Saturday, May 30, 2020


by Emmit Other

Flying demons in the night
That walk in the skins of men
Watch in horror as their right
Their birthright mantle stolen
Before their eyes
Howling horrors in human form
Twisted souls beyond all norm
Racist fucks who have sex with guns
Sexist rapusts who defile thier sons
A mirror image year by year
The ghoulish aping of America's tear
Smoking echoes of the city that died
And founding fathers whose promise lied
Libeties beacon has wet the bed
And every virtue was just in your head
Groping monkey with a gun and badge
Twist the law in dark omage
To tentacled horrors that mock all light
Inept champions to set things right
Bridging banners of centrist glee
Sitting down to biscuts and a little tea
Those we hope will come to save us
Are busy trying to instead betray us
So take your torch
Mayhap a weapon
Join the riot
There is no heaven
Our better angels
Have all fallen
And our only hope
Is those most shit on
Taking no more in the twilight of our land
A new dawn will come
But cold comfort for those ghouls
Who found normal
Who found the quiet every day
In decade after decade
In a sea of blood

Friday, May 22, 2020

Betrayal by the Barrel

by Emmit Other

Franklin once said
Never get into a war
With someone that buys ink by the Barrel
Anyone with an ounce
Of self reflection
Would wonder at the level of betrayal
What is it in me
That inspires such a lack of loyalty
In so many
And I find
I have made some poor choices
The parlance
Of excellence
In the friends I still have
Is cherisment
But it is still an opportunity
In years to come
To be more kind
To be more of a listener
And to  keep an eye out
For those who value nothing
But their own convenience
Investment in Sandcastles
Is not something I ever intend to do again
Open and warm and welcoming
These are the business that makes humankind
But the mirror works both ways
And I will apply the lessons learned
Time to make it so

Friday, May 1, 2020

Inevitable Surprise

by Redwin Tursor

Backwards Records
The Gloved Vinyl Hand
Takes the Executing Axe
Riding a Harley Stallion
Thrusting through time and time
and land and land
Backwards motion insightful echoes
Woven threads of sunset
Working the weave of fate
Of unseen tomorrows
Unspent joys
Taken sunrises from those who cannot voice their screams
Fuel every moleculte of his jade electric skeleton
Made flesh by the will of a debt unpaid
An auditor of a reality callously displayed
Riding the high of entropy
The axe comes down on the inevitable
Seeking like a lode stone
Diviners Rod
Those who rob peter
To pay Paul
The hand working in the worst way
And worst time
For the greatest thieves
The people who dont believe that anything matters
Who dont believe that the abyss can look back
Who insultt the abyss by thinking thats what they are
Or serve
And the nigh talks to the burning fire that is the sun
And it stallions and birth is given
And the rains come
And clense the filth from the street
No earthly revels can see him
But he stalks through the echoes of time
Between the ticks of the clock
And the space betweent he core and electron's fringe
Gravity to his whim and plaything
He comes from the angle you know knot
But come he Always Does