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Feb 2009

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<eventtime>2009-02-02 15:27:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-02 20:29:23</logtime>
<subject>The Sleeping Dogs are not gone</subject>
Interesting view of PUMA people here ( You might wonder why I'm bothering to go to a site on a regular basis filled with PUMA droppings? Well 1)&nbsp;They (unlike many PUMA's) DID&nbsp;support Obama during the actual election. &nbsp;Grudgingly. 2)&nbsp;They actually have bits and pieces of useful news faster than a lot of other blogs I've found.
<eventtime>2009-02-03 22:37:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-04 03:38:32</logtime>
<subject>Want a good laugh?</subject>
Read the reaction <a href=""></a> by Stephenie Myers (Twilight) fans when Steven King called her writing &quot;Crap.&quot;<br /><br />I knew there are was a reason I liked King.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-04 09:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-04 14:42:26</logtime>
<subject>Good News/Bad News</subject>
Bad News:&nbsp;Obama's health care reform plan has been severely derailed by Daschle getting Clintonified by the Republicans. &nbsp;(Though it is ironic that he is actually MORE guilty than Clinton ever was of an actual crime.&nbsp; Since perjury commited under a witch hunt is meaningless, since a witch hunt is a witch hunt is a witch hunt. &nbsp;I don't care if (as my one friend put it) there even actually &quot;are witches&quot; the tactics make the verdict or the findings meaningless. This is my number 2 issue after prosecuting Bush.&nbsp; I hope he still does something. Good News:&nbsp; Obama has one less 'hero/mentor' figure, which was obviously a blind spot. &nbsp;We're all human.&nbsp; Now that Daschel has been taken down a peg, that's one less person of clouded judgement to cloud Obama's judgement. &nbsp;(Daschel was a craptastic leader in the senate, though nowhere near as bad as Reid/Pelosi.)
<eventtime>2009-02-05 07:18:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-05 12:19:02</logtime>
<subject>Behold the Puma Droppings</subject>
Who are more interested in destroying the country in order to be right about a primary that is already over, rather than saving it.<br /><br />I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO&nbsp;glad they lost.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-08 01:11:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-08 06:11:44</logtime>
<subject>Behold with awe</subject>
The attitudes of true patriots and democrats working eagerly for change.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />How pathetic can you get?<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-08 12:35:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-08 17:36:54</logtime>
<subject>Like Ghouls in the Crypt</subject>
The Hillary PUMA&nbsp;things, more concerned with their own private petty revenge than the good of the country are still alive and well.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />So what's the difference between psychotic liberal PUMA people who want to burn Obama because they don't agree with him and psychotic Republicans shouting &quot;TAX&nbsp;CUTS!&quot;&nbsp;while Rome burns?<br /><br />Not much in my opinion.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-09 18:33:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-09 23:34:37</logtime>
Being Laid Off means that necessity is the mother of invention...
So I'm going to try and harness the power of weirdness by creating a blog with weird things in it tied to google ad sense to generate revenue.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br /><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-09 19:04:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-10 00:05:25</logtime>
<subject>Here is what is going to happen</subject>
The whole world will see this case -&nbsp;<br /><br /> <a href=""></a> <br /><br />Obama will look like a fool at the worst time imaginable.<br /><br />He will change his mind.<br /><br />He will look weak at the worst time imaginable.<br /><br />I still think he's a good president. &nbsp;I think he's doing a good job and I expected him to make mistakes.<br /><br />BUT&nbsp;NOW&nbsp;IS&nbsp;NOT&nbsp;A&nbsp;GOOD&nbsp;TIME&nbsp;TO&nbsp;START&nbsp;LOOKING&nbsp;LIKE&nbsp;GEORGE&nbsp;W. STUPID!!!!<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-10 23:20:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-11 04:22:52</logtime>
<subject>Every day....</subject>
