Sunday, April 9, 2017

June 2005

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<eventtime>2005-06-16 15:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2005-06-16 19:44:31</logtime>
The following link <a href="">President Bush Attacks Lack of Freedom in Iranian Democracy</a> is the biggest farce yet: 1)He attacks the lack of the freedom of the people of Iran to choose candidates that reflect their own views- Yet third party candidates can only get on the ballot in this country by going through tremendous hoops; and are forbidden from monitoring the election process to ensure that their votes are not thrown away. In Iran, anyone can be a candidate if they can get past the clerics. They have several major candidates in their election. We're lucky if we have three or four; and all but two stand essentially no chance of victory because of the way the system is rigged. 2)He attacks the lack of choice of candidates, which have been rejected by the conservative religious establishment. In this country we are forced to essentially choose between only two candidates because of a total lack of a run off and a 'winner take all' regional based system. Thus you can't 'throw your vote away' if you don't want a total loser (ie Bush) to win. In Iran, they have a large number of candidates, from several different parties, who have a run off and then if there is not a victory; then there is a run-off. In this country, if there is a candidate that is popular with the vast majority of the population (ie like John McCain) then he can't ever get on the ballot because the Guardian Council of this country (ie the Religious Establishment) will not endorse them, spread lies about them, and sabotage them with slanderous accusations of every kind and description (and if you don't believe these lies you are not a 'patriot' or a 'Good American'). Are there major differences between Iran and the United States? Certainly there are; but at least two critical elements of their electoral system are FAR freer than ours are. That's just a joke. The President says one thing, and means another. Sometimes, sophistry can call out hypocracy when there is none; but this is stupid. Anyone who defends the difference between the two nations without at least acknowledging the discrepancies at the same time is simply not flexible enough in their thinking to have a legitimate conversation with you.
<eventtime>2005-06-17 14:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2005-06-17 18:12:32</logtime>
<subject>They Have Crossed A Line</subject>
They've been planning it slowly, but now they're starting to ramp it up. They knew that this was an issue, that people were not happy about what they did, so they're trying to turn it around on her husband because he's a liability to them. They're trying to prosecute Terri Schivo's husband. This has gotten personal for me. The more they do, the more they're starting to make me angry. <a href="">Governer Jeb Bush Declares War On Decency</a>

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