely But not without consequence But not without consequence
<eventtime>2017-02-26 20:09:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-27 01:09:03</logtime>
<subject>Sometimes It Isn't About Me</subject>
by Emmit Other Behold, the Arrow of Fire Drawn from Clotho's Quiver The Archer Orion sends it up Sailing over land and star. The anxious maid receives her due The perfect congruity of circumstance At last the story's suffering is justified Without upbraided irony or salted tears. There are happy endings without theft There are joyful beginnings without sorrow Sacrifice enough brought you to this place Enjoy fortune's cornucopia and thrive.
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