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<eventtime>2009-04-05 02:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-05 06:15:41</logtime>
<subject>I was about to get all upset</subject>
At China for trying to be 'reasonable' when they have this crazy ally that has nukes, kidnaps people, and generally acts psychotic, but that they find useful to keep around for bargaining and diplomatic reasons. And then when I got to the part in my mind where I was going to say, "We don't have anyone like that, sure we act crazy sometimes, but we got over it...." and then I remembered Israel... Which elected NetenYahoo. ...... Twice...... Granted, we elected Bush twice, but you know...analogies break down after a while, and we're not North Korea.
<eventtime>2009-04-06 23:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-07 04:10:32</logtime>
<subject>Yahoo's Conservative Bias, caught in the act.</subject>
I noticed something funny in the popular news which I read a lot on Yahoo. The Tax Story had been hanging around for a long time, so I wanted to recommended some lower standing articles to bump it off. When I checked to see how close it was to being bumped, look at what I saw:<br /><br />Behold the following Screen shots.<br /><br /><img alt="" src="" /><br /><br />This first entry shows the 10th position in the recommended news. Note it has been recommended 114 times.<br /><br />Then notice this one.<br /><br /><img alt="" src="" /><br /><br />112 Users have recommended it, a difference of 2, not that big a deal.<br /><br />But when you look at places 11-16, which do NOT appear on the top 10 popular spot, examine what appears<br /><br /><img alt="" src="" /><br /><br />Notice the Recommended 83 times?<br /><br />Now behold....<br /><br /><br /><img alt="" src="" /><br /><br />Recommended 147 times.<br /><br />Ladies and gentlemen, I give you concrete evidence of our 'liberal' media at work.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-07 18:58:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-07 22:59:28</logtime>
<subject>I KNEW it!</subject>
It was only a matter of time before the 5th Column Hillary supporters started trying to work to destroy this country just like the Republicans.<br /><br />Look at the concern troll democrats more worried about 'What Obama is doing' rather than Glenn Beck and his talk of armed revolution.<br /><a href=""><br />Disgusting!<br /></a><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-08 10:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-08 14:59:22</logtime>
No, you're not 5th Column because you're 'libertarian' Talk Left
You're Fifth Column because you're so obviously opposing absolutely everything that Obama does at this point and that you're still sore about the Primary.<br /><br /><a href="">And no, you don't need to STFU</a>....But don't expect anyone who cares about Health Care or fixing this country to take you seriously.<br /><br />Some criticism is fine...for you at this point its all criticism, all the time.<br /><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-09 18:50:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-09 22:51:44</logtime>
<subject>A woman who loves Tofu</subject>
Wanted to have the license plate letters, "ILUVTOFU" and <a href=";_ylt=As1grpxzoaSpUd7uJHZ2bmMDW7oF">failed to see the potential problems with that</a>.<br />
<eventtime>2009-04-10 18:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-10 22:06:31</logtime>
<subject>PETA must be stopped.</subject>
This poor woman, a breeder, was harassed <a href="">just because the Biden's bought their dog from her.</a><br /><br />Because of PETA's actions, I am going to advocate to my wife that we get our dog from a Breeder, rather than a shelter. Anything PETA stands for, except things that any normal sane person would agree are bad, must be opposed.<br /><br />Assholes.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-10 18:24:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-10 22:25:21</logtime>
<subject>If you care about the matter</subject>
The head of the PA Department of Dog Enforcement, Susan West, can be reached at this email.
