by Emmit Other
Flying demons in the night
That walk in the skins of men
Watch in horror as their right
Their birthright mantle stolen
Before their eyes
Howling horrors in human form
Twisted souls beyond all norm
Racist fucks who have sex with guns
Sexist rapusts who defile thier sons
A mirror image year by year
The ghoulish aping of America's tear
Smoking echoes of the city that died
And founding fathers whose promise lied
Libeties beacon has wet the bed
And every virtue was just in your head
Groping monkey with a gun and badge
Twist the law in dark omage
To tentacled horrors that mock all light
Inept champions to set things right
Bridging banners of centrist glee
Sitting down to biscuts and a little tea
Those we hope will come to save us
Are busy trying to instead betray us
So take your torch
Mayhap a weapon
Join the riot
There is no heaven
Our better angels
Have all fallen
And our only hope
Is those most shit on
Taking no more in the twilight of our land
A new dawn will come
But cold comfort for those ghouls
Who found normal
Who found the quiet every day
In decade after decade
In a sea of blood