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<eventtime>2008-02-01 10:30:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-01 16:06:35</logtime>
<subject>In order to please our new Klingon Masters</subject>
I tried translating my poem into Klingon, but the website only translated the word 'Now' which apparently means "ghobe'w" in Klingon. Let's try low Klingon and see what we get. Интернет Гражданина Передвинским Tursor Интернет Гражданина, Гражданин Понижение Гражданина Перемещение Прогрессивного Ребенка Силикона Углубление внутри. Кристаллический Череп Как Сделанные Инки С Маской Силикона Говорит, Кто я Или, каковы Вы. Уведенный Сегодня Здесь Завтра Я - То, поскольку я - Хотят Быть Промах и Петля Лететь и Мелькать и Бросаться. Я строю место С триллионом слов Столь же реальный как любая мечта Все мы можем видеть это ребенок Наблюдение, которое делает Вещь. Прежде, чем воображение прибыло и пошло Как океан на потоке Narnia, Графство, Barsoom Через мгновенные окна. Тогда слишком скоро. 24/7/365 Все время моя мечта - там Выройте джайв демократичный. Я делаю правила, которыми я живу Участвуйте или нет Но дела имеют значение в конце Держась, что Вы имеете Тысяча лиц Тысячей способов Определите нас, каковы мы Но я говорю мне, который я - теперь см Не только звезда пожелания. Смотрите вон там на горизонте Поскольку я занимаюсь серфингом эвристический стакан Я - ребенок Интернета гражданина Вы можете поцеловать мою сардоническую задницу Я строю новое завтра Продвиньтесь и скоро Вы будете видеть Вещи, которые мы делаем, будут слоняться поблизости Так же, как они предназначаются, чтобы быть. Мечты реальны только различные теперь Вокруг океанского потока Теперь песок - камень и силикон Слова, запасенные внутри. Жизнь состоит в том то, что мы говорим, что это. Таким образом там.
<eventtime>2008-02-04 16:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-04 21:13:28</logtime>
<subject>I don't think the word is treason....</subject>
because that is very specifically spelled out in the constitution, but there comes a point at which one must call every Rephuklycan law maker...Stupid? Ignorant? Dumb? Right now Bush is putting together a treaty to bind the US in Iraq for <a href=";_ylt=AgK9Z9Fvo0lHarMOmzJWgLn9wxIF">years</a>, only he's saying 'its not really a treaty'....except that it is, and yet again the Rephuklycan lawmakers aren't saying or doing a thing about it. Right. See there is this bit in the constitution that says Congress must ratify treaties. It's pretty close to that thing that says Congress must declare wars. But that kind of depends on not having 30-50% of the country that think the Constitution means giving them and their buddies low taxes and good business deals.
<eventtime>2008-02-05 14:27:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-05 19:28:21</logtime>
<subject>I Endorse</subject>
<event>Barack Obama for President in 2008.</event>
<eventtime>2008-02-07 12:56:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-07 17:57:39</logtime>
<subject>God does answer prayers.</subject>
<a href=>Mitt Romney has suspended his campaign for president.</a> And whilst eternal viligance is required lest he ever run for anything, anywhere again, this is a sign of sure divine favor. Note, I am not opposed to a mormon candidate. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Just anyone affiliated with the inner circle and/or Terry Shaivo Shucksters.
<eventtime>2008-02-07 13:33:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-07 18:34:06</logtime>
<subject>I have never been a fan of Bank of America</subject>
But only an idiot would do business with them <a href=">now.</a> They're jacking up people's interest rates to double digits...BECAUSE THEY CAN. This isn't because of a credit report, bad payments, or any such thing. It is simply because they want to make money off of people. And yet <a href="">more</a> methods in how they suck. While this element is more gray, basically, they're letting a fraudulent company charge the credit card money and refusing to do anything about it. Is Bank of America another Enron? Cause its sure starting to sound like it is. If you have an account with them, you might want to get your money out whilst you still can.....because given some other stuff I've recently read, I'm not sure how much I trust the <a href="">FDIC</a>. Given the status of <a href="">US bonds</a> has me concerned. The truth of the matter is, I think people subconciously realize Rephuklycans are like cockroaches, and for every problem you see there are forty you don't. That doesn't mean take all your money out of your bank account, but I will say that our savings is in a credit union and not a bank. In fact, spreading your money out to different banks, or even better smaller, privately owned banks, might not be a bad idea.