I am looking for a job.<br /><br />Every day I am hoping I will have enough money to support my family if Jennifer gets pregnant.<br /><br />I hope to be able to pay our medical bills.<br /><br />And the&nbsp;Republican 5th column isn't just disagreeing with Obama, they're trying to Destroy America.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />Last year if I saw something like this I'd donate a small amount to Obama's campaign.<br /><br />I can't do that now. &nbsp;What am I going to do?&nbsp;Write a letter?&nbsp;What good will that do?&nbsp;These people have letter writing machines that generate letters from thousands of fake people.<br /><br />Most people are starting to turn against the Stimulus, because they are sheep. &nbsp;And because they have not yet learned that anything ever proposed by Republicans is poison.<br /><br />Somehow I am supposed to find a job in all of this. &nbsp;Somehow I am supposed to feed my family in all this.<br /><br />I am supposed to sit around another 3 weeks and try to be 'bipartisian'?<br /><br />These people are monsters.&nbsp; And they are surrounded by enablers.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-10 23:41:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-11 04:47:39</logtime>
<subject>A Warrior Born</subject>
By Emmit Other I am a Warrior Born To Fight Evil To Do&nbsp;Good. Never have I claimed perfection. Only that I would do the best I can With what I have But lately, all I have are my two hands. My captains have betrayed me And my world has been turned Upside down. All I have left are my own two eyes to guide me My heart to show me what is Or is not Right. I look around And I see a world of wonderous beauty Falling apart at the seams. I see a civilization of towering glass and wonder steel Fested with maggots who try to rot it from within. I shrine the shine of the document That protects it all. It is what it is. We are who we are. That paper says we are all free. Free to decide who we want to be. Free to live how we want to live. You can't fight that kind of battle With swords or knives or guns. Not without burning the paper. And yet that's what the little maggots are trying to do Each time they nibble away at the truth. You can't have truth if you don't want it. I want it. &nbsp; I hate it but I want it. I wish the world wasn't the way it was. I wish I didn't care about the way it was. But it is what it is And the grocery bill is coming due No matter my opinion on the matter or not. Call me arrogant all you want. I call myself arrogant all the time. I try to work on that. But that doesn't change what I see. And I see rot around us. I see festering rot that no one really seems to care about. And the few that do Are just as helpless as I am Tossing wads of crumbled up Nibbled paper at the rats That take away the bricks bit by bit Of our fair society. How do you fight rats with balls of paper? You don't. But if you use something other than that The paper tears And you aren't what you are any more. So what do I do? I don't know. I don't have the answers anymore. My captains sold them To the rats for a buck ninety five And an all express pass to the subway.
<eventtime>2009-02-11 06:34:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-11 11:35:15</logtime>
<subject>AP is the new FOX</subject>
And here&nbsp;I thought the new FOX was Politico.<br /><br />Instead it is AP which has decided to start spewing lies like this one.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />I notice that the AP doesn't have a contact message on their website. &nbsp;How typical.<br /><br />Garbage in. &nbsp;Garbage out.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-11 08:14:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-11 13:17:00</logtime>
I don't post attacks that attack people on their own blogs
But<a href=""> this </a>is pathetic.<br /><br />Let's show how hip and cool I am by posting about how Bush is like Calvin Coolidge and Obama is like Hoover. &nbsp;Yeah!&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm&nbsp;SMART!<br /><br />And then in the next post saying how cool it would be for <a href="">Iran to have nuclear weapons</a> to act as a deterrent for Israel.<br /><br />Yeah.<br /><br />Right.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-11 10:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-11 15:39:13</logtime>
<subject>Time to End The Israel Do Whatever They Want Party</subject>
I've been supporting Israel. &nbsp;Not blindly supporting mind you. &nbsp;I know they've done some bad things, indeed some very bad things. Deliberately planning their withdrawl from Gaza during the inauguration is one of those things. But terrorists are terrorists. People who elect terrorists should be accountable for their government. &nbsp;We're guilty of electing Bush even if I didn't vote for him. Hamas uses terrorist godwin/nazi V-2 style rockets randomly on innocent civilians. Israel tries to attack only military targets on an enemy that deliberately uses children as human shields. And now Israel is on the very of making Netenyohoo their prime minister again. No. Enough of this. If they do that, my last shred of support for&nbsp;Israel goes away. &nbsp;Pull the plug.&nbsp; No more foreign aid until they put someone in place who isn't a psychotic freak.
