Sunday, April 9, 2017

March 2007

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<eventtime>2007-03-21 17:35:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-03-21 21:51:15</logtime>
<subject>The Latest Nonsense</subject>
In case you are tapped into the Conservative Back Channel Email nonsense or political 'discussion' forums, you'll notice that one of the more recent arguements perpetuated by Team Rove is "But Clinton Fired 97 Prosecutors when he took office!". Brief Summary of Issue: Bush has fired 9 prosecutors (who he picked in the first place by the way) because they wouldn't do things like focus their efforts on investigating democrats doing bad things (as compared to many republicans doing VERY bad things). No President in history has EVER done this. He used a loophole in the patriot act to cheat the intent of the constitution. Can you imagine them letting Clinton get away with that? I think not. Learn why this is utter and complete nonsense <a href=";_ylt=Aj8r8ss6lbLX9kHeEsga2_79wxIF">Here</a> and <a href=";_ylt=AmRfNkIZJwq5EycO_wfraYr9wxIF">Here</a>. I particularly like the fact that, when the White House is caught in an utterly bold face LIE this time, they just say, "Interesting Point". Meanwhile, be assured that this agregious abuse of power is turning heads among the loyal Republican/Conservative base, for they are surely hearing it over the air waves....or wait... Maybe they aren't. Take, for example, the <a href="">AJC</a>, which for the sake of time altering of links currently has such stunning headlines as "Snow Patrol Coming to Gwinetta Arena" "Elton John to Release Music Catelog Online" "Paternity Test Ordered for Smith's Baby". In fact the only hard hitting news on the entire upper half of the main page are entirely local, "Fulton DFACS fallen apart" (government=liberal). At least they have an "ATL arts investment funds urged" link. Even if you make the argument that newspapers are focusing more on local content (which is fine but focusing ONLY on celebrity crap and local news is hogwash) they could at LEAST report on something that say...the STATE government was doing. But some people like their willful ignorance.

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