Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Word Brokers

by Dead Redwin

You owe us 10K
The fat fractal blobs histoned
To get what you owe us
All debts will be called due
With interest
Rhombus was going to cave
But Blingermeyer would have none of it
"Contracts made under duress" EP said
"Are not binding
But I tell you what
Since you are so sure of failure
By years end
Double or nothing
We win
We get everything
Everything you own
You win....
Well, name your price"
And so the bargain was struck.
The Word Brokers lost.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Scarlet Reckoning

By Emmit Other

Comes a Christmas Eve
Like most by some measure
Stars shine atop glowing homes of love
Snow falls in great big moonlit pinwheels so impossible
That only children see them
But children pray in prisons
Praying they won't be sent from their parents
Family huddle in the dark as unpromised power obscures them
The pedohile preacher sings in the chaple with the choir that is pleased hasn't given up his impossible odds on senatoral pleasure
The ghosts of past, present and future have been boxed in by greed and the smoke of averice
Not one scrooge but a legion snickers in the porkish halls of Washington
It isn't right
It isn't right
It isn't right
But the angels look the other way from dark evangelical prayers
Factory blessings from the saints produced wholesale for a government of unrighteous intent
It isn't right
And it looks over
The christmas cheer is inevitable
The righteous would be that way Mircacle or No
But there is still a need for Clarence
Even if he lies bleeding in the alley while past present and future look on
There is a need for miracles
Monotheistic miracles
Promises by the White Christ amd the Desert God
Every promise kept knows the former sheriff in the crossroads
The amulet was a promise
A get out jail once
For all the fuckups endured
A rare as hens teeth
Never given before or since
The invisible powers that be didn't want word getting around
Trenchcoat broke it
No prayer
No wish
An accusation
A failure

An accounting
Streaking out in fyre
Stars streaming up from the earth
A trumpet blew
Turning up the marching order of revelation
The God of God received a report
The Excuse Department was bypassed
And the Archangel of the God of God dispensensed
All of christendom
All the corners of monotheistic ardor
An accounting of principal
An amen to the kicking against the pricks
An end to unrighteous authority
You could say any given jackasa in a frock
Could do Satanic due
But the wells began to run dry on dark prayer
The kind that helped but didn't help
Magic of a heavenly kind
Sucked up the stars
Bone dry
If you didn't practice what you preached
Your faith meant nothing
The christmas star still pulsed
Santa, for those that believe, still streaked across the heavens
The ghosts were unleashed one scrooge at a time
The angels of God had clarity
The pollution of get out of jail free
Pedophile Money Lending Wheel Around their neck
Banjo licking toads were silenced
They could jaw their own voices
But from this eve
And for a millennial
A thousand years of peace
And all the false prayers of the falsely righteous were stoppered up
Done. And done.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Not For You

querna ar' querna i' mirror uma
i' ithil ta shows ikotane tiri
dawnien lamya i' bells en' agar
ten' somethien naa il- right
i' narda tanya bind ar' fea keep
can strain unto i' breakien til
i' chains will rusva
manka i' bargain naa il- chebin
manka i' lesta naa il- omente
manka i' fea naa il- true
pop auta i' weasel

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Gestohlene Sachen werden von ihren Besitzern bemerkt

by Emmit Other

Schmerz der Zeitalter Gefunden fehlend aus einem Gewölbe lang vergessen Diebe in der Nacht Skulking Thules, die nicht waren Diese flachen Echos der Wunder längst vorbei Gespielt mit Sachen, die sie nicht verstanden haben Diese gestohlene Sache wird jetzt bemerkt Der Lich, der es bewahrt Den Sand anziehen Umzug über einen Ozean Die Erben zu diesem pathetischen Aufruf Gezeichnet wie das Lied der Sirene Es hört ihre Aufrufe Es sind mörderische blaue Augen Suche die Wärme ihres Fleisches Blut, das in ihren schwachen Herzen pocht Sogar ihre Fackeln sind Schatten von Ewigkeiten vorbei Blinkende Magie Kein Kinderkartenspiel Aber eine Einladung zum Abendessen Dinge, die zwischen Welten leben Keine Schilde Keine Abteilungen, die sie tragen Einfache Gebete zu ihrem betrunkenen Orangen-Krötengott Namen schlüpften wie betrunkenes Baby sabbern Verlassene offene Türen Nicht eine Sache, um es zu stoppen Wie es ihre Streicher in Schicksals-Skein schneidet Eins nach dem anderen. Schmerz der Zeitalter geht unter diesen schwächsten Männern Ungesehen Angerufen durch ihre flachen Echos Es soll die Seichtheit ihrer Gräber sein Als Frost kommt aus dem Herbst So wird auch Winter auf ihre Seelen fallen Kannst du es nicht hören? Das Heulen des Wolfs ist Zeuge Das ist eine lange Nacht Eine sehr lange Nacht für sie in der Tat.

