Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sept 2010

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<eventtime>2010-09-22 20:04:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2010-09-23 00:04:49</logtime>
<subject>Slayers of Fire</subject>
By Redwin Tursor Collective Punishment That old maxim used by Tyrants Since the dawn of time. They used it in Germany In the Last Great War The Soviets Used it When their satellite slaves rebelled. And the Mayor of Houston Is using it on the Slayers of Fire. Every child When asked what they want to be when they grow up Has a small handful of answers Doctor, Superhero, Policeman are some But one always makes the shortlist. Fireslayer. Fireman. Volunteer to keep the burning flame controlled. That which makes civilization possible Can also destroy it. You hardly notice them Until you need them And then they are there In the night Using lances of water Like knights of old Against the hunger primal That destroys lives Destroys homes Destroys hope. That's what the Mayor's doing. A vanguard of an oppressed people She knows being shunned Mocked, tormented and accused with unjust laws. This was part of her campaign. But how often then do we see Those who have been oppressed Become the oppressors? Three men Honorable servants all Accused of a crime they did not commit. Passed not once But twice Initial investigations turned up nothing. And then the Mayor discovered That she could earn points Abstract points Floating over the skies of Houston. The brief attention Of a Chorus of Squirrels Birds on a Wire Each cawing the things that the other birds say Without an original thought In their collective dinosaur brains. There is a reason the dinosaurs went extinct you know. Its because they were stupid. So very stupid. Just like the collective media of Houston Lining up right into the Mayor's trap Used like goons Reporting controversy Where there should be none. And missing the real tragedy. A racial epithet On a public document On an unsecured computer In an unsecured location Cost the lives of three men Men who had families And children But it cost more than that. It cost trust. The trust of those who protect the city from itself The flame that they risk their lives to tame. But there is still hope For these three have brothers And like the fires that ignored three of old Cast into that furnace of injustice They shall emerge from the crucible With the support of those that live And work beside them And emerge triumphant. Can the same be said Of the coward That calls herself a mayor? What will history say Of she who uses Collective Punishment. It could be one So all suffer. The little tin despot The little mayor that couldn't And soon the truth will come free And her lies exposed The small shriveled soul For what it is. Assuming that there was a soul there to begin with.

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