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<eventtime>2014-11-05 22:56:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2014-11-06 03:56:33</logtime>
<subject>SunBunny Bright Eyes</subject>
by Emmit Other by Emmit Other If Everything is Real (And It Is) Then Time Travel Is just another trip to the store And the story of how we met Can be remembered And relived Again And Again Its just that simple It is, bar none, my fondest memory. There is all this talk of free will and destiny. I don't have all the answers In fact, The only one I have Is that we are almost never going to know What is really going on Stuff and nonsense The only thing I need to know Is that I choose to be with you She of the bright hair And brighter eyes. The magic of your spirit Calls me like honey To an autumn bee dying Seeking out flowers And bright colors. You are life The trifecta of sun and earth and sea in open sky. Where three elements meet I have seen this before I have been here before Another important moment In some ways the ending And a beginning. You are the new chapter And I am enjoying it very much.
<eventtime>2014-11-10 08:03:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2014-11-10 13:03:21</logtime>
<subject>Special Delivery</subject>
by Emmit Other It was the multiple boxes of crayons that caught my attention Lying next to the pallet of handcrafted journals Written in loving meticulous hand I couldn't read them of course Not even I can do that More than one letter at a time These are the rules of Dream Such that help us differentiate Between this world And the worlds between worlds But books know how to speak When you know how to ask them So I reached back into time And pulled the books that had been lost In particular the bright red book Filled with drawings of an odd and angular nature A picture of the owner Bespectacled and in her fourites My age By a chain of impossible events To my address five Steps over To a Me directly And not one of the other beauteous and horrible things I am From an invisible friend To a bbackwater spirit A river fairy between rivers between worlds To a damned spectre To a me that only cares for numbers And practical things that give social status In a pecking order of moldy oranges Lovingly, I took the pages And preserved them where I could write them Through a passing static window To preserve the words Intact A passing world that Merges with our own in time not synced 100 pages. 5001 Days. Only a lunatic would take the job Fortunately, I fit the bill Given what I see so far in the pictures it whispers to me Its well worth the effort and weight.
<eventtime>2014-11-26 08:17:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2014-11-26 13:17:36</logtime>
<subject>Indignation of a Ham Sandwich</subject>
by Emmit Other The Ham Sandwich was indignant As it sat behind bars Indicted by the Grand Jury While the Pig strutted back and forth in front of the bars The sugar from the donut it had been gobbling Oozing down in glops From the hairs of his chinny chin chin His brothers were out and about Beating the other condiments with night sticks When they dared to question the veracity Of the lawful system which had detained the sandwich The Wolf had struck a deal And all the pigs worked for him now As he laughed all the way to the bank With a belly full of grandma. You cannot kill a wolf with mustard And this animal farm is locked down down down Tight. Some animals are more equal than others Room to breathe Able to breathe at all Meanwhile the wolf keeps making sandwich after sandwich While the baloney sucks the wolf's teat Honeyed by the silken words That of course they will be taken care of God wants them to be with the wolf And they will be in the last sandwich And for the baloney it is enough So are you a rhino Or are you dinner? That depends on whether or not You lie down on the wolf's carving table While he sharpens the knives.
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