The Community of Cleverness

by Emmit Other
Hail to the clever
These witnesses who comprehend
They hail the witnesses
Who tell other witnesses
What a pity
What a pity
They paint
And draw
And write
These lemmings to medicrity
Shine in their Craft
And shun me in my 'fanaticism"
Even the ones who understand
And I grow tired of it
But there will be no purge of Mark's Abomination
You were never there in the firstplace
The secret hope of acknowledgement
Of respect
Of peership
Never was
You do not respect me
You do not listen to me
Your screeds are lies
Your witness is false
Your testimony is tainted
Your tolerance isn't
Your actions faint
Only a few of you are worthy of admiration
The rest are just noise
Blood betrays
But not as much as the family you choose
You choose to get stabbed then
We are of an accord
The time of witness is at hand
And it is simple
That which I cannot do myself
Is a worthless action

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Be Everything

by Emmit Other

To Mandamus Writ
Memo Re Butterflies and Hurricanes
Re: Bean and the Boot
Don't be the Boot
He stomps and stomps and stomps
It isn't what he learns
And what he wants
Despite the perversity of a God
That forces him to do so
And it isn't in the numbers
Isn't 5 by 5
What happens to the butterfly in the wind?
It doesn't give a fuck when the hurricane
Splatters it into the car
Of the prime minister of Brazil who just got impeached
Knowledge is power
Not knowing is empowering
Know the difference
That space where you dare not look
Is not Maudib staring back at you
It is the thing you know you need to do
That thing that is obvious
And most of the time
It is shift your shape
Destructive power
And force of will
Is a useful tool to have
Ask Mr Right
Then ask him how much he really saved switching to Geico.
Let me tell you sir
It was not 15%
There is a reason that Mr Kind comes highly recommended.
The in games and the out games never end
And they never will
And you will never know everything
And things will never be still
But knowing
Is always always always better than not knowing
So be wise when you chose that rare gem of exceptioalism
And these days I wouldn't bet the farm on the American Empire
The West is Best
As for the rest?
Praise the sky for the wind is strong
Praise the sun and stars for fire is our birthright
Praise the earth and plants for the life they give our unworthy shells
Praise the sea for she is all and we are mostly bags of ugly water
But above all to your own self be praised
And thankful
And humble
Don't be the humblest man in the world.
Be the 18th humblest man in world.
That something December
That gunpowder plot
Should probably be forgot
And balance and balance and balance in all
Freedom and Order
Shall have a great fall
And all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Had a lovely breakfast at iHop because the numbers were too busy fighting each other.
Fucking watch lost.
Numbers are useful for many many many things.
Don't let them control you.
Control them.
Like any tool, everything in the universe is not a nail.
But this above all my son beware
The vorpal snickersnack of self deception
Be to thine own self true
Be Everything.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

