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Mar 2009

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<eventtime>2009-03-01 23:50:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-02 04:52:41</logtime>
<subject>CNN and other media sites</subject>
CNN edits its comments and feedback.<br /><br />I am very close to organizing an experiment over a few months to count the ratio of republican feedback vs democratic feedback it allows.<br /><br />But comments like<a href=""> this one </a>show me that CNN and the AP and ABC&nbsp;are actively working to undermine our way of life.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-02 16:14:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-02 21:21:57</logtime>
<subject>The Tides of History</subject>
So a month ago I vowed to be bipartisian, or at least to try.&nbsp; That lasted two to three weeks.&nbsp; Two weeks before I started responding on a few minor forums and three weeks before I occasionally slammed back at the most virulent of Republican attacks on neutral sites. And I think the behavior and image of the Republican party shows that attempts at generic bipartisianship are pointless. &nbsp;As a party, they are bankrupt of higher ideals and live only to seek and retain power whilst retaining loyalty within their own crumbling infrastructure.&nbsp; But it was not always so. Right now I am reading &quot;Team of&nbsp;Rivals&quot; which Jennifer got me for my Birthday, which is about the 4 republican presidential contenders that Lincoln encompassed in his cabinet. &nbsp;Some insights: *I am almost starting to believe a little in reincarnation, because the similarities between Obama and Lincoln are startling, both in demeanor and in methodology. *The Republican Party is a sad shadow of what it was.&nbsp; The Republicans used to be against Slavery, or at least the expansion thereof, and, like their Whig predecessors believed in improving the infrastructure of the economy for the benefit and commerce of all.&nbsp; Now the Republican Party wants to destroy the government in some bizarro version of Libertarianism, that still maintains the harshest of evangelical creeds in social well being. Right now, the Republican party exists to front the party. &nbsp;There is no there there. Rush Limbaugh truly is the spokesperson for that party bankrupt of any ideas that benefit the common man. Does anyone TRULY believe that the tax cuts they keep talking about over and over again will benefit the middle class?&nbsp; Not anyone who has any level of objectivity at all. And therein is the lesson I learned from my experiment in bipartisianship.&nbsp; Responding to virulence with passion is useful betimes necessary, but it must be tempered with reason and surgical focus, because the more of THEM we can chip away to become ANYTHING else, libertarians, independents or democrats, the more this country can prosper again. What truly concerns me are the comments I see indicating bosses wanting to lay off people who support Obama. &nbsp;It isn't really that hard to look on a Federal Website to see who donated for who. &nbsp;Is it even illegal to lay someone off because of their political affiliation?&nbsp;And if it is, how do you really prove it?
<eventtime>2009-03-03 10:56:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-03 15:58:00</logtime>
Ladies and Gentlemen it is official....Rush is the head of the Republican Party
When Ron Paul is the only person who can criticize Rush and <a href="">not have to apologize</a>, Rush Limbaugh, the&nbsp;Big Fat Idiot, is effectively the head of the&nbsp;Republican party.<br /><br />Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.<br />
<eventtime>2009-03-04 10:14:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-04 15:16:13</logtime>
<subject>The author of the new McCarthyism</subject>
And <a href="">Salon slamming</a> him for it.&nbsp; Jack Boot&nbsp;Republicans have elected their new furher, Rush Limbaugh and expect 2010 to be like 1994.&nbsp; Such is the way of historical cycles.<br /><br />Cycles can be broken.<br /><br />And so far it looks like this one is not going well for the Jack Boot&nbsp;Rephuklycans.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-04 12:59:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-04 18:00:32</logtime>
<subject>Actually pointing out the truth? Over the line</subject>
Behold this blatant attempt <a href="">to be a concern troll by the&nbsp;AP</a> as they post this bullshit to the Yahoo Website where they compare Obama to the&nbsp;Sun King.<br /><br />Excuse me....if anyone was king around here, it was Bush.<br /><br />Jack Boot Republicans, Jack Boot AP.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-05 12:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-05 17:14:13</logtime>
That's right.<br /><br />Sarah Palin <a href="">was only a victim because she's hot</a>, not because she's you know....stupid...or anything.<br /><br />I want a political party so I can start shoveling shit into the mainstream media for them to pick up. &nbsp;Its not fair.&nbsp; How do I get my share of bullshit expounded to the national media.<br /><br />Should I fund a study?<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-10 00:02:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-10 04:17:35</logtime>
