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<eventtime>2008-07-01 11:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-01 15:06:21</logtime>
<subject>An interesting article</subject>
That indicates that <a href=";_ylt=Av5fjFf0kqWdKmi_3iSknqsDW7oF">genes</a> may be a significant factor, if not THE most significant factor as to whether or not you vote.
<eventtime>2008-07-01 16:11:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-01 20:12:35</logtime>
So it appears that the African Union aren't ignorant fools
Just not very committed toward <a href=";_ylt=AsjGG31INWdFzPJn2SET536s0NUE">really</a> doing anything meaningful about Mugabe.
<eventtime>2008-07-02 18:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-02 23:02:07</logtime>
<subject>Was there a deal?</subject>
Did Gephardt make a deal with Kerry that he would take Dean down in exchange for the Vice Presidency? Was Kerry then forced to take John Edwards due to massive public pressure instead? Was Hillary Clinton secretly in league with Kerry, or was Kerry, who was of the same secret society as Bush deliberately throw the 2004 election? His campaign certainly sucked. So now we come full circle in which <a href=";_ylt=AtuGQl9Bigc5kn1jsqRT0uIDW7oF">The Rephuklycans</a> think that Mr. Gephardt is going to be Obama's choice. This is totally out of nowhere, but could be, according to the article, some kind of concession to Clinton without actually taking Clinton. And if it were, would that indeed be payoff for some deal that occurred in 2004? Does Gephardt have dirt that certain parties want covered? And if so, how safe is Obama if Gephardt really is the VP? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........
<eventtime>2008-07-09 12:44:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-09 16:49:32</logtime>
<subject>Dear Senator Obama</subject>
The Constitution is Not Sista Soldier(*). That is all. (*)Brief Historical Factoid: Bill Clinton gained a lot of points as a centrist by attacking a controversial rapper known as Sista Soldier. This is viewed by many political scientists as one of the key turning points of the election. It is basic political theory that one runs to the Left or Right during the primaries and then to the Center during the general election; hence politicians 'flip flopping' by stating issues that are often diametrically opposed to what they said in the Primary. Telecom Civil Immunity is not, however, a centrist issue. It is an issue that will encourage the NEXT guy to violate the 4th Amendment to the constitution and listen in on your phone call with no judicial oversight. And in case you're wondering why that's a big deal, see Richard Nixon, Joseph Stalin and J. Edgar Hoover. Mr. Obama will be voting "YES" on the Let George Bush and His Allies Get Away With It Act of 2008 in a matter of minutes.
<eventtime>2008-07-10 00:01:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-10 04:03:12</logtime>
<subject>And so</subject>
In addition to voting for the Let George Bush Get Away With It Act of 2008... On the same day, we learn that after hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of hours and prayers and blood and sweat and tears and the most knock down drag out fight NOT to have Hillary Clinton as our next president.... It sure looks like <a href=";_ylt=ApIOdmAphIvD9leJUVj8ysSyFz4D">Barack Obama plans to choose Hillary as Vice President.</a> ..... AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! There is a part of me that is very shortly considering having the following tattood on my forehead: "Hope is for @#$#$# losers." Of course in my management class I have now learned (and they actually teach this) that a firm grasp of reality is actually BAD for managers because studies have shown that having goals and optimism that is totally unrealistic has higher performance. People who are optimistic live longer. In other words....Hope might be for losers but the ability to blindly ignore reality is actually literally better for your health and wealth. According to science anyway. So I'm sure Obama will be a great president.
<eventtime>2008-07-10 01:26:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-10 05:33:01</logtime>
<subject>The point is....?</subject>
Let us assume for a moment that I'm the smartest and wisest person in the world. Right, after your laughter has died down, I did say "assume" as in academic exercise, not that I was.... So what? I mean....even if I was, hypothetically somehow gifted with greater insight into social and moral situations than anyone else on the planet.....what does it matter? I've been ranting about the evils in the world on this blog for almost 4 years and what have I accomplished? Who have I convinced to change their mind about anything? And even, somehow, if I managed to convince someone to change their mind about what? I would have tried to convince people to vote for Obama instead of Hillary and look how that turned out. I've tried to point out how bad and evil George W. Bush is, but so what? He laughs at people and ignores them. He also has mind control powers and gets people to do his bidding even in his final hours. I've tried to point out injustices what? Anyone here going to stop buying stuff from China? I'm not. And if I'm not, why would anything I say convince you to do so? Are we sending the marines into Zimbabwe? What about against the FARC? No one out there is paying any attention; And even if they what? If those we put our hope and trust in to change the world are simply posers....if there really truly are no heroes any more (and I say Heroes not perfect men...I never expected perfection, but I had hoped for at least a generic avoidance of generally evil behavior).... Even, somehow in this wonderland Shrodinger bag of whimsical bullshit, if we come to the conclusion that I am somehow a more visionary man than anyone else; and that the one solution is to make me leader of all of us, that I will be the chosen one and that I will run for elected office and somehow not be a coward or a capitulator.... So what? Unless I'm going to become a dictator and start having people mowed down, any other government is by consensus...and if the vast majority of people are assholes that cannot be trusted, I wouldn't ever get anything accomplished. So why am I yelling into the wind? It has been 'cleansing' sometimes, but I always had the delusion that somehow, maybe just somehow I could somehow help make a difference in the world, but to do that requires people who actually have morals. Do not get me wrong, there are people who make a difference in the world. There are people of morals. They just usually get gunned down or shot or framed or locked away. And I am nowhere close to the smartest person in the world.
