Sunday, April 9, 2017

July 2007

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<eventtime>2007-07-13 11:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-07-13 16:04:28</logtime>
<subject>That's it...the UN has to go.</subject>
We need something like NATO in membership but more like the UN in practice. The world needs a coherent international organization that only includes Liberal Democracies. The security council is <a href=";_ylt=AobH9oUTlUNglSzWEwtg74SyFz4D">now</a> officially useless. As if the Darfur stuff wasn't bad enough, the idea that something as simple as mere international recognition can be held up by the Klingons (aka Russia) is just stupid. The dynamic for the security council and its ability for 5 permanent nations to just veto stuff is just stupid. The idea that FRANCE is a permanent member and that countries like Brazil, India, Germany and Japan aren't is just stupid. At least India can say it was on the right side of WWII, yet it doesn't get a membership and FRANCE does? Right. I've defended the UN before in the past. I believe that it has done a lot of good. I still believe that...I also believe that the entire thing is now so fundamentally broken that it is better to start over from scratch with a REAL organization that we can't run like our own little club, and where the Klingons and the Ferengi (yeah, I know we're supposed to be the Ferengi in the thinly veiled metaphor in star trek, but we're not the nation that now believes in completely unfettered capitalism and where someone has to bribe your way around to get anything (yes, I'm aware that you have to bribe your way to get anything done in Russia too but Putin is pretty much a Klingon at heart). Gee, I wonder who I could be talking about?) I'd call the real life equivalent Romulans, because they're supposed to be mysterious and patient with a very advanced intelligence network, but the fact of the matter is that when you've got people putting cardboard and calling it food and the fact that people can't complain about it is a sick comic joke. That's acting more like the Ferengi than the Romulans.... Now the only problem with this metaphore is that we've got Barney running the Federation. At any rate, we need a revised UN. UN 2.0. One that has a REAL human rights body. One that has a real international court. One that has a security council where FRANCE, BARNEY, the KLINGONS, and the FERENGI get a veto for life.
<eventtime>2007-07-17 12:04:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-07-17 16:05:15</logtime>
<subject>Couple loses home for $1.63</subject>
<a href=";_ylt=AgypkV8TZALnOprFXf.S5YQDW7oF">THIS</a> is why I am against Property Taxes.
<eventtime>2007-07-18 01:50:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-07-18 05:51:05</logtime>
<subject>Your New Vocabulary for the day</subject>
Bancroft=To <a href="">sell-out</a>, to be stupid, to be moronic, to believe something that only a fool would believe for monetary gain. (Dow Jones, owners of the Wall Street Journal, one of the only major independent quality news papers left in America, has sold out to <a href="">Ruprecht Murdoch</a> after assurances that the paper will retain 'editorial independence.' This, after Ruprecht has promised lots of times in other papers and totally ignored it, and ruined the paper.)
<eventtime>2007-07-27 09:59:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2007-07-27 14:10:04</logtime>
Republicans Don't Want to Participate in You Tube Debate
Ah yes Mr. Romney, you're <a href="">protecting the dignity presidency from talking snowmen</a>. Or.... It could be that every republican candidate but the one who seems to have genuine morals (Ron Paul) and the one who is washed up and desperate for any media exposure he can get (John McCain) realizes that if they appeared on Youtube and had to answer questions that weren't in their neat little package that people might realize that they've all been bought and sold. Oh wait, people already know that unless they're not really looking for the truth from any source but the ones they want to hear. Maybe the other Republican candidates are just cowards. Especially Mitt Romney.

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