<subject>Genius, Wit and Artistic Devotion - See Wit</subject>
Go see Wit at Onstage Productions. &nbsp; Go. &nbsp;See it now. Well OK, that's obviously not going to happen if you don't live in&nbsp;Atlanta, and it isn't going to happen at precisely the moment that you're reading this, because they only show it at specific times. One reason:&nbsp; My mom is in it. Better reason:&nbsp;It is genius. I don't use that word lightly.&nbsp; I'm a guy that on Netflix will give a 3 or a 4 at the drop of a hat.&nbsp; I'll give a 2 if I thought it was bad. &nbsp;I'm very cautious with my fives and 1's.&nbsp; This is a six. &nbsp;And obvious references to Spinal Tap aside, the measure is appropriate, and I'll tell you why. When I give something a five, it is not only because I feel it is a work of excellence, but because it taps something in me that I like. &nbsp;Its the kind of movie I'd like to own and watch over and over again. &nbsp;If I rate a play a five, its something I'd enjoy seeing multiple times. If I rate something a six, its because the normal scale does not apply. &quot;The Dark Tower&quot; is not the favorite of a lot of Stephen King fans who have read it. &nbsp;But if you are a writer, and if you're read &quot;On Writing&quot; by Stephen King, you understand that &quot;The Dark&nbsp;Tower&quot; is more than just a work of amazing stuff. &nbsp;The ending is weird to people. &nbsp;The author puts himself into the story, but it is a seminal journey of self discovery. &nbsp;When you understand that the latter books are an explanation of the universe and everything that lies in it, and the nature of stories themselves and how they play out...when you see the deeper levels, you understand that it is perhaps the most profound thing the man's ever written. &nbsp;Certainly the most profound thing of his that I've ever read, and among the most profound period (at least for me.) Wit is, on the surface, a five star performance equal to the other three works of my mother's that I've seen in that category. &nbsp;When she played&nbsp;Mephistopheles in Faustus, when she placed O'kief in O'kief and when she played Alberta Russel in Moonlight and Valentino.&nbsp; Generally, I am biased towards the positive.&nbsp; I'd generally rate 85-90% of my mom's performances in the 3.8-4.5 range.&nbsp; Which means I think she's good but even then I am very cautious about my five star ratings.&nbsp;&nbsp; This is different.&nbsp; This is my mother's &quot;Dark Tower.&quot;&nbsp; This is a work that is beyond the normal acting range and you may never get to see again in your lifetime, certainly not in a live performance, because such roles and moments are rare.&nbsp; To understand, you have to understand my perceptions of my mother and my knowledge of some of the under currents involved in the play.&nbsp; My mother changed when she took care of my Step Father's ailing parents.&nbsp; She was always caring, compassionate and empathetic, but the nature of death became a bit more personal when she returned.&nbsp; It both shook her to the core and made her even more compassionate at the same time.&nbsp; According to her, &quot;Wit&quot; is a play about Redemption, and I believe that.&nbsp; My mother is seeking redeption herself.&nbsp; Personally, being her son, I believe she doesn't have to seek redemption for almost anything, and that she, like most good hearted people, blames herself for far too many things, but that isn't the point. &nbsp;The point is that the redemption she is seeking is channeled into the character you see in the play before you. Understand that my mother is a skilled actress.&nbsp; So this is not some botched attempt at self glorification like the nausiating attempts by M. Night Shaylman to make himself the savior of the world when he put himself into &quot;Lady on the Water.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;My mother, it is my belief, in taking this role and working on it, polished it to fine perfection because she is an actress and wanted to get into the character's head.&nbsp; She has done an excellent job of this, but what she doesn't realize (I believe) is that in so doing she has unlocked questions, questions that needed answering, which for me seem answered in this play. It is hard to get more specific than that, but the point I'm trying to make is that the true nature of art, the reason art matters, is because of the skill and intent of the artist involved. &nbsp;There will be more performances of&nbsp;Wit.&nbsp; It is an excellent and timeless play.&nbsp; I'm sure there will be other performances of the powerful character, some that involve survivors of cancer or people who lost friends; each will bring their own interpretation to the role, and they will do a good job.&nbsp; But I honestly doubt they will experience Catharsis, and the true manifestation of art, at and in its purest form as what one will see in my Mother's role in wit. I say this because it is a rare thing.&nbsp; Some artists only do it only once, some never do it at all. &nbsp;And even for those actors of great skill, who initiate amazing performances, they are not roles that manifest themselves in a deeper level on a way that the audience can so easily understand.&nbsp; So in short, I urge you to see Wit. You don't know what you're missing.