<eventtime>2009-04-13 02:18:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-13 06:18:53</logtime>
<subject>I am right. PETA is wrong.</subject>
Read this person's account <a href="">here</a>.<br />
<eventtime>2009-04-13 04:44:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-13 08:46:37</logtime>
<subject>Glenn "Doom Bunker" Beck uses necromancy</subject>
And <a href="">binds the poor soul of Thomas Paine </a>for his filthy cause.<br /><br />I AM willing to stand up and be counted. I AM saying Don't Tread on Me. I said it last November. I said it all year last year and I've said it my whole life.<br /><br />And I'll say it again.<br /><br />I'll say it as long as I have breathe in my lungs and my heart beats and blood flows through my veins.<br /><br />I'll defend my rights and the rights of my fellow Americans by whatever standard or method is needed to maintain our sacred honor, our sacred laws and our sacred rights.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-14 16:28:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-14 20:29:39</logtime>
<subject>This to me about says it all....</subject>
<a href="">Republicans have no credibility.</a><br /><br />I like this opinion peace, but the part I like the most is this: If the Republicans cannot give the president credit for handling something this clearly in the national interest, in which we should all as Americans agree we should unite behind, why should we listen to their criticisms on other things?<br /><br />In other words, they really are just the party of No.<br /><br />No ideas.<br /><br />No hope.<br /><br />No credibility.<br /><br />Tomorrow may very well be the most amusing day in a very long time.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-15 00:53:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-15 05:09:16</logtime>
<subject>I keep hearing about this toxic waste dumping....</subject>
But I've been unable thus far to track it back to any kind of reliable source.<br /><br />So far, I see lots of interviews with individual Somali's, and I have also have seen it listed as a 'fact' by many liberal or anti-Obama sites attempting to say that these pirates are not so bad after all etc.<br /><br />But I did an extensive research project for a company on Somali about seven years ago and did not come across one hint of this. Now, that is not to say that it wasn't occuring anyway, but most of the dumping that they say takes place in these interviews, although chasing down the single reliable source on wikipedia. shows <a href="">this </a>article, which came out in 2005, which would explain why it didn't show up on my radar. The main impetus behind this was the European Green Party, which released the details of the report in 2005.<br /><br />In fact, I would not at all be surprised if they were in large party behind the efforts to paint the pirates as 'not all that bad.'<br /><br /><a href="">This catchy little peice of viral</a> propoganda has been spreading all over the internet lately, which compares the US to the very pirates it fights. Now, it makes a lot of legitimate points, but like most well crafted propoganda, does so with a few doses of blurry problems. Like the fact that it cites St. Augustine as an example of saying that there is no difference between pirates and emperors. You know, the same St. Augustine who thought that women were inherently evil creatures and that incorporating Greek ideas about sexuality and science into Christianity (along with St. Paul) was a really good idea.<br /><br />The idea that there isn't a difference between a pirate and an emperor is a plausible one. The idea that there isn't a difference between a bunch of pirates and a democratically elected government is laughable.<br /><br />Yes, our government has and still does, engage in some pretty abhorent behaviors. Support of the Contrats was bad. Support of Saddam was bad. Giving weapons to Osama was also a really bad idea. Although, and here is a key point....Afghanistan was fighting against the Soviets. A lot of these high minded anti US forces don't really seem to offer a realistic alternative to psychotic soviets that want to take over the world. In fact, as is clearly demonstrated by the video, they pretty much say we're exactly the same as Somali pirates.<br /><br />Right. Well, I think much like "Global Warming doesn't exist" Republicans, I think there are some people on the left that having a conversation with is a bit of a waste of time.<br /><br />In fact, the more I study things, the more convinced I think that a large chunk of all our political beliefs are emotionally based rather than rational, its just that some people lie more than others. Realistically its a combination of both, but I've had too many conversations recently with 'rational' right wingers (libertarian or Republican) who have such blatant logical holes in their reasoning that I don't even bother to try and talk to them about politics any more. I have some really really awesome and amazing friends. I've decided friendship is more important than trying to yell at them for 30 minutes solid on a point netiher of us is going to agree on. Politically speaking, its obvious they think the same, or worse (probably worse) about me.<br /><br />Conversely, there are some people of the politically opposite point of view one can have a civil conversation about. On some things. Its about finding out what people care about emotionally and what people care about rationally, and just because you have rational underpinnings for your arguments, doesn't mean that you don't ultimately believe it because of emotion rather than pure reason. <br /><br />It is usually obvious to a neutral observer which is which in a conservastation, but then again, there is no such thing as a purely neutral perspective.<br /><br />So while I have rational reasons for holding contempt with people who sympathize with the poor pirates who hold people hostage (except perhaps on the most basic 'they're all human beings' level), emotionally I realize that this is someone who's going to sympathize with a bank robber holding my family hostage inside a bank with a bomb strapped to their chest. Not someone I'm going to have a rational conversation with thank you very much.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-15 17:34:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-15 21:37:17</logtime>
<subject>Our president is a Genius.</subject>
<a href="">CNN's unedited coverage of the tea bagging.</a><br /><br /><a href="">What Fox is showing of that occurance</a> (At least that is what I've been told, but I see nothing here to indicate that its a Fox video but the commentators on you tube's comments sound like Fox people.)<br /><br /><a href="">Obama's brilliant response.</a> (This is going viral today even though it is two days old, but I'd be willing to bet that it is being pushed by the left. It is two days early so it has plausible deniability, but the timing...oh the timing...)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-15 20:03:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-16 00:12:11</logtime>
<subject>The Republican LARP</subject>
When I was 19, I was freaked out by my first star fleet meeting. Yes. Its true, at one time I was a member of the Star Trek fanclub. The one that has ranks and stuff like the actual star fleet. Actually in retrospect, they were neat people. Its why I like the klingon guys that provide security at cons. But I digress. The thing that freaked me out about the Star Fleet meeting was the fact that it felt like Church. I literally felt many similarities between my sacrement meeting and Star Fleet. At the time I interpreted it to mean that they were like a church and to be looked at warily. Now I realize that ALL social institutions are like this. That is to say, every social group of any kind is its own tiny 'world.' There are rules, and norms, and acceptable group behaviors. Psychological studies have been shown that within a very short period of time, by group consensus, this reality can shift, either in the prison/guard experiment, or convincing people that there have been radical shifts in reality (like in that stupid Sci Fi show "Scare Tactics.") As someone who has studied society and psychology and the nature of reality and metaphysics extensively, I can tell you that a LARP is the ultimate expression of this. The only difference between a LARP and a normal human instition, is the fact that you know it is a game and all of the rules have been artificially set up in advance. I mean, in many ways, the economy is a LARP. You get up in the morning and go to work because the rules of society say that you will get paid in Dollar Points, which will let you buy the things that will let you eat, drink and enjoy your life. Republican reality and the rest of reality have been diverging for some time now, but they're on the verge of complete separation. Republicans literally have their own news sources, their own rules, their own beliefs, their own channels of reinforcement, and their own spin on all observed elements of results. It is my believe that they are nearing critical mass sufficient that they will make a complete separation from reality, and when that happens, they will segment. Some will stay as they are, but remain connected to the main consensus, some will join revolutionary outfits, self reinforcing cells possibly connected to the internet, and potentially a bizarre hybrid third that will be just disconnected to continue to generate more violent cells, but not violent enough to be against the law. Regardless, the behavior and disconnect of Republicans from the rest of consensus reality are truly frightening to behold. The innmates really are ready to overrun the assylum.
