By Redwin Tursor
About who is a Christian
And Who isnt
Than Nationalist "Christians"
That weaponize fucking wild fires
Against their opponents
Do not pass go
Do not collect $200
By Redwin Tursor
About who is a Christian
And Who isnt
Than Nationalist "Christians"
That weaponize fucking wild fires
Against their opponents
Do not pass go
Do not collect $200
By Redwin Tursor
The common assumption
Among normal people
Is that there is a pee tape
Prince Polo uses to bribe Trumpazoid
Would that really worry him now
But what if instead
Its him dancing and singing naked Madona Songs
Hopped up on viagra
In front of a Smirking Putin?
Think of that
Every time you see him
I have cursed the facists
With the most terrible weapon
I have yet devised
There is no escape
There is no redemption
There is only
Pain and Blood
And I believe in this weapon
More than them
More than
Every single of them
Suck their blood
By Emmit Other
Carter is wormfood today
Sadly Murdoch is not
Carter will be fondly remembered
Murdoch will not
Carter inspired every former president
With a bar to be set
Muroch had a show made about him
And his children
Called Succession that was supposed to be fictional
And recently in a public fued with his children
Made reality
And he lost
Sadly the real version did not die in a stroke
Yin and yang
Good and Evil
This is the cycle of who we are
This too shall pass
Good And evil
By Emmit Other
When I lived for two years
In Venezuela
As A Mormon Missionary
I saw true poverty
Cement floors and tin walls and a roof
Raising chickens yourself
And eating them
After killing them yourself
No government that works
And yet I am supposed to feel sympathy
For the less fortunate
The communities ruined by incest and meth
And evil democrat indifference
So when the Ametican poor
Threw up their hands and said
Fuck it
Let it all burn
I think
I have seen poverty
And you live like kings in comparison
And not one
Not a single one
Would have voted
For Trump
Pardon me
If I dont
Give a fuck
About anyone
Who voted nazi
By Emmit Other
The crisis to come
Will prove American Exceptionism
Once and for all
Americans are definitely as gullible as anyone else
They elected Reagan and W and Trump
Though reelecting him is a special kind
Of special
But the real test
Of American Character
Is just how well
The Shalls and Shall Nots
In the Constitutuon hold up
The big ones
Biden the ass crack already proved small ones dont matter
Rebels can run for President
Enoluments Clause isnt
Post Office isnt
But the big ones
The First Amendment
The Fourth Amendment
The Fifth Amendment
These are already being challenged by the Leader
Will it be five seconds
Or thirty
I used to never bet against America in the long run
What a fool I was
My money is on five seconds
By Emmit Other
The degree to which someone says
Dont lionize Mangione
Is the degree
To which you know
That person
Will work for the secret police
Day one
Do not trust them
In any way
For the rest of your life
How they transcend party
Or generation
The monsters
Are hidden among us