With Great Sadness

by Emmit Other
I am concerned
About the other parts of me
The ones that are right as compared to kind
I just see things as they are
Through paint covered goggles
I don't pretend to any special wisdom
Though I wish it
In the non leprechaun delivered variety
So many friends
Have gone into madness
And I do not regret parting
Though often how I phrase it
And I do regret the parting
I regret that I am now allergic to lies
Dreadfully toxicly allergic to them
And cannot abide a wallower of lies in my life
I am no saint
I am no angel
And my days of lording my self righteousness
As a demi god to a demonic code
Are gone
Long time passing
And such a weight has been lifted there
Oh you cannot imagine
So I do not judge
Though I can't help but perceive
What you are
As you go galloping with glee
Off the cliff and into the fires of Mount Doom
But that doesn't mean I don't miss the times we shared
And hope some day
You deinicnerate yourself.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Synergy of Energies

by Emmit Other

Once you understand that time works differently here
Than on the flip side
That forwards is backwards
And sideways is orthogonal
You understand a coming together of ideas
That both does
And does not originate with you
The importance of merging order and chaos
Tradition and the New
The mixing of the mind and the will
The taking of the old path
In a new way
Just as the ways that mix
These are things that allow us
To conflect and subject our own mythologies
Trolling the underworld of our own energies
Scraping and defragging ways our own operating systems
Reflect math in fractle discoballs of possibilities
The importible yielding the impossible
The immovable object
Deciding to become the unstoppable force
The one yinging into the zigzag of the other
Until the yang is yarrow
And the tang is sorrow
And the bitter sweet taste of entropy
Is inverted like so many disnified candy lands
Because entropy is not the only path
But one of many
Or two if you want to be stubborn about it
Come what may
Interesting times abound
For me
And so many many others

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Thoroughly Tamed

by Emmit Other

Take one soul
Preferred Vibrant Intelligent
A tad redebellious
Steal voice by crushing the windpipe
Punish thoroughly
Best served on a bed of ham jello
With a side of white bread
And a beverage of destilled tears.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Snipe Hunt

by Emmit Other

Surely there must be some explanation
I ask myself
Of the sandy bird
In the Mountain fields
Why must we beat it with sticks
Why is it nocturnal
And how did a flightless bird
Get here from the beach
If it can fly
Why wouldn't it just fly away
When we try to gang up on it?
Poor thing
It must have terrible vision
So if I am so empathetic
Why do I join my fellow scouts
Beating sticks in the middle of the night
With my fellow rubes?
Because I am human
All evidience otherwise to the contrary.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

From the Diary of William Wake

by Emmit Other

What does it matter being right?
Has it gained me thrones, dominions or principalities?
Mankind should be my business
And I suck at my business
I am without Marleyian Chains
What does it matter?
I wander as ash
Churned from the firey furnace of society's creation
A false mask of miasma
The vapors killing me
Killing us
The voices saying those around me
Are but shadows cast on Plato's wall
I take these things as silent whispers
And even a shadow has meaning
Meaning enough to me
Meaning I must make
These are the things that bind men's souls
And tear me down
Tear me down

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Livejournal Used to be an American Company

That was allowed to be purchased by a hostile foreign power in 2008.

Now, to gain access to my own content, I was forced to sign a criminal EULA that violates the UN Declaration of Human Rights while the host country has set up concentration camps for gay people.

So I'm posting this link.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Papa Is Afraid

by Emmit Other

Papa is Afraid
He is under the bed
He saw a child's drawing
That made him look like Mommy
And Papa is Afraid
He made them change the EULA
And tried to silence all the children
Papa is Afraid
For Papa Has a Secret
Papa has a very Small Potato
Very small indeed

Папа боится
Он под кроватью
Он увидел рисунок ребенка
Это сделало его похожим на маму
И папа боится
Он заставил их изменить лицензионное соглашение
И попытался заставить замолчать всех детей
Папа боится
Для папы есть секрет
У папы очень маленький картофель
Очень мало