<eventtime>2008-07-10 10:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-10 14:53:01</logtime>
<subject>The Cake is a Lie</subject>
I say, the <a href="">cake</a> is a <a href="">lie.</a> So, I'm going to start believing in things. So, from now on when I describe the depravities of creation, I am going to try and in that entry or shortly thereafter find something to believe in, to place hope or to generate hope. Hope is good for you. So I've chosen the Lottery. Since I am no longer bound by Mormon strictures (I can sue people now, YAY!), it is time to take another look at the Lottery. Problems: The odds of winning the lottery, particularly the jackpot, are greater by a significant margin that being struck by lightning. Furthermore, it is essentially a tax on the stupid who think it will realistically make them rich. Finally, those who get money this way often don't know what to do with it and every 2nd or 3rd cousin they never heard of crawls out of the wood work to steal the money from them. Counterarguments: 1)There are long odds on a lot of things. There are long odds on getting published, but that doesn't stop me from trying. Plus, my benefit here is about hope, which therefore does not require realism. 2)Who wants to be struck by lightning? Sure its OK if you're the Flash, but I'm waiting to see other super heroes first. 3)After a long and careful observation of the human race, I've come to the conclusion that 99.9% of all humanity is, essentially stupid. I am, apparently, in that category and will be taxed in one way or another. 4)If I only buy one lottery ticket a month, it costs me about as much as I might give some random person at a street corner or gas station, and the pay off is about as believable. Generally I probably waste $30 a year on these people anyway, because I am a sucker (See point #3). 5) Regarding not knowing what to do with the money....I am not most people. 6) You want my money? If you're immediate family I can give you things. But I know what you want, or at least have some clue. Some 2nd cousin I never heard of before? DANCE FOR ME TIMMY DANCE! Ever see "Greed"? 7) $10 Million + Dollars even if they are at a ridiculous odds has a tangible pay out with a tangible benefit. 8) It doesn't ask me to believe in it and then not give me anything in return. Well, I mean, it does in a Wrestling kind of way, but not in a "Hope! Change you can believe in!" kind of way.
<eventtime>2008-07-10 11:25:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-10 15:35:26</logtime>
<subject>Well it looks like</subject>
Karl Rove is <a href="">ignoring</a> the law and not showing up at a congressional hearing investigating Rephuklycan's using the attorney general's office to prosecute Democrats for political reasons. I would have had Hope that a new and responsible administration would take him to task for this and prosecute all those who rampantly broke the law. Unfortunately, the Cake is a Lie. Thing to Believe in: The Hague Complications: The Hague is a building, so it is kind of hard to see how it might generate hope. It is also populated by people. People are stupid and generally incompotent. They are also afraid of the United States. Counterarguments. 1)The Hague is also a symbol for international justice. It is where they tried the Godwin war criminals at the end of WWII. Since that time, a tradition has developed wherein, if your country is too chickenshit to prosecute you, another country will arrest you and put you on trial for war crimes here. 2)People are stupid and incompotent and unreliable, but they can generally be counted on to do things they regularly do. Other people have been prosecuted for war crimes. All of the legal arguments and sophistries in the world will not protect you from the War Crimes tribunal if you have actually conducted a War Crime. Failure, for example, to sign the International Criminal Court treaty does not mean that your country has not signed the Geneva Convention. Using tricky lawyers to interpret the law so that you're not actually torturing people doesn't work too well when *Your own courts say that the Geneva Conventions do apply. *Evidence of your efforts to deliberately falsify your own internal legal process so that you could claim innocence or good faith effort later comes out and is displayed for all the world to see. The precedent is clear. If we don't do something about the War Criminals, other countries have all the justification in the world to do so. 3)The rest of the world admires the United States. They desperately want a heroic president as much as we do. Unfortunately, the Cake is a Lie. And in that case, they're not going to sit by and let another 8 years of stupidity pass by unchallenged. Already moves are quietly underway to undermine our national strength in international institutions. Already our national reputation is ruined, and would take great effort to restore. It might be possible to restore that reputation but.... The Cake is A Lie. Ironically, though, because the Cake is a Lie, other nations have far less reason to give a crap about what we think. And if that is the case, they might like a little payback for all the crap we've been pulling for the last 50-60 years. Up until the last 8 years, it was balanced by good things, but if it looks like we're just going to have more of the same (Nixon promised to get us out of Vietnam but didn't) then why not bloody the nose of Uncle Sam and show us that we're not quite as invulnerable as we thought? Why not arrest the War Criminals? Why not indeed? A reason to Hope.