<eventtime>2009-04-18 15:53:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-18 19:54:48</logtime>
<subject>Time for the Endangered Species Act to Go</subject>
When we're protecting Turtles<a href=""> instead of preventing CO2</a> which will cause massive climate change, which will kill A LOT more species, its time for a revokation of the Endangered Species Act.<br />
<eventtime>2009-04-18 16:19:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-18 20:24:28</logtime>
<subject>Really, Mr. Chan? REALLY?</subject>
If a westerner had said, "Chinese people are not as good as Westerners,<a href=""> they need to be controlled</a>" they would have been seen for the racist scum that they are.<br /><br />But it's OK for Jackie Chan to say it? Really? So western people are better at governing themselves and exercizing self restraint?<br /><br />America is not what it used to be, true, but we still do some pretty amazing things.<br /><br />But really...the idea that somehow Asians are sub human, and not as deserving of basic freedoms, free will or the ability to decide their own destiny is the most bizarre form of self imposed racism I've ever seen.<br /><br />I mean, it would be one thing if there were regular elections and Asian democracies kept electing the Tyrant party...I'd believe that. I mean, it CAN happen. That's what Venezuela's been doing. Time and time again they sell their freedoms to Chavez in actual legitimate elections.....<br /><br />But the thing is, I don't really see people in Asia actually doing that. So what I really see, Mr. Chan, is that you're a total sell out, who, like the elite in Asia, just thinks democracy is a bad idea, and that in the meantime you'll just get rich.<br /><br />Yeah, there was this other group of aristocrats in Europe that felt the same way 200 years ago. It didn't work out too well for them either. It is a lot hard to be told, "Asians like to be controlled" when you're the one being controlled instead of doing the controlling.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-20 21:16:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-21 01:17:08</logtime>
<subject>I have supported Obama</subject>
And quite frankly, I still do. I think that, for the most part, he's doing a fantastic job.... But I'm sorry, you're going to tell me we're going to be prosecuting a Somali PIRATE but not the Bush people responsible for War Crimes? Um.....yeah. Right.
<eventtime>2009-04-24 09:38:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-24 13:39:26</logtime>
<subject>I'm avoiding posting much but this link</subject>
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Kind of shows the crazy town that certain segments on the left have been waiting for. I understand the initial complaint, but when you get to the bottom and see the 'vast left wing conspiracy' you see latent factionalism waiting to rise.
<eventtime>2009-04-26 01:04:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-26 05:05:40</logtime>
<subject>This is the proof of my mark.</subject>
I do not want to post this, for I am hoping I am wrong, and that my darker nature is not right in connecting the dots, behaviors and patterns observed over a life time....but if I am right I want to be able to prove I saw it as it happened.<br /><br />No explanation given at this time. <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">BCRXNVAX</font>.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-04-27 08:07:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-27 12:07:54</logtime>
<subject>An opinion peice</subject>
Asking "<a href="">where is the outrage about Sri Lanka</a>?" pointing out the obvious that the Arab League are a bunch of hypocrites, and traditionally Europe are a bunch of hypocrites right along with them.<br />
<eventtime>2009-04-27 20:35:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-04-28 00:36:51</logtime>
<subject>There are two shows right now</subject>
I watch on Fox, and after that, I'm pretty much done with them forever. I'm really @#$@#$@ annoyed Joss Whedon was stupid enough to do another show on Fox...I mean CAN'T THE MAN GET A SHOW ON ANOTHER NETWORK!?<br /><br />And I like Fringe, but I can live without it.<br /><br />FYI,<a href=""> Fox is not showing Obama's speech tomorrow</a>.<br /><br />
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