<eventtime>2009-03-11 01:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-11 05:56:42</logtime>
Remember my general mockery of the talk process on the Sarah Palin page at Wikipedia?
Turns out there are indeed shenanigans.<br /><br />Idiot working for conservative <a href="">website vandilizes Obama page with crap</a>, leaks to fox he's been banned, fox reports this as 'news.'<br /><br />Of course, if one had a bit of intelligence and were a paid staffer, or say, 3-4 paid staffers, one can instead camp on a web site (like the Sarah&nbsp;Palin article) and spin endless Wikiprotocol bullshit basically spinning the page to be all happiness and sunshine (take a look at the BYU archives for another example.)<br /><br />The SMART conservatives whitewash things on Wikipedia by simply playing the waiting game. &nbsp;The stupid ones make fake accounts.<br /><br />The REALLY smart ones play the long game and get friendly 'neutral' admins to do their job for them.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-12 01:53:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-12 05:54:19</logtime>
<subject>How do you kill an idea?</subject>
With a stronger stupider idea.<br /><br />Chuck Norris had it all. &nbsp;He had true immortality. &nbsp;They would have been making Chuck Norris Jokes two to three hundred years ago. &nbsp;He could have joined permanent American mythology like&nbsp;Elvis, JFK or&nbsp;Johnny Appleseed.<br /><br />Now he's <a href="">just going to be known as that traitor,</a> Chuck Norris.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-12 12:41:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-12 16:42:38</logtime>
<subject>Is the AP trying to destroy America?</subject>
<a href="">YES&nbsp;THEY&nbsp;ARE!</a><br /><br />&quot;One thing at a time!&quot;<br /><br />&quot;I'm scared!&quot;<br /><br />&quot;He's spending too much money!&quot;<br /><br />Right. &nbsp;We've seen this crap before. &nbsp;It was with Clinton. &nbsp;They don't WANT change. They just want the same scam crap that is sending this country right into the garbage bin.<br /><br />NEVER bet against America.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-15 01:41:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-15 05:46:54</logtime>
<subject>Ireland a Mess Again</subject>
When we went to Ireland, I was struck by a few things, both how beautiful the country was, and how friendly the people were, but at the same time the lasting sense of victimization from an occupying power.&nbsp; I've been to three countries outside the&nbsp;US; Venezuela, Aruba and Ireland. &nbsp;Only one of them had an occupying power controlling it within the last hundred years (well...technically Aruba is still occupied....) as compared to Venezuela where it has been more like 400.<br /><br />They talk fondly about the spanish (for the most part) in Veneuzela, though they also regard their patriots with a sense of national pride.<br /><br />In Ireland they talk in great length about their efforts to restore their culture and consider many centuries stolen by the British.<br /><br />And yet....<br /><br />Now that I'm in the position of the majority being threatened by an insurgent minority, bent on nothing but utter destruction of the nation and attempts to build something better; I'm forced to look at some things in a different light.<br /><br />Its one thing to resist oppression when you're suffering rampant prejudice and unrighteous dominion.<br /><br />Its another thing when you have had vote after vote and a peace process that took the better part of a decade to finally start working.<br /><br />Eventually revolutionaries just become terrorist assholes and I think<a href=""> that these guys just crossed that line</a> into people who just want their way or they're going to kill people.<br /><br />Just like Republicans seem to be hinting they're going to do. &nbsp;At least Glenn Beck republicans anyway.<br /><br />At least they're not strapping bombs to women and blowing up children though.&nbsp; There are some lines that even normal terrorists won't cross.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-20 11:31:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-20 15:31:47</logtime>
<subject>Look, Caribu Barbie can act like other Republicans</subject>
Now that she has judged it &quot;safe&quot;&nbsp;Caribu Barbie<a href=";_ylt=Atmms_xmHqcFt62Hzx.DIecDW7oF"> rejects money to help people too</a>.<br />
<eventtime>2009-03-20 16:58:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-20 20:59:26</logtime>
Suddenly the Republicans have become Politically Correct
And are '<a href="">offended'</a> about the comment Obama made about the&nbsp;Special&nbsp;Olmypics.<br /><br />I've always found PC&nbsp;to be absolutely stupid.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-22 20:20:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-23 00:39:48</logtime>
<subject>My Review of the Women's Angle Project For 2009</subject>