<eventtime>2008-02-08 13:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-08 18:38:28</logtime>
Clinton Selling Donor Lists to Junk Mail Companies For Campaign Cash
If <a href="">this</a> doesn't summarize why supporting Hillary Hopeslayer is a bad idea, I don't know what is. I admit, I have not had time to verify the facts of this, but, let us be frank: We know they have already been bought and sold by corporations and why not believe it? It is VERY typical of their behavior.
<eventtime>2008-02-08 20:42:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-09 01:46:07</logtime>
<subject>The Key To Falsehood</subject>
So Hillary is acting outraged <a href=";_ylt=AraZYZU0Op_hvOe2LTMcwVsDW7oF">about someone implying Chelsea was a whore</a> because Hillary is farming her out to call super delegates and celebrity endorsements. Now, first off...I do agree with the foul mouthed scum of an anchor when he says that using Chelsea publicly in your campaign DOES make her somewhat fair game for criticism...if it is something that involves actually being worth being criticized for. In this case, that would merely be being the heir designate in the OTHER new Aristoratic family besides the Bushes. Obviously implying she is a whore is entirely inappropriate. The real key here is....Is Hillary really outraged or is she merely being politically opportunistic? (Tears? Can't do that now. Poor Victimized Underdog who had to sell her house for campaign money? Can't do that now...what about Outraged Mother)? ANY parent would be furious at this.....but then again, if they really want the media to stop calling their daughter a whore, then they don't want the media to talk about it at all. So you say, "Please stop talking about this, we love Chelsea and want to get on with our campaign." What you do not do is go on and on about it for days, or even the whole weekend. So we'll see just how many Clinton surrogates continue to talk about this. And I bet we're gonna hear a lot about it. Curious, she didn't get this morally outraged about her husband when he slept with Monica.
<eventtime>2008-02-09 19:25:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-10 00:25:50</logtime>
<subject>And its official</subject>
I suspected I was right, but there you go. <a href="">Hillary is keeping the story alive.</a> Which means that Hillary doesn't care about anyone but Hillary.
<eventtime>2008-02-10 16:53:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-10 21:58:23</logtime>
<subject>Why Huckabee Heralds the Anti Christ</subject>
Because I still believe the Constitution was divinely inspired, and while there are large amounts of my Mormon upbringing that I have begun to question or throw out, the idea that the problem with the bible as the sole word of God is that anyone can interpret it any way that they like, and how the Constitution is a work of genius that has withstood the test of time. Hithertonow, I was prepared to vote for McCain if I had to, not because I wanted to but because if Hillary Hopeslayer wins, I wanted to make sure we did not get another aristocracy, and quite frankly, the Hopeslayer will keep us in Iraq regardless as well, so at least McCain would not be another perpetuation of an aristocracy. But the worst part of Bush's legacy and behavior was his belief that he could ignore the constitution when it wasn't convenient for him. So when I hear Mike Huckabee saying on national television that, "There are only 10 commandments that we need. Anything else is just trying to get around them" tells me that this is a man who will cross his fingers behind his back when he swears before God to uphold the constitution because 'God's law is more important'. Of course, who gets to say what God's law is? Because my version of God's law and his version are different. This forced me to do some research on the man. <a href="">Here</a> is what I found. Please McCain, don't choose this freak OR Romney as your VP. Don't make me vote for the Hopeslayer. Of course, if we are truly lucky, neither the Hopeslayer nor the Constitution Burner will become part of the final mix.
<eventtime>2008-02-10 18:09:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-10 23:10:03</logtime>
I'm not the only one who sees the fakeiness of Hillary's 'defense' of Chelsea.
Huffington Post <a href="">agrees with me</a> too.
<eventtime>2008-02-10 21:15:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-11 02:18:15</logtime>
<subject>FIVE of Georgia's super delegates are for Hillary</subject>
One is some Union Guy, One is just a women's advocate but THREE of them are elected officials. We need to do some MAJOR house cleaning in the Georgia Democratic National Party, and part of that means finding people to run against Lewis, Scott and Thurmond and financing them to THE HILT unless they change their direction. Conversely the Honorable Bishop, and Sanford need to be supported at all costs. Shirley Franklin lost her superdelegate vote to some weasel in Rhode Island due to the end of her term as head of US Mayors. So we get some union guy and some feminist advocate who can take my vote away but Shirley Franklin loses hers? ANYONE who votes for Hillary in the upcoming Convention must BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE. Find out who the spineless vote stealers are in your state <a href="">here.</a> . A lot of these people are congressmen which means that if there is no one running for election in their district against them this year, there is always 2010.