Mar 2017

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<eventtime>2017-03-03 10:07:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-03-03 15:07:30</logtime>
<subject>P&P Part 1 - Entail</subject>
by Emmit Other It is all well and good For well meaning men To perform well meaning actions To ensure an ordered society Primogenature is a messy affair And it cares for the whole At the expense of the many One example among many Of a thing that considers not at all The consequences it would have On those whose lives it would ruin Arbitrarily deciding winners and losers For the sake of estates As if they were living things Of a comparison in value To those that lived in it A home is just a pile of stones But for the people living in it And while a place can have value Well beyond those who are in it Like Temples and Theaters and schools But a home Any home Even 10 Downing Street Must first serve those who live in it The Entail was a lingering shame on the empire Long before they truly understood the folly of colonialism As a woman What it meant to be a piece of extraneous furniture It broke many hearts And slew through poverty This patchwork doom Made their flesh property to be bargained with And thus shamed not only England But all of us.
<eventtime>2017-03-05 16:02:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-03-05 21:02:51</logtime>
<subject>Pride 2-Strange Hatred</subject>
by Emmit Other The indignity Saying she did not merit his attention Such vexation She did not understand or comprehend She hated it And hated him An irrationality she did not understand The pulsing of her heart And the racing of her pulse It was vexation It was anticipation He was rich And he could never understand the afflictions Of one who lived in bondage such as her Not that she did of course She would do what she wanted So long as she could But the Entail was always there Lurking in her mind The twittering words of her mother So afflicted for their fortunes It was only at peace When she had some knowledge that she was acting on it What a fury she felt at him The arrogance of the man To so casually dismiss her To so casually dismiss all she was She hated him She hated him so much she wouldn't even think about him Much.
<eventtime>2017-03-30 14:53:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-03-30 18:53:22</logtime>
Pride and Poetry 3 - Ode to the Flibbertigibbet by Proxy
by Emmit Other What wax of grace doth her pale face now protest? Can a conclave of lesser grace be so beheld in one family by truth? By troth, I look and see My virtue does not deny me And while honor demands a shred of Christian empathy Station shields me any obligation to blow its embers. A toxic storm of lace and doilies Harrow on my somber soul I see with eyes no dew encumbered No throbbing ember in heart's fire coal Off key Homilee Vexatious virtue ployed in praise of the virtueless A matronly harpy of such shrill to crack Gibraltar Only one gem among them And she eyes me like the Furies She is not gorgeous enough to stun the senses I admit something in my imagination's reach Intrigues in daydreams I dare not acknowledge There is a spark And then it is gone And I am gone And that is the end of the matter. Or so I thought. She is perhaps not as useless as I had hitherto thought. There is there there. The wit, I must admit, impresses. A gem among turds. I mayhap must reconsider. If only she would stop simpering about Wickam. That dastardly filth. He shall rue. He shall rue indeed.

