Sunday, April 9, 2017

August 2007

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<eventtime>2007-08-09 16:29:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-08-09 20:30:22</logtime>
<subject>Net Neutrality Isn't.</subject>
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the <a href=";_ylt=Auea0L6n5KNjiZzb3NMj2XwDW7oF">Primary Reason</a> why phone and cable companies cannot legally be allowed to affect the content of the internet AT ALL. It shouldn't even be called "Net Neutrality" it should be called Net Freedom. (Summary: A recent concert had anti-Bush lyrics that were 'accidentally' censored by AT&T in a recent broadcast.)
<eventtime>2007-08-13 11:52:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-08-13 16:00:54</logtime>
<subject>The Grand Vizier Exits Stage Left</subject>
The Grand Vizier realized that the time had come to <a href=";_ylt=Ah6R3XSOiKkblmv.X0SP1GSs0NUE">leave</a> his domain. He had worked long and hard with his protige, but unlike many others in their circle, HE had never lost touch with reality. He knew that history, like nature herself, worked in cycles and that the coming tide from the destruction would make the continued position of those in the cabal untenable. In the words of Kenny Roger in "The Gambler", the Vizier knew when to walk away. Had Gonzales folded, "Run" might have been more appropriate, but they had held the line. The opposition had proven weak and ineffective, just as he had forseen and planned. While the Vizier had talked about a regime that was to last a thousand years, he understood that things didn't work like that. There was never any real chance for an ursupration of the rights and privelidges of the opposing lords. The Vizier had simply reaped as much coin, political leverage and personal satisfaction in the right season as he could. Make no mistake. The seeds he had planted would keep the opposition busy until the next cycle. By then, the Vizier would have a new puppet and start all over again. By the time his next opportunity came four years later, all would be ready for him to resume his power behind the throne. He was more visible now. He might need to work through a shadow puppet; no matter. The weak sycophants in his own camp that wanted his aid and blessing did not understand him or his agenda at all. None would receive his aid; for none were worthy of his time or name. He did not have protiges, he had pawns who thought they were apprentices. Those with true power understood what happened when the next generation rose up. Time would catch up with eventually of course, but the Vizier had already made his mark upon history through immortality. But time was not done yet. He would return. And he would reign triumphant. He could not loose. He was the Grand Vizier.
<eventtime>2007-08-24 12:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-08-24 16:13:59</logtime>
If you haven't seen it yet, you should. It's quite good.

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