<eventtime>2008-02-12 09:51:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-12 14:56:05</logtime>
<subject>Cartoons that Hate Cartoons</subject>
Danish officials <a href=";_ylt=AlrjJkGqBmaWLPR1Hd4M7wYDW7oF">three people</a> who planned to kill one of the 12 artists who drew 12 'offensive' <a href="">cartoons</a> that showed the prophet Mohammed causing a massive outcry of many Muslims around the world advocating his death. Because nothing says, "I have confidence in the truthfulness of my religion and my culture" like killing people who disagree with you.
<eventtime>2008-02-14 14:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-14 19:11:40</logtime>
<subject>A Valentine's Day Poem For My Love</subject>
Does love hurt? Yes it does. A glorious pain Of joy and glue That binds the soul together. With the radio of cosmos Blaring through my ears Telling me Listen to her, Listen to her. She is everything to me. The light The sun The moon The dark. And when she sits there By the window pane With the light Streaming through her hair I know that it is all worth it In the end Because she is the one I love And time can take a backseat To everything else I feel For she is my everything The focus of my being The extension of my I And my eye Says to me Worship her For she is God's miracle Made manifest In flesh. In Spirit. In Heart. In Mind. These things sing true. And all make sense.
<eventtime>2008-02-14 23:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-15 04:35:48</logtime>
<subject>Cartoons act more cartoonish</subject>
<a href="">"Death to the infidel cartoonist"</a> they shout.
<eventtime>2008-02-15 09:32:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-15 14:32:35</logtime>
<subject>Idea for a Bumper Sticker We Came Up With</subject>
"Support The War On Terror. Export the Rephuklycan Party To Ruin Their Countries Too."
<eventtime>2008-02-20 16:47:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-20 21:49:10</logtime>
<subject>It's official folks....</subject>
If you put your name on a contract with binding arbitration, you will <a href="">lose</a> any rights you think you have, including in state courts. In fact, both the liberal and the conservative justices think so. In fact, get this, the only person who disagrees with this insanity is....CLARENCE THOMAS?! 8-1 to take away your rights to court.
<eventtime>2008-02-22 17:01:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-22 22:04:19</logtime>
<subject>Rumors and Inuendo</subject>
Just when you thought Hillary might be ready to back down and play nice after last night's debate, suddenly rumors (true it turns out) that the Secret Service was lax in enforcing security at a Obama rally begin to surface. So hear me out here..... Many African Americans were not voting for Obama before because they were afraid he would get assassinated. All attempts at attack by Hillary against Obama have failed because they looked ridiculous. All other strategies by Hillary have failed. But what if people don't come to vote for him in Texas because they're afraid he'll be assassinated? Who does that benefit? Hillary. That's who.
<eventtime>2008-02-22 19:47:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-23 00:46:40</logtime>
<subject>It was only a matter of time</subject>
<a href="">The dolls</a> are planning to kill us.
<eventtime>2008-02-23 18:46:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-23 23:53:28</logtime>
<subject>So let me get this straight...</subject>
If I'm famous, all I have to do is stand up somewhere and say "SHAME ON YOU!" and suddenly its national news? This is the letter I sent to CNN about their <a href="">rediculous</a> story on Hillary Clinton saying Obama's mailings were a page 'straight out of Karl Rove's playbook. "Dear CNN, I know you're not stupid. After all, you've been covering the same issues for months now. You know that Obama has been faulting Hillary Clinton for her plan on these issues. In fact, he criticized her using this argument IN YOUR DEBATE. So how is this news? How is him sending out a piece of mail saying something he already said something new? Is it because she said "SHAME ON YOU!" Well...I mean, if that was news, why don't you send out the trucks because I can say "SHAME ON YOU for sending your daughter out around all over the place like she was a celebrity and then playing up to the press again and again how outraged you were when any REAL parent that wanted their child out of the limelight wouldn't KEEP SENDING THEM INTO IT. Or how about SHAME ON YOU for saying that Obama's plan leaves 15 million people out in the cold when it isn't true? What about the racism you showed in South Carolina through your friends? Is that news? Or how about SHAME ON YOU because you cried when you were going to lose the election but now when your husband made you look like a fool in front of the entire country?" Or perhaps, just perhaps, its because the longer this drama goes on between Hillary and Obama, the more adds it sells. Well, you know, you're a business, so I can't fault you for that. But don't play us for saps. We KNOW what Obama said in the Debate, and we KNOW what Hillary is saying right now. Up until now, CNN has been the most accurate news source in this debate. Please don't change that now. Now THAT is a play out of Karl Rove's play book."
<eventtime>2008-02-24 13:02:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-24 18:09:08</logtime>
<subject>Ralph decides to Run</subject>
Der....<a href="">Ralph Nader decides to run.</a>. Der....Ralph or <img src="" /> <img src=""> Der run Ralph run. People should have the right to run if they want in a democracy, not just two parties, that is true. People should have the right to choose stupid people. People should have the right to be stupid! This was proven to us by the stupidest state in the nation...New Hampshire! Der....der....der. Ralph is so Smar'art. He is genbius.
