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<eventtime>2014-01-04 23:40:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2014-01-05 04:41:32</logtime>
<subject>To Kick Against The Pricks</subject>
So long ago in ages past Before the lightning struck Why did the fires come? Antecedent myths of the coming of fire Stolen Dragged Tricked Away from the table of the Gods Cursing and Burning Black the one who takes it Fire is the beginning The very stuff of stars and sun It was the first element That second past creation Bleeding and Oozing into other forms More precious and meaningful to the proclivity of life But fire has always been with us Even when it has not been So old These stories are Of Gods and Fairies and Demons The Old Ones They say Live by different rules On the backside of reality Where science does not hold sway Magic The mysteries of the universe Where you really can carry moonbeams home in the jar Often gone so gone in morning light The truth is more subtle than this An ecology of ideas By day the clearest truth of gravity, taxes and death By by moonlight no less true in love and hope and glory and faith Some say that the moonlit world is no less real Mugglish Morons So Oft Made Weak in tales of Magic and Yore Tis the things of the night that hold sway over Men But Cold Iron and Starkness Kill them in the end And they are but dust These ideas beyond geology are real They are real because we say they are real And they manifest in our lives But a Lie is still a lie in either world In daylight it creeps and is simply not true The Man who is nothing but a dweller in mud Can no more distinguish between a lie and the Holy Grail But the Awakened can see that the Holy Grail might look like a wooden cup But it is salvation. There are those who say you cannot truly fight evil That darkness cannot be destroyed And that is true when you fight by mud When you dwell only in the world of supermarkets and accounting and gold based currency But in the older rules Where Gods take the moon And play pong with it each season as the startides right Here Truth is born And here any human who sees the Spirit within them Here they are greater than any dweller on the other world Here they are more Here they are Eternal Transcending Time And the entropy of this world is lost If you have faith If you believe it If it is your spiritual path to do so But a lie will poison that path For to see Spiritual things You must seek Truth The greatest truth being Love Love is not tolerance of evil Nor is it tolerance of intolerance It is the believe in the real Not that which is co-opted by rich men With coins in their pockets Even the basest of us really knows that To worship lucre is to merely count how many rocks we own Rather than to fly among the stars themselves You have to be fed And that knife wound will never go away Simply because you wish it But the context of why you live your life Your story Your world Your universe Is there if you take it And most important Most important of all If you do not let them take it from you. I'm willing to protect your birthright if you are But I will not defend you forever if you will not defend yourself There are too many Far too many More worthy of the attentions Of those who can see the world for what it is And most of all What it can be. I am not perfect I am not greater I simply accept the potential for what I can be And embrace it with every breath I take And do my best to help others do the same Which, coincidentally Means stopping those who try to take the birthright of their fellows Each path, each spiritual journey Is every human's to take So stop drinking their motherfucking milkshake And lend a hand Or get out of the way We've got places to go Those of us who give a damn.
<eventtime>2014-01-16 16:39:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2014-01-16 21:39:16</logtime>
<subject>A Ringing In My Ears</subject>
by Emmit Other There is a ringing in my ears There is a ringing in my ears As I clamp down with all my might On unleashing all the tears Earned by well meaning on the innocent And the fire of my soul That lives to fight the darkness Is burning red as coal But I know no good will come of this And I know the sweet refrain Of nothing standing still is doom And the existential stain Of too much wrath Inside to hold Is something quite dark I'm holding on so far But the choices are quite stark For soon the madness Of the anger Of the righteous cause Will over ride the considerations And my rationalist pause The need for justice At the harbinger of such Has crossed a line That is just a bit too much Something no man Who calls himself a man Would ever dare to say My love is such an elephant And is standing in the way Of my second protocol in the heichary of me I know no good can come of this There is a ringing in my ears There is a ringing in my ears And I've 24 minutes left to go I'll post what I must And speak to no one And then some peace I'll know But in the meantime My silence does me garrot My hope in mankind has left by bus And now I'm waiting for Godot There is a ringing in my ears There is a ringing in my ears There is a ringing in my ears And there is no one left To answer. To answer. To answer for. To answer. 22 minutes left to go. Infinity. Eternity. Keep the pace Keep the watch. There is a ringing in my ears There is a ringing in my ears And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before.... Sleep. Forever more.
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