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<eventtime>2006-04-11 15:51:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-04-11 19:51:28</logtime>
<subject>Hey Teacher</subject>
Hey Teacher by Emmit Other I remember the teacher I had in High School. Though I barely remember her face. It wasn't the math That I really remember Or even the name of the place. It was the way that she taught me To hold up my chin And believe who I really am. Everyone else, Had written me off Trash discarded like canned Uncle Sam. It wasn't the words. They had too much of those. Stupid slogans they wrote on the wall. It was the look in her eyes That truly spoke to me 'Do it right or don't do it at all'. So I kept churning on Though I hated each minute And truth is I don't use that stuff. But it isn't the math That I really took with me Just a knowledge of the right kind of tough. Not with chains Or with knives But with feirceness of heart I know now who I really am. So if I drop by the high school 'Hey Teacher' I'll shout Just to show that I care And to give you a clue that you rule.
<eventtime>2006-04-13 17:02:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-04-13 21:14:45</logtime>
<subject>They Call Me Fungible</subject>
by Emmit Other I joined up after 9/11, When I saw the Towers Fall. They call me a hero But I don't feel that way. It isn't because I'm humble I'll drink and shout with the boys. Its just because I believe in the USA And wanted to do the right thing. I don't feel that way any more. Don't get me wrong. I'm on the side of the Angels. We toppled a dictator. He was a mad-man and everybody is glad he's gone. But we're lost somehow. Everybody knows it. Nobody wants to admit it. They call me "Fungible". I had to look that word up In the Dictionary, to find out what it means. It means Interchangable. That's true enough I suppose. Just call me Everyman. I'm your cousin, or your doctor. Your husband or your son. Your daughter or your Wife. Doesn't Matter. I do my duty. I did as I was told. But I don't think thats how they meant it. To them we're just pawns In the Tinkertoy parade. I'm not just a soldier. I'm a Citizen just like you. Don't you think we read the news? Who wants to be the guy that drags us down? Who wants to be the guy that says that Jeff James Mary Ed Joe And a couple of thousand other names Died for a Private Vendetta? We say 'NUTS' and Do the best we can to help out here. Give out a candy bar. Build a school. Build a road. Right now I'm in a fox hole. Trying to do the best I can. I didn't start this war. Don't really want to be in this war. But I love my country. I didn't put myself here. But while I'm here I'm gonna do the best I can. If we leave now they'll call us cowards. I'm not going to let them call us cowards. But if we stay there will be more dead. A lot more dead. They don't want us here any more. They were friendly enough at first. "Thanks for setting us free." They don't feel so free any more. They see the bases we're building. I just ate at the McDonalds the other day. We're gonna be here for a long time. Unless you do something, friend. We're America's Soldiers. We fight for whats right. We hang our heads in shame at those jokers at Abu Gharib. We hang our heads in shame even more At the people that gave the orders. But we don't talk about it. Bad for morale. Bad for a lot of things. You sent us here. You wanted us here. Almost all of you waved flags for us when we came here. You told us that it was a just war. We believed you. We're still fighting it. We're going to keep fighting it until we have to come home. We're Americans. We only fail when we give up. We don't give up easy. We CAN'T back away. But that doesn't stop you from trying To make us leave. Because we really don't want to be here. Away from home. Away from our families. But we'll do what we must until the job is done. While you're at it.... Why not as some questions about who pointed us At a bunch of empty warehouses That should've had nukes? Do what you want. Enjoy the peace friend. Might be you out here next, Wishing the guys back home would Do Something.