Feb 2017

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<eventtime>2017-02-03 09:19:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-03 14:19:23</logtime>
<subject>Chrysalis of Iron</subject>
by Emmit Other They go down So I go in The world shouts "Fire" So I think pine cone My first instinct Is to rush toward the Gunfire To be the hero I know I'm not Not for bonus points Or a hidden reward But because I need to believe the world has heroes So many times I've needed one And sometimes they have been there More often than not Not when I needed them at any rate So much do I fear In these dark times That I will be 'Someone' I am not built this way I am not the chosen one I am not the hero I am the odd one out I am the witness I am the shadow And I am the thing the Nightmares Fear I am an outlier in so many realities But I am not the focus I am not the protagonist I am the narrative But when the satanic pied piper Leads them all to their destruction That they naively do not understand The true reality that has changed That has studied them That has studied the past And adapted It will not grant many of them a second chance I warn And am unheeded So now I self exile Now I change Now I try to find power in kindness To become more than I have been For the world needs heroes And action And I can affect none of it Only myself I am completely Monte Cristoing Digging a tunnel In hopes that the world will offer an opportunity Whilst I make myself into something better And it is my bet that it will Because the world is more complicated than we think it is So much so We shall see what we shall see Meanwhile I am growing Glowing Changing And with these wings shall I soar
<eventtime>2017-02-04 16:26:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-04 21:27:01</logtime>
<subject>The Hammer Is My Penis</subject>
by Emmit Other Once I thought you were so smooth But you aren't as ninja as we thought Your spy ring Is Get Smart Without the Smart I'm sitting there Making Nice And you bring up my likeness to Satan Real Smooth like And crickets as the room doesn't sync With your maudlin hooliganisms So I smile And don't play your game And no one else does And so you try again And then giggle And make up stories about how terrible the situation you deliverately made at work With the birthday cakes And the girls with attitude you out tude That doesnt sound the same way it would have When you know about the spy ring So there's that Stick with your day job
<eventtime>2017-02-08 07:56:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-08 12:56:56</logtime>
<subject>Rule 19</subject>
by Emmit Other You claim innocence You claim victimhood You scions of filth Invoking the southern tradition To silence a woman Reading the words of another woman Condemning a bigot traitor slavery lover To keep from 'bismirching his good name' You fucking craven cowards Cringe at the truth all you like You prove my point all along That despite those among us Who are the angels of our better natures Freedom of speech is not an antibody against tyranny Else if so America has an auto immune disorder By the name of Trump Unlimited Freedom of Speech Allows virulent screeds of death and pain Like all the pearls of swine that drip from McTurtle's mouth Hark ye and herald well There will be no peace Until lying is dealt with Until there are consequences for spreading genuine hate And yes Yes of course there must be a balance But no sane government allows this kind of thing Germany is just fine And outlaws nazism Pretend ye not that ye are the victim swine For on this day With rule 19 do you show that the only speech you value Is your own That's fine Turn about is fair play.
<eventtime>2017-02-14 13:19:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-14 18:19:40</logtime>
<subject>More Light In</subject>
by Emmit Other The world falls apart around us Jig saw puzzle pieces Going back in the box Since the inside Never matched the picture But one thing keeps the floor falling away And the darkness at the bottom of the table To latch up and consume us Your hand in mine We run And stay At the same time We plan together We face the Tsunami together And though whirlwind or vortex Come what may I have a warmness That it all matters And that we matter And that this is the best of all possible worlds Despite being the worst of many coin flips If this is all there is And I'm spit sure it is Then who we are with Is as much a match for any hell Or any heaven Come what may And lately I've been in Heaven Not because it isn't Hell on Earth Outside the Kitchen Window as it rains But because of who I am with I love you dear And I always will.
<eventtime>2017-02-16 07:02:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-16 12:02:33</logtime>
<subject>I am Not a Poet</subject>
by Marius Clavel Roses are Red Violets are Blue This is not the best poem Since I am not really a poet But I do hail from the same universe As Americastan However we are an even more functional version Of your Switzerland We call ourselves Telliland Also we're pretty close to yours But instead of leading the world in banking We lead the world in covertly trained Ninja squads of Robin Hoods Spreading Socialism For the last 900 years. This still not a good poem But I like Mountain Dew.
<eventtime>2017-02-17 08:55:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-17 13:55:30</logtime>
<subject>And All That Goes With It</subject>
by Emmit Other Got the movie in your head? Remember Remember the choice that was made? Disney. Aladin. Wants the power of a Genie. Makes a stupid wish. Poof. He's in the Cave of Wonder for 10000 years. You think you're cute. You think you invented this. You think because you found out There was a frog god With your pathetic little name on it That you can pick up where they left off But you cannot do one thing Without the other my friend And in symbology Words matter Lies matter Truth matters There is more truth Than simple repetition Yes Reality is fluid And those erstwhile shapers of dreams Loosely admit that it shapes them back Never truly accepting the power of their own beliefs The understanding that that which is real Is REAL As real as the sunrise And so you cannot abyss Without the lookback Takeback Walkabout Talk about Talk about Stop Stop Stop Interrupt There we go Let's take a stroll In the timestop It's more than bullet time You didn't invent that either Neither did they Its always been there They just found the river And sailed it Sailing Sailing Over the bounding main Ah Here we are The Matt The rug is pulled out from under you No stone unturned You are judged Judged And found wanting Do the limbo Limbo Limbo Limbo How low can you go? There are more frogs than these More frogmen than dreamed of in your Horatio These Lords of Limbo are Not Pleased Limbo is Shaped to the Reality Of Those Who Shape It So these Frogs Value truth External truth above all The Slaa---don't say it We'll spoil the surprise Right before your eyes Your magic is undone Is turned Is twisted And now when you spread your 'magic' It's shit It manifests the truth You forgot to mention That little bit about being a racist fuck You thought you could escape the consequences They all do chum But they're better people Than you are Methlab Explosion Exiles They are wandering poets and dreamers And stars upon thars They are worthy Worth it Worth my time You are not 4Chan buffoons Baboons of a different mother And now your frog Is Froggered Kermit Begs to Differ Its Easy Being Green Feel the the Dreamer Lover and Me Revomited down your pathetic throats Taste the Rainbow Bitches
<eventtime>2017-02-17 12:13:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-17 17:13:19</logtime>
by Emmit Other So I said to myself I said Hey Honey Its not the size Its how you use it And if you're going to spend time In the basement garage attic Of the collective unconcious You'd better know the house rules Don't take the leftovers in the fridge man So if you're gonna do this Do it right Or jack back over again we'll turn you round and around Until you do it again and again Doctor Strange had it right Don't bring time to the timeless Unless you're prepared to win the spork fight You're gone john you're wiped We've got your number You are measured Undone Done Wired Rewired Hardwired Cunning Linguis Expecto Exacto Patronus Gone. These are not the droids you're looking for 404 Gone Undone HAHAHAHAHAHA Make your time That entry is not valid You have been disconnected Good bye
<eventtime>2017-02-18 17:59:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-18 22:59:48</logtime>
<subject>Shadows Hanging in the Valley of the Dolls</subject>
by Emmit Other Treading in the realm of Not Has Consequences Push too far It pushes back The cat has swallowed the frog A nice dish of trash pidgeon too But kindness matters And my wings have been clipped There have been dire fanged consequences The limits on my own mortality The frailty of human connection We leave the keys to our soul Dangling on Mark Zuckerberg's chain And that giant does not sleep His pig snout sniffing any and every opportunity For another shot at lucre The shadows between the valleys loom And I pull free Barely But not without consequence But not without consequence
<eventtime>2017-02-26 20:09:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-02-27 01:09:03</logtime>
<subject>Sometimes It Isn't About Me</subject>
by Emmit Other Behold, the Arrow of Fire Drawn from Clotho's Quiver The Archer Orion sends it up Sailing over land and star. The anxious maid receives her due The perfect congruity of circumstance At last the story's suffering is justified Without upbraided irony or salted tears. There are happy endings without theft There are joyful beginnings without sorrow Sacrifice enough brought you to this place Enjoy fortune's cornucopia and thrive.