<eventtime>2008-07-11 15:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-11 19:16:26</logtime>
<subject>This article says it well</subject>
Even though he's a FauxNews supporter, this guy says it well. <a href=";_ylt=Atfs1zafRWuz.20MMxdAVvP9wxIF">What's wrong with Senator Obama</a> In his book he talks about how Washington can change you. How people that start out with good intentions often make compromises along the way and by the time they're done they're nothing like what they originally hoped to be. It happens to the best sometimes. John McCain finally fell victim to it and is now a mere shell of the man he once was. You cannot go to Washington hoping to change it, and then listen to the same honey tounged serpents that have swarmed to your side offering 'advice' that you should 'lisssssssssssten' to when *THEY* are the same ones that have corrupted Washington in the first place. "Obama of Winter" indeed.
<eventtime>2008-07-12 00:58:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-07-12 05:14:51</logtime>
<subject>Bush sinks to a new low even for Bush</subject>
Bush is basically utterly and totally ignoring a ruling by the Supreme Court regarding enforcing <a href="">emissions</a>. Let me repeat that. The President of the United States is basically telling the Legislative and the Judicial Branch...Fuck You, you want me to do something about it? Make me. Now I hate to be Mr. Tinfoil hat, but now that Coward Obama (The Cake is a Lie!) has passed the Let George Bush Get Away With it Act of 2008, they're going to know anything I type or do anyway so saying it out loud might help some other people. How to Survive: 1) Read <a href="">this little theory</a> about what George Bush believes in. 2) When they start, if they start, there is going to be obvious signs. But the key indicator will be things like *The Internet suddenly stops working. Everywhere. (The US Government controls the internet.) *The government temporarily declares Martial Law. For your safety. *Restrictions on Travel and potentially a curfew. 3) When they begin rounding people up, they are not be able to get everyone at once. If you have ever: *Donated to any party but the Republican Party *Written a letter to the White House or anyone in <a href="">The Project For a New American Century</a> *Took part in a political protest of any kind *Belong to a political organization such as (but not only) PETA, the ACLU, the NRA, Greenpeace etc Then you are probably at the top of the list of people that they are going to monitor and watch. However, it will take them time to consolidate their power. 4) Your best and safest bet is probably to flee to Canada. While there might be travel restrictions, they will want to avoid a panic, so they will not be rounding people up right away. I would update your passport if I were you. *Don't fly anywhere. That's the first place they'll look. *Don't use a credit card. Ever. *Don't bring a cell phone with you or anything wireless. 5) If you're not up for that, there are still other general precautions that it is wise to take, regardless of what may happen: * Have a couple of months of food. Costco sells some excellent emergency food rations. * Have some cash on hand, at least $2000-3000. Some in the bank isn't a bad idea either. * Some gold might be handy, but too much will probably make you a target for theives. * An emergency preparedness kit or 72 hour kit * Water. Have some water as well. Don't forget that if the water gets shut off, the toilets won't work and showers and the like won't work either. 6) If their is a mass panic either from a natural disaster or...something may need to defend yourself. You have to honestly ask yourself what you're willing to do to protect yourself and/or your loved ones. More importantly, you have to understand that it will be too late to make relevent preparations after the fact. I'm not suggesting heading for the hills or cutting yourself off from Civilization. I am, however saying that a few simple precautions in a now very chaotic world (Bush, Global Warming, Fuel Shortages etc) might help you make it long enough for help to arrive. But I'm probably just imagining it all. That isn't stopping me from having an emergency food supply, 72 hour kit and updated passport though.
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