Wednesday, May 23, 2018

To Hurt, To Harass, To Make Afraid

by Emmit Other

Those who smelt it
Dealt it
Those who fear verbally harassment
These are they who are darkest indeed
Those who project
And internalize nothing
These are the moths in society
And yet time has a way of finding such people out
The lens of truth frightens them
Despite their laughing denial
There are higher powers
Powers they claim to represent
Powers of honor
Powers of fairness
Powers of justice
And these are they who are not just
These are they who will not reap what they sew
These are they who corrupt the innocent
In their name to protect it
These are they who cast about and call people sinners
Actors who portray devils
The term gaslighting is insufficient to tokenize their lies
And my wife has to deal with the worst of these I have ever seen
Sometimes it isn't about you
Sometimes the monsters are their own Ishmael
Sometimes their reach exceeds their grasp
And sometimes they are their worst enemy.
I think times up on the monster of my imagination
I think midnight has come due
And all the empire building in the world
Will turn to ash
When they are no subjects to rule
And no one is willing to believe you.
They will just quietly acknowledge what they always knew to be true
You are a shallow shallow dish indeed.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Perseus Stole the Eye

by Cyborg Redwin Tursor

Perseus Stole the Eye from the Graeae

Through which he saw many things

A lack of empathy is a telling thing

When you would side with the two wolves

And the sheep they ate for dinner

And the plate

And the plate manufacturer

And the insect that they crushed with the silver platter the plate was on

Since they all have sides

And all have a perspective

But not the one person for whom empathy is not expressed

When you know empaths

And you know the rage they have for the other






Fill in the blank here

They all have an exception

And you notice with deafening silence when it isn't there

We all know what you really think

No matter how many layers of œbintsuke-aburaâ

you might apply

The silence is deafening

And yet I still hear it.

And through the eye I see it

I can not unsee now

I see

And keep seeing

And learn more

And want not to know

Blue pill the shit out of that

Back to happy Marie Calendar Days

Before the Great Sundering