There is a famous woman author who will not read a work written by a male unless it has two female characters talking to each other about something other than the men in their life.&nbsp; I learned from this rule and incorporated it into &quot;Grenademan Vs. The&nbsp;zombies&quot; because it makes sense. The females in my first novel &quot;Manifesto of Three People's&quot; were very strong, but in retrospect, the females of my second, &quot;Micronation&quot; were not.&nbsp; It is important to realize that stereotypes can be offensive. &nbsp;I know I find them offensive. So I attended the Women's Angle Project by invitation, both because I had friends and family involved in it, and I also had considered getting involved. &nbsp;Since only the director had to be female, I figured that I would potentially write the script and then produce it while Jennifer directed.&nbsp; We've got a project in the works that has only been delayed because I've been laid off recently and we couldn't get the mini mac with decent editing software, so my brilliant sister Julie wouldn't be put through hell. I think the thing that promoted me to write this is the horrific way I'm seeing women treated in &quot;The&nbsp;Magdeline Sisters&quot; which we're watching right now.&nbsp; I'll summarize this as follows: Before they did the 'after panel', I found that five of the six movies were absolutely brilliant.&nbsp; And one of them was simply cursed with production issues. &nbsp;Having said that, when I was originally told that the scripts potentially involved would potentially be about anything, I really can't honestly say that to be the case. Because in retrospect, I have my own litmus test for anything written by a female.&nbsp; If there is only one token male character who is not pathetic, then it automatically falls into my &quot;Lifetime Network/Men Are Evil&nbsp;Network&quot; categorization. &nbsp;When I learned what was going on in the heads of the females that made these movies, I looked at them from another lens. Let's examine, shall we? &nbsp;The Women's Angle from the&nbsp;Man's Angle as it were. First movie:&nbsp;Brilliant and loving peice about a mother who does not understand her child, and who also is not understood by anyone else.&nbsp; There are two adult male characters.&nbsp; One is an asshole science teacher, the other is a clueless princpal.&nbsp; Neither is a 'positive role model'. &nbsp;Though to be fair, really, the only two characters that are 'positive' are the main protogonist (a young male but boys are exempt in the Lifetime Paradigm) and an art teacher (female) who 'gets' it. Second movie:&nbsp;Clueless but loving male father and post partum depression mother. &nbsp;Apparently a retelling of Medea, which implies that the male is cheating on her. &nbsp;&nbsp;The male may or may not pass the Lifetime Paradigm test, but if he's cheating on her, he certainly doesn't. Third Movie:&nbsp;Exotic dancer is desperate for cash and misunderstands her relationship with her lesbian room mate.&nbsp; Male characters including leering customers and opportunistic land lord. &nbsp;DEFINITE fail of the Lifetime Paradigm litmus test, despite being otherwise an excellent movie. Fourth Movie: A woman who has been paralyzed, and is trying to get her car back. &nbsp;Male characters include loving husband who does not 'get' it, and does not drive her to get her car back. &nbsp;She drags herself to the Marta.&nbsp; Other male character includes the guy running the lot to which the car was towed. &nbsp;This was the best (to me) of the six, and might have passed the test until I heard the statements by the person who ran it after the fact saying that the man represented all of the people who had been trying to 'hold her down' all her life.&nbsp; Lifetime Paradigm litmus test:&nbsp;Fail. Fifth Movie:&nbsp;Older woman used and abused in former relationship. &nbsp;Gets involved with male gigalo who ends up falling for her and then the female turns around and dumps him.&nbsp; Single male character is a male who gets dumped who was clueless who gets 'better' but is basically pathetic.&nbsp; Litmus test:&nbsp;Fail. &nbsp;(Jennifer disagrees, but then again, she isn't male.) Sixth Movie: Two female friends drop off a man to have sex with a woman who has been dumped. &nbsp;Extremely well done.&nbsp; Jennifer's favorite.&nbsp; Two male characters.&nbsp; One is the pathetic male who got dumped and who also has been recruited to have sex by the protagonist's friends. &nbsp;Loser. &nbsp;Second is the original cheating boyfriend.&nbsp; Litmust Test:&nbsp;Fail. I am aware of the fact that men have oppressed women for centuries.&nbsp; Most of these movies were certainly not as extreme as the&nbsp;Lifetime/Men are Evil network.&nbsp; I do, however, know that the Women's Angle seems to be getting more popular every year, and apparently I was wrong when I thought it might be about something other than Men being evil. But I mean hey, the statistics they showed spoke for themselves.&nbsp; Only 6% of top grossing movies in the last year were from female directors.&nbsp; Only 3 films in the academy by women directors have EVER&nbsp;been nominated, much less winning anything. &nbsp;The male hollywood executive typically objectifies and uses females as if they were nothing. Then again, I do know that our first African American president was the first who was about being himself, not just black. &nbsp;He didn't deny his african american heritage, but he also refused to let it define who he was. &nbsp; I&nbsp;do know that given how popular these films were, I really have to wonder if the Film Community, upon whom I will have to depend if I ever make any movies, because I will certainly never be able to pay them, are really going to find someone who finds such behavior as the WAP questionable. Maybe I should not be making movies.
