Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mar 2004

<eventtime>2004-03-02 20:03:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2004-03-02 17:08:39</logtime>
<subject>Why I make such a big deal about voting</subject>
I talk about some of this in the base of the codex, and the more I think about it the more I realize that I wrote it so that people would have at least SOME idea where I am coming from...because people so often assume things about me without even knowing me that such things often cause it was kind of a vain attempt at trying to make the world a better place... But I'll get to the specifics...why don't people vote? Well there are lots of reasons, but ultimately, because they think that they don't count. Guess what-you don't. But specifically, you don't count BECAUSE you don't vote. Ultimately, there comes a time where you must act. Some people have given their lives for this country and paid a price in blood. The least you can do is give a few hours of your time. There are two entirely different questions here... Does it MATTER? Absolutely? Do you count if you don't vote? Absolutely not. I admit there is a tiny elitist part of me that WANTS to keep people from voting, because when they don't they empower MY vote, but on a higher level I understand that this is a bad idea. It is not just about polls. Politicians are smart guys, no matter what you think of them. They pay attention to people who VOTE, and behave accordingly. The less people vote, the more they specialize their attention...THAT is why special interests rule Washington. When they look and see 30% of the population (which varies) has no interest in voting it becomes painfully obvious that they are only going to have to pay attention to some of the people. You can fool some of the people ALL of the time... or You can fool all of the people SOME of the time. Even if you vote and put 'None of the above' on your ballot, you're making a're making that % of people that vote go up. Don't throw your freedom away.

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