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<eventtime>2007-05-03 11:14:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-05-03 15:25:21</logtime>
<subject>Why Voting For Romney Is Bad.</subject>
Jeb <a href=",1249,660216130,00.html">supports</a> Mitt. Jeb thought making a state law telling Terri Shiavo's husband that the government knew better than her how to make medical decisions for their family. Anyone Jeb supports is not someone you want to support.(*) It's about the CONTROL, stupid. (*)Unless you LIKE the government deciding whether or not your family members live or die. Or you LIKE people who <a href="">ignore the constitution</a>. Pre-Rebuttal-Rebuttal: Yes, <a href="">Romney spoke out</a> against what was going on with her. But Romney <a href="">Flip Flops</a>, just like President Bush <a href="">Flip Flops</a>. Jeb likes Mitt. Mitt will take your rights away. Mitt. Will. Lie. Because anyone that Jeb likes is a LIAR.
<eventtime>2007-05-03 13:08:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-05-03 17:09:51</logtime>
<subject>And here's another reason</subject>
<a href=";_ylt=AuNP546w_zjC95V.w_JR5uUDW7oF">Not To Vote For Mitt</a> I mean...wait. What I am saying? Someone who is pals with Jeb would NEVER do something like this himself...right?
<eventtime>2007-05-04 10:06:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-05-04 14:04:56</logtime>
<subject>Shut Your Mouth For Uncle Dick</subject>
<a href="">Shut Your Mouth</a> for Uncle Dick. Loose lips sink Rephuchlikan Ships So shut your mouth for Uncle Dick Don't talk about all that shootin' Don't talk about all those bombs Just zip your lip And keep a grip And Shut your mouth for Uncle Dick!
<eventtime>2007-05-23 16:37:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-05-23 20:44:25</logtime>
<subject>Why Naturalized Citizenship is important</subject>
<a href="">This</a> article is about how the Lebanon military now has a group of Al Queda militants surrounded. The thing is, that the article also mentions the fact that the militants are holed up in refugee camps. These camps have been in place for more than 60 years. I'm not going to directly address the Israeli/Palestinian conflict right now, but the point I do want to highlight again is the fact that they have been armed, angry and dangerous outsiders in Jordan, Lebananon, and other areas for more than 60 years. Palestinians make up more than half the current population of Jordan. There are people in this country that want to remove the ability of children born here to automatically become citizens. That should matter to you because the odds are that some of your ancestors were immigrants. How would you like to be forced to live in a small camp your entire life, with no prospects of a job, education, medical benefits or even a chance to vote? There are lots of nations around the world with this problem. Whole populations within their society that are essentially invisible...non-entities. As problematic as the current population of illegal immigrants is here, it is at least somewhat held in check by the fact that the children of those born here automatically become citizens. It is a safety valve that ensures that there is at least some hope for the future, even if that future isn't for themselves per se. Removing that safety valve is the poorest of ideas imaginable. What happens to a steam engine that can't get rid of steam? It explodes.
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