Jan 2017

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<eventtime>2017-01-20 01:31:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2017-01-20 06:31:39</logtime>
What is there to say that has not been said? This darkness we summon now This closing of the lid of the divine Eye of Providence This curse we invoke upon ourselves A less perfect union Divided, Completely Divisible, Two Nations Unsustainable This land has shattered the unsolited bargain it has made with itself The Arc of Justice has had its back broken And the fanfare for the common man is played with a kazoo As Washington Burns And will keep smoldering in the hell we all now dwell in For is not hell or heaven the people you are with? And are not so many responsible? The fingers to point And the harbingers all cacophanying against themselves We few We happy few Who have an exit plan To nowhere For this tiny space ship earth Is now piloted by the cast of Jackass And has been for some time But the arrogant and the ignorant guffaw and believe themselves enlightened Even now they believe they are effective Against the Long Bow They bring a Spork to a Nuke Fight Can this Miasma be turned? Oh yes Oh heavens yes But it will not be with your refridgerator magnet philosophy horatio It will be the herald of a new dawn Not the Armstrong Spacesuit ripped in the vacuum of space Full of holes and blasphemies It shall be the temple of the kindest storm It shall be in the eye of the hurricane It shall be in the thralls of the voice of the City of Books It shall be heard in the canyons great and small These broken cities of ours shall rise up When the new herald arrives And on that day Shall you know joy But that day is not this day For on this day All men All women All races All creeds All nationalities All of humanity Should bow their heads in shame May the stars heap the scorn upon us that we so richly deserve. For we have failed.

