Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sept 2006

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<eventtime>2006-09-07 02:31:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-09-07 06:27:26</logtime>
<subject>I saw a special on the twin towers tonight...</subject>
I'd planned a twenty stanza epic poem about it....and got sidetracked by ...issues I'd be wise not to talk about until later in case someone has a bull's eye on my forehead. But instead of the poem...quite frankly, I think this cartoon pretty much says it all.... <a href="">Link</a>
<eventtime>2006-09-07 15:52:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-09-07 19:54:57</logtime>
<subject>Why is Disney acting like the new Fox News?</subject>
Since when did ABC/Disney start spouting <a href="">Republican</a>/<a href="">Karl Rove</a> <a href="">Propoganda</a>? Since several powerful conservative politicians began threatening Disney's sweet <a href="">land deal</a> in Florida. "Play ball with us, or we'll take your property." Isn't that terrorism? I can't believe people can't see Karl Rove for what he is. They <a href="">attack</a> John Kerry's service with <a href="">lies.</a> They attack <a href="">John Mccain<a> with lies. They reveal the identity of a government <a href="">covert agent</a> and the people that defend them say "She wasn't an agent" "The president can unclassify whatever he wants". I'm sorry, but we have to apply the CLINTON test to this stuff coming out of your mouth. If CLINTON revealed the identity of a US covert agent, would CLINTON be impeached and investigated? Answer: YES. The Republican Party is *NOT* the party that supports our soldiers. They are the party of EVIL. Just because some of them are honorable doesn't mean much. Everything they stand for is a corruption of that which is good and right in our country. They have taken the values that make America a good and righteous nation and through greed, corruption and lies have twisted it to their own ends. WAKE UP!

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