<eventtime>2009-03-22 21:40:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-23 01:47:39</logtime>
<subject>The Dangers of Theocracy</subject>
We just saw &quot;The Magdeline Sisters&quot; which outlines the danger of allowing Republicans to win.&nbsp; The movie is about catholic laundries that were run by Ireland as late as 1996!!!! The story is about three girls, one of whom was raped by her cousin, one of whom was an orphan who merely looked at some boys, and the third had a child out of wedlock. &nbsp;All were abandoned by their families and forced to live in imprisonment where they led lives of austerity. &nbsp;Their children were given up for adoption where they could be raised in 'good christian homes'. Ann&nbsp;Coulter is constantly ranting about Single Mothers. Republicans and&nbsp;Libertarians are constantly railing about the&nbsp;Constitution, but in this state we have blue laws that have no justification save the interest of Churches and Liquor Stores. The movie &quot;Cool Hand&nbsp;Luke&quot; shows the typical southern philosophy regarding prisons.&nbsp; Think that's an oversimplification?&nbsp; The state of&nbsp;Georgia still refuses to pay for the fund that gives lawyers to homeless people even though it is a constitutional right. All Republicans now follow the line that life begins at conception.&nbsp; They are anti abortion but if life begins at conception then that by definition means that any behavior that endangers an embryo could be punishable by law. Mike Huckabee, who is the only major Republican candidate in the last election who consistently had his own beliefs and did not switch them at one point, has openly said that he views God's laws as higher than the constitution. &nbsp;He advocates theocracy. The five conservative justices on the Supreme Court are all catholic. I have nothing per se, against someone just because they're catholic or religious, but if such a person is a Republican or basically policically active at all, the ideal to which they espouse, unless they prove otherwise, is an environment in which women should be slaves and sold to laundries where they are imprisoned against their will or locked up in Asylums simply for the crime of having their own mind and their own opinions. And they are only one election cycle away from victory. &nbsp;Right now, they are working to make this country like that.&nbsp; And if you don't believe they are, you are hopelessly naive.
<eventtime>2009-03-24 15:11:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-24 19:12:09</logtime>
<subject>Normally I put Viral stuff in my meme blog</subject>
But because its politics and because its worth saying.... &lt;object width=&quot;425&quot; height=&quot;344&quot;&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;movie&quot; value=&quot;;color1=0xb1b1b1&amp;color2=0xcfcfcf&amp;hl=en&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;fs=1&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src=&quot;;color1=0xb1b1b1&amp;color2=0xcfcfcf&amp;hl=en&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;fs=1&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; allowfullscreen=&quot;true&quot; width=&quot;425&quot; height=&quot;344&quot;&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;&lt;/object&gt; (From Galb.)