<eventtime>2008-02-26 12:41:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-26 17:45:00</logtime>
<subject>The Magic Word For Today Kids is: Genocide!</subject>
Bitch is, appearently, the new Black. According to Tina Fey anyway. So if Bitch is the new Black, then Genocide is Why You Can't. Genocide is why Kosovo gets independence and all the microstates don't get it. Genocide is why China can't just pretend that the Olympics should not include politics. See, the olympics are a celebration of the human spirit, and whilst they should largely be above politics, you cannot celebrate the human spirit when a bunch of Janjewid are killing people. And now our <a href="">Serbian friends</a> are acting all indignant and trying to burn our embassy. Hutu, Serb and Janjawid are the new <a href="">Godwins</a>. And yes, I'm swapping out the old word for the new word "Godwin" for creating a situation in which one cannot mention a legitimate comparison against evil without looking stupid. So I'll call the manifestation of evil "Godwin" instead of using Stalin all the time, which gets boring.
<eventtime>2008-02-28 16:59:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2008-02-28 22:02:25</logtime>
<subject>Pull the string and</subject>
<a href="">Ted Rall</a> says vote for Nader. Der. Der. Der. Duh. Duh. Der. duuuuuuuuuh. Ralph Nader is not a spoiler. Der. Der. Der. People should be able to vote for third parties. (This is true.) People should vote for Ralph "I Wanna Be Famous" Nader. Der. Der. Duh. Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryupyupyupyup. Der. Sometimes, believe it or not people, the two parties CAN produce a candidate you should vote for. Special snowflakes showing that they are neither special (people have voted third party for years with no tangible effect that I can see since the Reform Party in the early 20th century) nor snowflakes. Flakes, Corn Flakes, or Lead Paint Flakes Perhaps, but pure white glorious crystal they are not. Der. Der. I'm Ralph Nader. Vote for me! <lj-cut> How then does one distinguish between a political emo wanna be, who votes for a third party because they are a rebel without a clue, and someone who has legitimate issues with the system and votes as a form of protest or because they simply honestly believe in their own candidate? After all, people MUST have the right, both politically, legally, and socially to vote for who they want. And I wholeheartedly agree that we must have realistic voting reform. Instant run off voting, public funding of all campaigning etc, could do wonders to help revitalize our system. But it is one thing to strive for a better system, and it is another thing to fail to recognize the significance of 8 years of George W. Bush. In 2000, I voted 3rd party. I did the same thing in 1996. I felt charged. I felt I was making a difference. I didn't. In 2004 I got that we had a monster in the White House, and that it was time to gather up the pitchforks and torches and chase him out. But some people didn't get that. Like Ralphie. When I heard Republicans talking about people they were worried about defeating them, it wasn't the Green, Libertarian or Constitutional Party, it was the Democratic party. Many say that it has lost its way over the years, and I believe much of this is true. The idea that a bunch of super delegates can decide what happens to MY vote makes my blood boil. So while I support the right, in abstract, of people to vote for third parties, I'm not wasting (and yes I say wasting) my vote again on a 3rd party candidate that isn't taking the race SERIOUSLY. That means they have to win. That means that they have to realistically believe they can win, and not just run to 'change the system in the future'. You want to run to change the system in the future, run on a state or local level, not for president, because after 2000 and what 'other candidates' brought us for 8 years, most people find the idea of a 3rd party candidate a joke unless the other two candidates are just completely worthless. I do not consider Obama to be worthless. I do, however, take objection to your 'personal protest' at the expense of my candidate. Do I believe you should have ABSOLUTELY EVERY legal right to have your name on the ballot and to have a fair count? Yes I do. Legally, you should have an extremely easy time getting on that ballot. Socially, however, I consider you to be a mental midget. Bloomberg, who is a billionare, and who REALLY REALLY WANTS TO RUN has studied the field this year and realized that he cannot win. And yet Ralph "I wanna be famous" Nader thinks he can? Or is he just making a point? Well his point is empowering John McCain. I do not buy this 'people who vote for him would have stayed home and voted anyway' crap. And except for Jesse Ventura, and the guy who quit the Republicans as Senator of Vermont, independent people in the time that I can think of haven't done ANYTHING. Until I see a third party candidate that doesn't make me feel like I'm wasting my time, it isn't going to happen. Ever. And I think after George W. Bush, a lot of people feel that way too.</lj-cut>
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