Sunday, February 23, 2025

Who Is The Real Negotiator

 In Metropolis

There is a Negotiator

Who heals the wound

Between the Robber Thief Disgusting Class

And the Worker Slave Serf Class

I dont see it

But if there is one

Who can fulfill the role

Its not a sick both sider filth thing

It wont be a Sinema or a Fetterman

If only Nixon Can Go to China

It has to be a leader who will fight 

For the worker

Literally when they spill enough blood

But who wont go full Robespierre

And that person is David Hogg

He fights

He is willing to indulge in Capitalist Speculation

But not exploiting the worker

Working in the filth system to change it

Ken Martin is a Kendoll Butterknife Fighter

And will likely die in the reeducation camps

But Hogg has survived horrors

pelosi or schumer or martin

Cant even imagine

And still tries to fix the system

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