Sunday, April 9, 2017

Nov 2015

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<eventtime>2015-11-10 20:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-11-11 01:57:19</logtime>
<subject>Writing a Novel That No One Will Read</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">I know my channeling capacity. <br>I know what I can sell.<br>My mother <br>My wife<br>My editor <br>Maybe one or two more <br>Why bother?<br>Because it's there<br>Because I still love telling stories <br>Because I swore I was gonna write seven <br>I am on number six<br>Because I like talking mice that kill people <br>And because THIS one is for my kids<br>So they learn never to believe things<br>Just because their parents teach them to them<br>And hopefully it will have more familial entertainment value <br>Than a lecture from the old man<br>On the dangers of joining a cult<br>Still.<br>I miss the days when I could delude myself<br>Into believing I would be famous. <br>Ah well.<br>32500 words to go.</p>
<eventtime>2015-11-15 23:47:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-11-16 04:47:26</logtime>
<subject>Can't Not Look</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">I pride myself <br>On my ability to not think <br>on command<br>On demand<br>On a dime<br>Don't think about<br>Gray elephant in Denmark<br>Everything Being Awesome<br>Supercalifragisliticexpelialadocius <br>The Owner of a Heart that has been broken<br>As compared to its corresponding lonely cousin<br>Like Zen<br>Not thinking <br>Is easy for a cultist <br>This is why I have little fear <br>Of lovecraftian space and time<br>Of rended dreams <br>Of the unseen mind<br>The nightmares of the id<br>Do not terrify me<br>But the truth has a price<br>And it is simply this<br>I can lie if I must<br>To survive <br>I rarely do<br>For I try for ethics sake<br>To extend to others<br>That which I demand to myself<br>But there is still a difference <br>For I CANNOT lie to myself <br>But the time to probe the metaphysical abyss<br>Of my suckage <br>Strongly suspected <br>But not known<br>Despite polite indirect likes from friends<br>And a lack of enthusiasm through silence stoicism <br>Even from those who value me<br>As a person most<br>And to be clear<br>I know I am loved<br>And cherished <br>As a friend<br>And son<br>And brother<br>And husband <br>But my talent?<br>It is one thing to suspect it<br>It is another to have the Total Perspective Vortex<br>Say yes<br>You suck<br>Right in the middle<br>Of the proverbial fucking marathon<br>Oh<br>I am a stubborn cuss<br>So I will finish<br>But despite the cheering <br>And there will be some<br>It will feel like an empty stadium<br>Because I know I suck<br>Not suspect <br>KNOW.<br>And it will sting like salt in a wound.<br>But at least I know.<br>Hurray?<br>Hello?<br>That's important, right?<br>Better to know?<br>Being right doesn't mean shit.<br>Only kindness matters.</p>
<eventtime>2015-11-28 02:40:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2015-11-28 07:40:22</logtime>
<subject>Circle the Wagons</subject>
by Emmit Other Their God Is a Smiling God Teeth so White So Clean So Clean Shiny and White So Clean Such Sheen Circle the Wagons Our Circle Our Love Smiling Such Smiling The Sign of the Dove Seagulls have been known To eat whale flesh When they come up for air And eat the eyes off baby seals Doves and Pidgeons Are Much the same thing Flying Rats That eat anything that they can And go pop with Alcaceltzer Which love is your love? The kind that is wide open With arms wide open To embrace Given Without condition Without pretense This love is given Even when it is not returned Or smiling Always smiling Don't stop smiling Or you will be noticed And expelled from the circle Shun one of us And shun us all We are so happy We will never stop being happy And shall shun Shun Shun The unbeliever Shun one of us And we all shun back Don't take darkness from one And we all shall attack Go out of our way To make you back down None shall not smile None bear a frown Circle the wagons And grin for our God Our circular circus So decidedly odd. I don't care. And never will. My arms are always open Except when they aren't And never were And I chose to believe you But if you mark Hatred upon your forehead How much I am not Then I won't pursue I don't need to I can love you Right from where I am I don't have to prove anything Smile for anyone Or circle My feelings are my own.

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