Sunday, February 23, 2025

Who Is The Real Negotiator

 In Metropolis

There is a Negotiator

Who heals the wound

Between the Robber Thief Disgusting Class

And the Worker Slave Serf Class

I dont see it

But if there is one

Who can fulfill the role

Its not a sick both sider filth thing

It wont be a Sinema or a Fetterman

If only Nixon Can Go to China

It has to be a leader who will fight 

For the worker

Literally when they spill enough blood

But who wont go full Robespierre

And that person is David Hogg

He fights

He is willing to indulge in Capitalist Speculation

But not exploiting the worker

Working in the filth system to change it

Ken Martin is a Kendoll Butterknife Fighter

And will likely die in the reeducation camps

But Hogg has survived horrors

pelosi or schumer or martin

Cant even imagine

And still tries to fix the system

Thursday, February 13, 2025

If Only

 by Emmit Other

If only you had cared about my feelings

At least a tenth as I did yours

The irony is

You feel likely you put up with me

More than I put up with you

But I couldn't talk to you

And you could always talk to me

I never put up a legal defense of the indefensible

I never waited years to subject my friends to an endurance challenge

Only to gloat about it 

All that build up

For nothing

I would not have defended an asshole

Who felt that friendship was only one way

I supported his projects

And his games

And while he was a better GM than the gloater

He wasn't that good

But I played when he ran

Until he stopped giving a shit about my games

Which made it harder to give a shit about his

I will miss you all.

But I doubt you will miss me.

You might miss being in my novel.

You might even still exchange stories about my games

Likely trashing me the whole time

But if only

If only you had actually had a little more empathy

We could still be friends

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Single issue voter

 By Redwin Tursor

The true face of Maga

Can be found on a kink site

Called Fetlife

In a political discussion group


Politics in the World Arena

There she is

You can see her

Name of Magaette

She says she is a single issue voter

And she only voted for liberal tears

Doesnt care if she suffers

Only as long as those she hares do

Watch them

They will still praise the leader

Its a cult

The world is infected

With the cult of conservatism


You can do to retaliate

Fire one

Boycott one

Throw one out of office

Refuse service to one

Slash their tires

Ruin their day

Conservatism is evil

And shot of murder

If you dont get caught

Do what you want

To make them pay

Before they

Do it to you

Simply for breathing

Friday, January 10, 2025

Look No Farther

 By Redwin Tursor

About who is a Christian

And Who isnt

Than Nationalist "Christians"

That weaponize fucking wild fires

Against their opponents

Do not pass go

Do not collect $200




Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What if There Is No Pee Tape

 By Redwin Tursor

The common assumption

Among normal people

Is that there is a pee tape

Prince Polo uses to bribe Trumpazoid

Would that really worry him now


But what if instead

Its him dancing and singing naked Madona Songs

Hopped up on viagra

In front of a Smirking Putin?

Think of that

Every time you see him

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Mint Bishop

 I have cursed the facists

With the most terrible weapon

I have yet devised

There is no escape

There is no redemption

There is only

Pain and Blood

And I believe in this weapon

More than them

More than

Every single of them

Suck their blood



Sunday, December 29, 2024

Carter and Murdoch

 By Emmit Other

Carter is wormfood today

Sadly Murdoch is not

Carter will be fondly remembered

Murdoch will not

Carter inspired every former president

With a bar to be set

Muroch had a show made about him

And his children

Called Succession that was supposed to be fictional

And recently in a public fued with his children

Made reality

And he lost

Sadly the real version did not die in a stroke

Yin and yang

Good and Evil

This is the cycle of who we are

This too shall pass

Good And evil