<eventtime>2006-04-18 13:15:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-04-18 17:23:47</logtime>
<subject>The Deciderer</subject>
(Based on the most recent comment from the <a href="">Deciderer in Chief</a>. (Set to Western 'Ghost Riders in the Sky/ChuckWagon' style music. The Deciderer <lj-cut> by Redwin Tursor They Call Me the Deciderer Cause I'm the ones that Decides I make the tough choices Like what to have for breakfast Or when to call the cookout boys And head out for the ranch Will I have stake for lunch Or maybe just eat some pants. [Chorus] He's the Deciderer He's the Decideder Defending Our Nation from Flip-Flop Flip Flop O Ci-ee-dee-dee-ooo Sometimes He says Yes And Sometimes No He's the Deciderer He's the Decideder Defending Our Nation from Flip-Flop [Spoken] Now We Went To Iraq Cause thats what I decided Doesn't matter if its fer WDMs Or Cause He tried to kill my daddy They gots some oil Our country Needs Instead of steak for lunch maybe I'll have a Wendy's Patty.... [Chorus] He's the Deciderer He's the Decideder Defending Our Nation from Flip-Flop Flip Flop O Ci-ee-dee-dee-ooo Sometimes He says Yes And Sometimes No He's the Deciderer He's the Decideder Defending Our Nation from Flip-Flop [Spoken] I'm for states rights Except Oregon's Assisted Suicide Law You can't make me like that. Maryuhuana is Bad So Cut it out California. Arny, what were ewe thinkin? You know what really makes me mad? Cut out criticisicing me about the leak If I say that there aint no leak [chorus in the background] If he says If he says [Spoken] Then there aint no leak. That's all there is to it. Period. End of Discussion. Let me say that in spanish. I'm good at Spanish. Endo of Discussiono. Punto. Ha! [Chorus] He's the Deciderer He's the Decideder Defending Our Nation from Flip-Flop Flip Flop O Ci-ee-dee-dee-ooo Sometimes He says Yes And Sometimes No He's the Deciderer He's the Decideder Defending Our Nation from Flip-Flop.</lj-cut>
<eventtime>2006-04-18 20:48:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-04-19 00:52:38</logtime>
Sung by Bolivar on the Steppes, Act I <lj-cut> Venezuela! I look at the soil Beneath thy starry skies And marvel at the wonder it brings. Venezuela! Here on the steppes, I sing thee my song I give you my heart Which you've had all along, Venezuela! So much potential From mountains to sea I beckon its peoples to marvel and see Venezuela! The ice of the mountains The red forest soil Our peasants and nobles Together they toil for Venezuela! Though now under bondage Someday we'll be free Burst forth from our eggshell Under perfect Liberty Venezuela! Here on the steppes, I sing thee my song I give you my heart Which you've had all along, Venezuela! Venezuela! </lj-cut>
<eventtime>2006-04-24 17:42:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-04-24 21:55:07</logtime>
<subject>More From Musical [Scene 1, Act 1]</subject>
<lj-cut> Sung by Paez in response to Bolivar. I was raised on the Steppes! I am the son of a lowly peasant But not so low to peasants. He worked for the government you see. Venezuela! A Land of Many Peoples Many Lines of Blood Run Together! We work together Or not at all. Venezuela! Spain is so distant What do they know? They take from us without Mercy! Without mercy! Taxes and blood and horror and war and who do you think bears the brunt of their yoke? Venezuela! Venezuela! A Land of Many Peoples Many Lines of Blood Run Together! We work together Or not at all. Venezuela! Spain is so distant What do they know? They take from us without Mercy! Without mercy! Taxes and blood and horror and war and who do you think bears the brunt of their yoke? Venezuela! There are the natives Who came before Our fathers took their land But over time Things got blurred And now my slave is now My brother! You sit there Bolivar and act so high and mighty just because your father is a noble but what does he know of hunger? Until you know Hunger you cannot be a man who knows what it is to live! Venezuela! A Land of Many Peoples Many Lines of Blood Run Together! We work together Or not at all. Venezuela!
<eventtime>2006-04-28 13:54:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2006-04-28 17:54:42</logtime>
<subject>Internet Neutrality</subject>
Brief Explanation: Cable and Phone companies want to be able to charge websites an internet tax to give broadband preference only to those companies that they want to give access to. Remember that rumor a while ago about people wanting to charge a stamp tax on emails? This is worse. Open Letter to Senator Saxby Chambliss: <lj-cut> Dear Senator Chambliss, In the 19th century, congress passed a bill requiring all rails to be of a fixed width, to allow trains from one company to be able to function on the rail laid by another company. Can you imagine the damage to our nations progress it would have done if trains hadn't been able to run on ALL track instead of just individual private lines? What if you could only make phone calls to people that belonged to your cell phone company? The efforts to destroy Net Neutrality is the worst decision that the government can make about Neutrality. It will ruin my business. We are no longer an industrialized nation. We are a country based on an information economy. You want to let the CABLE and PHONE companies run our economy? Think about the customer service reputation that these companies have. If you allow this bill to pass, or vote for it, in any capacity, what will my family hear when they ask why my business has failed? I will be forced to tell them that it was this bill that killed it, by taking away internet traffic from the website I do business with. Please do not let them do this. Sincerely, Thomas C. Ricks </lj-cut>
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