by Emmit Other
If only you had cared about my feelings
At least a tenth as I did yours
The irony is
You feel likely you put up with me
More than I put up with you
But I couldn't talk to you
And you could always talk to me
I never put up a legal defense of the indefensible
I never waited years to subject my friends to an endurance challenge
Only to gloat about it
All that build up
For nothing
I would not have defended an asshole
Who felt that friendship was only one way
I supported his projects
And his games
And while he was a better GM than the gloater
He wasn't that good
But I played when he ran
Until he stopped giving a shit about my games
Which made it harder to give a shit about his
I will miss you all.
But I doubt you will miss me.
You might miss being in my novel.
You might even still exchange stories about my games
Likely trashing me the whole time
But if only
If only you had actually had a little more empathy
We could still be friends
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