<eventtime>2009-03-25 08:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-25 12:57:55</logtime>
<subject>CNN the Cowardly</subject>
If you look carefully here <a href=""></a> you will notice that there are no comments. &nbsp;Let me assure you, there were comments last night. &nbsp;In the long run, that link won't work, but basically CNN&nbsp;isn't allowing comments on the coverage of the press conference last night and that's because they were patheticly biased and trying to 'gotcha' the president. &nbsp;And the&nbsp;President made them look like fools.<br /><br />Or look <a href="">here</a> at the supposed 'fact check' that Yahoo/AP/Fox News Light is giving Obama.&nbsp; Its complete garbage. &nbsp;Notice the last question when they say, &quot;Yeah he inherited the deficit, but Democrats have been in charge of the budget for two years.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;Without mentioning the veto power of the president or the filibustering.<br /><br />Garbage.<br /><br />Our news media has turned into absolute, complete, 100% grade A&nbsp;garbage.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-25 15:01:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-25 19:03:05</logtime>
<subject>Customer No More</subject>
Fedex just <a href=";_ylt=Aud4Gd3EAQW.6SutzFsmaIEDW7oF">declared war on unions</a>, and after the shameful behavior of businesses in the last year, for me, this is the straw that broke the Camel's Back.&nbsp;&nbsp;Kinko's must have received more than $50 in business from me in the last year.<br /><br />I'm writing them to let them know that.<br /><br /><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tbody><tr><td width="144" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><p>FedEx Office Customer Relations<br /> P.O. Box 1935<br /> Provo, UT 84603-9926<br /><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="246" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><p><b>International Customer Service</b></p></td> <td width="144" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><div class="phonenumber">1.800.Go.FedEx</div><div class="phonenumber">(1.800.463.3339)</div><a target="_blank" href="">Printable Phone Menu</a></td> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><p>FedEx Office Customer Relations<br /> P.O. Box 1935<br /> Provo, UT 84603-9926<br /> USA<br /><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="246" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><p><b>Commercial Accounts (CAS)</b></p></td> <td width="144" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><span class="phonenumber">1.800.488.3705</span><br /> FAX:<br /><span class="phonenumber">214.703.4034</span></td> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0" colspan="3"><hr /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="246" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><b>FedEx Office Print &amp; Ship Center Locator</b>&nbsp;</td> <td width="144" valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><div class="phonenumber">1.800.Go.FedEx</div><div class="phonenumber">(1.800.463.3339)</div><a target="_blank" href="">Printable Phone Menu</a>&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0"><a href="">Find a FedEx Office location</a>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#0000e0" colspan="3"><hr /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <!-- tab section end --> <!-- with left nav use this start --> <!-- this one for printReady --> <!-- this one for rightColumn --> <!-- with left nav use this end --> <div class="cleaner">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;</div><br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-28 14:29:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-28 18:31:22</logtime>
<subject>Absolutely disgraceful</subject>
Bill O'reilley stalks a woman and says she's bringing pain to rape victims because she criticized O'reiley for criticizing women who got drunk and 'got themselves raped.'<br /><br />What.&nbsp;A. Fucking. Monster.<br /><br />Can you IMAGINE&nbsp;the stink if a liberal media outfit like Keith Olberman did <a href="">this</a>?<br /><br />If he keeps it up, I think the stalkers should be stalked. &nbsp;Give them a taste of their own medicine. &nbsp;This is bullshit.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-29 02:46:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-29 06:51:15</logtime>
I am now officially against being in the United Nations
Last night, the <a href="">human rights council in the United Nations successfully voted to rescind the protection of free speech</a>, urging that all member governments make it illegal to criticize Islam.<br /><br />This is not a criticism of&nbsp;Islam. &nbsp;I think that Islam has brought many people closer to god spiritually, and that people have the right to worship how, where and what they may.<br /><br />Conservatives often speak of black helicopters and the conspiracy of the new world order.&nbsp; And, as usual, they are often full of bullshit. &nbsp; This is not one of those times.<br /><br />I do not recall which patriot said, &quot;I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,&quot; but it is a philosophy that&nbsp;I believe in.<br /><br />This is a CONCRETE action that now shows that what flimsy good the UN did through its various peace keeping initiatives and diplomacy is now forcefully overshadowed by its deep ideological divide between the Western Values (and I argue universal values) enshrined by the enlightenment and our constitution, and their own sense of entitlement.&nbsp; There are some stands that must be taken on principle and this is one of them.<br /><br />For an organization that hasn't even got the ideological guts to define what terrorism is for fear of offending someone, stating that it should be made illegal to criticize a religion is a bit of a stretch.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-29 03:42:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-29 07:43:49</logtime>
Mike Doogan, Alaska Fucktard, decides to out an anonymous blogger
This guy is a democrat.<br /><br />He didn't like the blogger, so he's made it his personal quest to out her in a state where people think shooting wolves from Helicopters is AOK Cool.<br /><br />And he has<a href=""> stirred up quite a hornets nest.</a><br /><br />Look for this to become bigger news in the national cycle for a day or two, maybe longer. &nbsp;We shall see, but if I had money to bet on it, I'd put down at least a fiver on it.<br /><br />
<eventtime>2009-03-30 16:53:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2009-03-30 20:54:12</logtime>
<subject>Troubles are back in Ireland</subject>
As shown <a href="">here</a>.<br /><br />And how long is it, I must wonder, before the 10% that are willing to use such tactics to disrupt things for the remaining 90% of us that want to use the system start resorting to such tactics?<br /><br />I'm counting the days.<br /><br /><br /><br />

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