<eventtime>2004-02-04 19:25:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2004-02-04 16:38:56</logtime>
<subject>What is Memelock and Do you Have It?</subject>
[Author's Note: I have had the temptation of late to turn this into a more 'normal' live journal, however the experiment I began here is worth it to me...I am not sure what I am building, but I don't want to clutter it up...granted, life experiences are the things which the building blocks of reality are made from...and perhaps from time to time I might put a more personal touch here, but given my wild ecclectic nature it would detract from whatever it is I'm trying to say....even though I don't know what I'm saying yet. Then again, given the wild ecclectic nature of Live Journal's in general...perhaps that is not such a bad thing. Still, for now I shall stick to the old dead tree kind for my inner thoughts and most personal musings...one EMP and this is all so much silicon sand....though perhaps a bit more of a personal touch...I don't know...I will find a balance.] What is Memelock? I could give you a long complicated answer, but the long and the short of it is this; one idea intruding into another idea in a format that is not necessarily good or benificial to one or the other. For example: Jesus died for lower taxes. Another example is a meme-alliance. Republicans and Democrats largely have no meaning, they are alliances of various memes jockeying for position, supremecy and dominance within our society. Now for the more important question....Do you have Memelock? If you ask that question and you answer "NO!" Then you are lying to yourself. No human being can isolate themselves entirely from society and media and be unaffected by it. It is the Heisenburg principle of mental thinking...in other words, to interact with people and to affect society is therefore to be affected by it to at least some degree, therefore if you are affected by it you are at least partially tainted by the standard currents of memes that flow through the media like so many virus's do on the microscopic physical scale. That does not mean that you are not a rational being however. Just because you suffer from memelock does not mean that you cannot recognize the fact and do your best to overcome it. Indeed, a defining tenet of what makes a human being a rational person is a routine and concious effort to separate one idea from another and judge it on its own merits against absolute truth. Enough psychopsychologicalgobbldygook.... Practical Application: There are two men I admire a lot, because they are people I have considered Rational and Passionate at the same time, men driven to change the world but to stand apart from the fray of chaotic memestorms that make all ideas flow into nothingness...they stood for SOMETHING. One of them was Ralph Nader and another is John McCain. I might not always agree with their positions but I admire their conviction and honor with which they carry it. Note the use of Past Tense. Today on NPR I heard an interview with Ralph Nader. I have heard Ralph Nader before; and he is brilliant. However, the difference between Ralph Nader of two years ago when he came to visit Atlanta is much different than the one I heard on the radio today. Could I be a victim of media bias? Of course I am; this does not change my perception of a man who is more determined to make a point at the expense of the greater goal. Remember that a significant core philosphy of the Codex Americana is the gravity principle. Sometimes you have to make philosphy and ideas that WORK rather than ideas that look nice on paper. Ralph Nader no longer seems tohave any practical goal in mind and has become memelocked in his own paradigm. He is supporting his ideas for their own sake rather than any greater truth goal or need behind them. I guess that might not be Memelock...but I'm not sure what to call it...Disconnect? Bush has had it for almost all of his time in the White House. The difference is that I never really admired him. Such is the danger in putting faith in men. For men are imperfect creatures and prone to failure and disappointment. I should know, I am a flawed creature for cert.
<eventtime>2004-02-10 18:51:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2004-02-10 15:51:25</logtime>
<subject>A brief interesting interlude...</subject>
This is not, per se a treatise on the nature of reality.... But it is about memes....or at least 'MeMe' which could mean a lot of things.... Song MeMe Stolen from kitten from karlita and djasthetic and shar_katye Song Meme **** What song, if any, reminds you of me?
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