Dec 2016

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<eventtime>2016-12-07 07:36:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-12-07 12:36:19</logtime>
<subject>Good Future</subject>
<p dir="ltr">by Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">I saw the first grader<br>Speaking on his cell<br>And realized<br>I am in the future<br>And soon I will be dead<br>And then I thought<br>"Good."<br>Everything here sucks <br>Except kissing amd ice cream.<br></p>
<eventtime>2016-12-12 14:11:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-12-12 19:11:57</logtime>
<subject>I, Cassandra</subject>
By Emmit Other There is only so much That spitting into the winds of folly Will cause not even the most open hearted To close their mouth And look around to see if there is a better option Than having their words Slobbered back into their face As the darth vader chop Makes that funny sound of the fucking obvious echoing right back at you But with a cooler psuedometalic twang They talk of silod truth But people are not as dumb as they claim to be They know they wallow in lies its just like the Stanford prison experiment People empowered with the ability to lie to themselves For a few brownie points with their brownshirt neighboors And validation of Uncle Inbred's back channel email About aliens being responsible for that rumor Is simply too much to resist People are animals And they are particularly repugnant echoes Of past marvels that produced the seven wonders of the world And this thing called democracy World War 2 Was supposed to be about more than providing a simple arch bad guy for science fiction shows And set a pattern of change That we didn't keep repeating But culture matters And without consequences Without personal consequences Shows that most people are as altrusitic as vipers So until you make voting for nazis sting The people in meth land will keep doing it And the frufrufrufru arugulalatte ladidas Will keep fmerping through their asscheeks About why we lost And how we shall surely do better next time Like there will always be a next time An infinite number Of dice rolling While the world burns

