Sunday, April 9, 2017

Dec 2006

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<eventtime>2006-12-15 06:05:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-12-15 06:05:27</logtime>
<subject>John McCain Wants to Destroy the Internet</subject>
This is not a joke. This is not a scam. This is a blatant attempt by John 'Anything for a Vote' McCain to harness one of the most vile crimes imaginable for his own political gain. John McCain is attempting to run for political office, so, in the style of Leiberman or Tipper Gore, he is moving to censor things to play to parents, but he is doing so in a way that is conveniently letting him destroy 95% of all internet sites (ie the ones that don't belong to huge well regulated and policed websites). How does he plan to do this you ask? Why he has introduced a bill to the senate floor that will impose a $300,000 fine that will be applicable to any website that has a sexual predator registered or a link to a child pornography website. That means if someone comments on your website, and you don't police every single comment, the government can fine you $300,000. Do you have $300,000? I don't either.

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