<eventtime>2009-02-14 02:40:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-14 07:42:50</logtime>
<subject>Never bet against America.</subject>
Republicans are betting that America will fail.<br /><br />America has failed, but in the long run I'd never bet my money against America.&nbsp; Ever since there WAS an America, that money&nbsp; has come out on America's side way beyond the odds time and time again.<br /><br />There is a reason this is the Nation of&nbsp;Hope.<br /><br />Republicans are also assholes.&nbsp; They knew that they were going to lose. &nbsp;But aside from the three who didn't want to see the country burn, not one of the remaining Rephuklycans was willing to put his ass on the line to vote for the stimulus to keep<a href=""> this poor guy </a>from having to fly back FROM&nbsp;HIS&nbsp;MOTHER'S&nbsp;FUNERAL for the vote.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-14 13:45:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-14 18:46:15</logtime>
<subject>Has anyone else gotten a comment like this?</subject>
<em>Hey there, really great entry, I bookmarked it.<br /><br />BTW, have you seen that the president is giving away grant money?<br /><br />Here is the site you can get the grant from:</em> (Link removed by me)<br /><br /><em>Comment me back whenever you would like, I hope the link helped you as much as it helped me (I was able to get about $1,000 in a week because I earn 30k/yr at my job)</em><br /><br />I didn't click the link because it didn't show up on Google. &nbsp;And the journal entry on the person in question's site seems a little blank.<br /><br /><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-16 15:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-16 20:55:42</logtime>
<subject>Job Scams on the rise</subject>
So I get an email because &quot;our president&quot; saw your resume and wanted to meet with me tomorrow.<br /><br />Sounds cool right?<br /><br />So I do a google search on them and <a href="">this</a> is what I find.<br /><br />Cute.<br /><br />I swear if a meteor was going to hit the earth tomorrow there would be people out there selling meteor protection helmets for a thousand dollars each.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-18 08:31:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-18 13:34:13</logtime>
<subject>Apparently the Afghanistan war was "Optional"</subject>
<a href="">These guys really crack me up.</a><br /><br />&quot;There is a significant portion of the left that do not view the&nbsp;Afghanistan war as optional.&quot;<br /><br />O.O<br /><br />Wow.<br /><br />Just.&nbsp; Wow.<br /><br />I hope their house never gets robbed. &nbsp;Prosecution of the person who murdered their loved one would be 'optional.'<br /><br />I hope they never have a flood or natural disaster. &nbsp;Rescue and restoration of their house would be 'optional.'<br /><br />And these are the people who were smart enough to 'support' Obama for 3 months after he won the nomination but were originally rabid Clinton supporters.<br /><br />One can only imagine how much disconnect PUMA's have.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-19 11:46:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-19 16:47:26</logtime>
<subject>Remember Reagraham Lincool?</subject>
That parody that they did in the Daily show merging Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan in a hip hop cool grandpa rapping about how cool tax cuts are?<br /><br />They're starting to ACTUALLY&nbsp;THINK things like that are a good idea.<br /><br />And<a href="">&nbsp;I'm not the only one who sees this</a> for how funny and false it really is.<br /><br />Blamey McToken indeed.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-21 22:06:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-22 03:08:53</logtime>
<subject>5th Column Democrats</subject>
The discussion here is&nbsp;Obama ignoring the constitution.<br /><br />Don't get me wrong.&nbsp; I am 100% opposed to holding people without trial for prolonged periods of time. &nbsp;Having said that, there are also important precidents here.<br /><br />A president cannot always take the time in the middle of a war to give a normal trial to prisoners. On the other hand, Afghanistan is more of a perpetual war rather than invading another country, and as such demands different behavior than other wars.<br /><br />Having said that, <a href="">it appears to me </a>that some of the commenters here are more interested in destroying&nbsp;Obama and the new progressive ascension than they are with their so called principles.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-24 01:17:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-24 06:19:14</logtime>
<subject>Ah at last some intelligent conversation</subject>
The blog itself is fascinating, and if you follow politics I highly recommend it. &nbsp;But the comments here are a perfect mirror of rationality against the idiocy that I see quite often these days on Talk Left.<br /><br />Five thirty eight was about poll numbers, but its turning out to be one of the most intelligent places for commentary on the internet.<br /><br />Oh....and then there's Grog.<br /><br /><a href="">You must see Grog to believe him.</a><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-27 18:30:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-27 23:31:06</logtime>
<subject>This op ed peice</subject>
Pretty much <a href=";_ylt=Agb_oFTtDy8Zd24afD3c0Oz9wxIF">says it all</a> to me.<br /><br />The media are stupid, but elements of the media are MUCH&nbsp;MUCH stupider.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-02-28 13:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-02-28 18:05:17</logtime>
<subject>My card to my wife for our anniversary</subject>
<a href=""></a><br />

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