Nov 2016

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<eventtime>2016-11-09 12:10:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-09 17:10:38</logtime>
<subject>Scorpion Gonna Be</subject>
by Emmit Other You wake up today And the sun indeed rises And life is somber for a while But then the day to day starts Maybe the headlines are a little grim Your team didn't win But life goes on that crazy lazy way it does Tomorrow comes and it seems just fine That boiled frog is you chum One tiny notch at a time Troops aren't marching in the streets day 1 They don't suspend the bill of rights Jan 21 But they will chum Make no mistake about it Birds Gotta Fly Fish Gotta Swim Scorpion Gotta Sting Even a Boiled Frog And sting it will And I will laugh and laugh and laugh Because odds are you didn't do enough If you did anything at all I did So did some of my friends Who cares? When the stakes are this high We all lose chum Being right doesn't matter one hill of beans Not one
<eventtime>2016-11-10 11:57:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-10 16:57:07</logtime>
<subject>Won't You Feel for Methland?</subject>
by Emmit Other So much depends On the rusted dirt encrusted wheelbarrow Surrounded by dead chickens Unloved Unmaintained While Bubba drools in his trailer Meth snorted up and into Every conceivable hole. Won't you have a care for Bubba? Bubba doesn't care - For uppity women Or 'coloreds' Or Muslims Or 'college edjumated fags' Or 'hippie dippie libruls' But Bubba lost his job And hasn't had the smarts to train for something else The city council Has been too busy passing a special tax zone For the Ark Encounter And the Gun Range To actually bring new business to town Bubba and his kin spoke loudly Care for bubba Empathize there librul Twas librul justice that brought him -Weekends -Welfare -Health Care -Work Standards so he didn't lose his eye But Bubba must be heard Bubba must be prayed to Worshiped Orally serviced by Every Librul in merica Cause its the librul way to empathize with everyone Like a fucktarded monkey you know Like the one Bubba just elected Start lickin librul Self respect is for winners Or You know You could have some sense of self worth And that consequences should matter And focus on helping those Who actually want it Need it Deserve it Instead of Bubba's meth habit Time for a parting of ways Methinks And gazing around the internet I'm not only one who thinks so any more Bubba always hollars about how awesome it would be to have his own country Let im go Let im go Let Methland be Methland
<eventtime>2016-11-12 19:25:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-13 00:25:03</logtime>
<subject>Just Me Myself and Her</subject>
by Captain Meatsack Just me and the mrs Just me and the mrs And the talking mouse Mr Kind was left behind He agrees its fixin needin Fixin needin Half my soul done up and gone Done up and gone Done up and gone Rhombus Emmit Epglone Hai to Terra flown TC he did die to swell Gone and flown Long time gone Fae of stories wind done shone Sky done shone Through all the things that carry you Woman I love Still here is here Still is here Hope we all dont disappear With the brownshirts knockin Somewhere there's a me that fights Me that fights Me that fights But he aint here in my old flesh No tights No cape No chainmail mesh No hero here in Real Town Redwin here was splattered on a city bus Painful was it done Redwin splattered on a city bus Redwin dere splattered Amigos silent as the wind As the wind In the hole the spider crawls Pulling in his web Silent goes the mighty horns And who is left but Meatsack? Can't just leave it there Leave it there In despair Some kind of positive spin Something uplifting Something hope But the best of me has gone and flown Gone and glown Out there in the universe They fight the fight Where folks is worth it Me I am just a meatsack here Meatsack hear? I aint no more special than none And so the simple truth is this Truth is this Hope and pray we make it through Make it through Same as you Meatsack stuck is all I is And this sand cuts like glass This will pass Is what they say What they say What the heavens tell me Passing like a kidney stone Kidney stone It will hurt before its done So the heavens tell me
<eventtime>2016-11-20 21:29:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-21 02:29:14</logtime>
<subject>No I Don't</subject>
by Emmit Other No. No I don't. I don't have to be right. But I do have to be honest. I can't lie to myself And have little tolerance for lies others tell to themselves That doesn't make me popular You threaten to hurt yourself To prove your point You think you shut me up Because you are delicate enough to tear my face But strong enough To think I am as disloyal As the people you insult with by comparison I am honest So I am going to be An insult only hurts If there is some element of truth Or at least you believe there is So the pain at being abandoned Might sting for a reason Even though it shouldn't Because I dont believe it was wrong But you do Because clearly you were thinking things Besides what you said When you did it But I still absolve you Just as I do now Understand I do not plan to abandon you My punishment is worse You don't get to know my thoughts I will listen I will Ed McMann And nod And wipe my eye And laugh And smile And gasp And hug But you wont get the truth from me No one will No one will
<eventtime>2016-11-21 15:22:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-21 20:22:13</logtime>
<subject>Door Solomonization</subject>
by the Bus flattened Corpse of Redwin Tursor Hi Puerto Rico. I am sorry. So very sorry. For the impending screwage you are about to receive. You are not a cat. So you needed to get in Or get out. Independence or statehood Commonwealth seemed cool Didn't it? All the benefits except that stupid senate thing None of the penalties; Like income tax But now... now Puerto Rico now.... Now your debt is coming due And you are beholden to But not part of A hostile and rising power You have no rights but what they give you And as several college students are about to learn Complaining to the dean of students Won't stop the President of the United States The Democrats could learn a thing From Puerto Rico Be all something Be progressive Or Republican Light Stop trying to be both And stop the people who try to use harsh language To paint their opponents as monsters Its the reason I left And the reason you're screwed Just like Puerto Pobre.
<eventtime>2016-11-28 22:28:00</eventtime>
<logtime>2016-11-29 06:28:28</logtime>
<subject>Farther From Sin</subject>
<p dir="ltr">By Emmit Other</p><p dir="ltr">Everywhere has problems<br>But a folk who has a tradition of working together<br>Despite the tremendous individuality<br>That heralds their state<br>They are not free of sin<br>no one is<br>No one is<br>But farther and farther <br>From thw festering snake pit<br>That sits astride the dying empire<br>Or the rust belt cancer at its heart<br>So desperate from meth<br>They sold every one else down the river<br>Knowing they were in that canoe<br>And not caring<br>Make no mistake chamos<br>That recount will regive it to Shitler<br>And no amount of whining<br>Will put Shitler back in the ass of the assholes<br>But its nice to get away from the dumpster fire<br>Even for a little while<br>Spend some time with loving<br>Heavily forcibily mellowed family<br>To put things in perspective<br>To put things right<br>Now back to the grind<br>And my loving spouse<br>At least we can smell the festering rot together</p>