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Jun 2007

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<eventtime>2007-06-05 18:09:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-06-05 22:10:40</logtime>
<subject>It's Disgusting</subject>
Meet the new boss. Same as the old <a href="">boss.</a>. "Obey" your thirst indeed.
<eventtime>2007-06-14 15:07:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-06-14 19:18:34</logtime>
<subject>Why Politics Matter and Why You Should Be Involved</subject>
Leaving aside all the stuff you were taught in school about civic duty and your responsibility as a citizen, why should you become involved in Politics? Because you're involved with it whether you like it or not and true change takes time, that's why. The vast majority of the population are apolitical in this country. They take generic sides, vote in the presidential election, and if they're particularly involved maybe the congressional elections on an off year. But when they get a notice from their local city council telling them that the government is going to take their house and give it to Wal-Mart, suddenly they start paying attention. When the government's involvement in your own life becomes personal, then they start paying attention. When you're a family member of someone convicted for a crime they didn't commit, then they start paying attention. If you are a parent, and your child asks you, "I want to be a doctor when I grow up", you're probably going to encourage them to do so. The ideal parent wants to encourage their child to live up to their potential and pursue their dreams, and if you bothered to have kids in the first place, you're probably at least going to TRY to be an ideal parent. But when little Timmy says, "I want to be a doctor RIGHT NOW" you'll simply smile and patiently say, "it takes years of study to be a doctor Timmy. It takes time." Real change takes time. Did you know that right now we don't have the technology to stop an asteroid from destroying the Earth? All those nice movies about shooting nukes at it are total fiction. That would only make the problem worse. About the only workable solution is to attach this tiny rocket satellite to it that slowly shifts the gravity causing to miss the Earth. It takes years of planning and foresight, but even a little bit of change can make a huge deal down the road. Right now we've got about a dozen metaphorical asteroids threating our society. We've got problems with corruption, health care, government waste, privacy, education, research and development, the environment, wars and rumors of wars that all could literally end up being an 'extinction level event' as far as our nation is concerned and yet like the real asteroids, with many of these problems just a relatively small amount of effort by government to fix the problem could go an incredibly long way. Getting involved in politics doesn't even mean you have to join a political campaign. It can be as simple as actually paying attention to what your leaders are doing. Maybe even occasionally writing them an email or a letter. Better still, just stop believing all of those emails you get from friends who heard something from someone THEY knew about how Harry Reid actually sat on the North Side of the Congregation in his home stake. The asteroid isn't going to go away, but you're right. Hopefully someone else will solve the problem. We're working on it. That doesn't mean we won't appreciate some help.
<eventtime>2007-06-21 12:07:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-06-21 16:24:06</logtime>
<subject>The Long Knives</subject>
(Not a pleasant poem) The Long Knives --------------- by Emmit Other "Listen to me Jester," said the last and dying king, "Look around you now Good fellow Listen to them sing." And cap and bell The jaunty fellow did as he was told And glanced around the room. The thanes of old had gathered Like vultures on the wire Waiting any day now For the king to then expire The sockets of the hollows Of their gaunt eyed vacant stares Showed a hunger deep unsated But they really didn't care About the power Since it was only just for show The royal robes were flashy But the real power flowed In each lord's own land By His sword, By his lady, and by his motley band. The flash of cold cold steel brought Ravenesque appeal In rule through Unhallowed unmerciful ever unyielding hand. "It isn't for the power They want it for the fame Glory comes to those who wear the crown And an ever lasting name In the line That flows through time Like flagons in the vein. But I have got their measure Heed ye this last command Tonight I drink myself to death Beneath your watchful gaze In my stead you will be king But only for three days. Then every man shall battle For the right to rule the keep Each who bears a drop of noble blood Shall stalk and crawl and creep Write me a song And make it long With wine and women and more Cap it off With the foolish trough From which I sew the seed. Watch now the long knives come out And how these ghouls shall bleed." The jester did as he was bid His master now was dead Choked to death on his own vomit A smile upon his head. Three days they sang And pretended honor Till one by one the left The long hall then was silent The deafening roar of theft. Sunrise came on the third day And wherewithall they rose Each lord who called himself a lord Their weapons then they chose By sword, by axe, by bow and more The battle had begun. One by one the contendors fell Well past the setting sun. On and on and on they fought Deep into the night The stones ran red with thane's blood An ever lasting fight. Until at last dawn fled in The last thane roared his thrust His shock and indignation Revealed his foolish trust For one contender he had not seen The jester from behind His own long knife had joined the first His rival now to find. For a lord of but just three days Was even still a lord Now king of all forever And owner of his sword. All the thanes of all the land Were dead beneath his feet. The Fool now led the armies The thane's heirs to defeat. The moral of this lesson Is that fame is fleetful gone More powerful than any drug It bleeds and kills anon Once you've had it It gnaws and scratches till it gets its due From a monster to a man And back again before its through.
<eventtime>2007-06-25 16:46:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-06-25 20:49:31</logtime>
<subject>Sad. Sad. Sad. Sad.</subject>
<a href=";_ylt=AuqOO6ViqPXyQBdd6kRAIJuyFz4D">Sad.</a> What is sadder is that the man actually thinks he can win. Conservatives won't vote for him because he hasn't always been part of their group. As near as I can see, they do not forgive politically...EVER. Democrats have a range of moderately acceptable to very acceptable candidates, so why would they vote for the republican candidate, EVEN if he did win. And Independents tend to be better informed than most..and they know the sad sad things that the man they once held dear as a voice of moderation against insanity has become.

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